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Is it time to break up? - Localizing and analyzing framings surrounding the political debate on Scottish independence

By using the method of framing analysis this bachelor’s thesis investigates how the debate of Scottish independence is framed by leaders representing the four largest political parties in Scotland. The material consists of speeches the politicians have held in the year of 2013, all speeches addressing the 2014 referendum and the issue of Scottish independence. By deconstructing the arguments commu

Är mobila banktjänster mirakelmedicinen för en underutvecklad finanssektor?

In developing countries less than 50 percent of the population has access to formal financial services. Lack of financial access results in sustained income disparities and lower economic growth. Mobile banking is transforming the financial landscape by providing basic financial services through regular mobile phones. M-PESA and M-Shwari are mobile banking services in Kenya, supplied by the teleco

En kvalitativ studie om personutredares återberättande gällande utredningsprocessen; Om makten i relationen, situationen och yrket

The aim of the study wasto examine and analyze the interviewed pre-sentence investigator´s statements about the process of making a pre-sentence investigation report.The study is qualitative in the form of a vignette featured to the five interviewed pre-sentence investigators.Two of the pre-sentence investigators are working with young people and the remaining three investigatorsareworking withadu

Surface Extraction - Applied Push-Pull Technology in Welding Applications

The purpose of this study is to find more efficient technologies to solve the problem of capturing and extract a contaminant cloud over a larger surface, e.g. workbench. The main air pollution that the technology shall be able to control is welding fumes, and the main focus is to obtain a contaminant free breathing zone. Today’s products for extracting welding fumes are either an extraction arm th

Knowledge Sharing in Cross-Functional Teams

This thesis has the purpose to increase the understanding of knowledge sharing between dispersed units of a large organization. By conducting a qualitative study with an abductive approach, consisting of a case study at Volvo Group where we looked into a cross-functional committee, we researched what the knowledge sharing processes look like and what barriers hinder the sharing of knowledge. We us

Moms Away: Exploring Finnish Mothers’ Travel Risk Perception from an Ethnographic Perspective

The amount of trips abroad made by Finns every year has been increasing steadily for 15 years. However, how Finns perceive or manage risks related to travelling abroad is not well known. Traditionally, risk management has been studied as a separate part of the daily life of people. This thesis focuses on the notion that risk management in travel practices can be better understood by applying ethno

Den bestraffande människan - Homo Afflige - en studie om kriminalvårdares föreställningar om straff

Uppsatsen handlar om fenomenet bestraffning och verkställande av straff utifrån hur kriminalvårdstjänstemän föreställer sig den repressiva och korrektiva dimensionen av arbetet. Studien baseras på tolkningar av kvalitativa data från intervjuer med 14 stycken kriminalvårdstjänstemän, vilka till vardags tillser att verkställa straff i anstalt (fängelse). Studien visar att kriminalvårdares tillsynes

The Black-Litterman Model Applied on OMXS30

This thesis applies the Black-Litterman (BL) model on the stocks that makes up the Swedish stock index OMXS30 during the year of 2012. Public information in the form of stock recommendations from financial institutions has been used as views in the BL-framework. A method of estimating confidence in these views has been analyzed and further clarified. The testing consists of two BL-portfolios along

Vilken betydelse har terapin haft för mig? Fyra unga vuxna tänker tillbaka på sina psykodynamiska psykoterapier

The purpose of the study was to elucidate the significance of psycho-dynamic therapy for young adults while working from a client perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four former clients, all of whom had completed therapy four to five years prior. The interview material was initially condensed using five questions taken from hermeneutic single case efficacy design. The conde

Earnings Forecast Accuracy

Title: Earnings Forecast accuracy; - Are earnings forecasts more accurate in the post IFRS adoption period Seminar date: 2013-05-30 Course: BUSN69 Degree Project - Accounting and Auditing, 15 ECTS credits Authors: Gustaf Bertland and Jens Skönnå Advisor: Kristina Artsberg Key words: earnings, forecasts, accuracy, analysts, IFRS Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examin

Sayōnara Nukes - Development, Mobilisation Strategies and Organisation of Anti-Nuclear Protest in Japan after the 2011 Fukushima Accident

Broad public contention against nuclear energy can be observed as a new phenomenon in Japanese society after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. This study aimed to detect an ample explanation about why the emergence of such a protest movement did only occur after the direct experience of a critical event and did not happen before. Discrediting a sole and simple grievance-base

K3 och K2 - En Utvärdering av Princip- och Regelbaserade Regelverk i en Svensk Kontext

The thesis has a problem-based approach and aims to examine whether accounting systems can be classified as principles- and rules-based. Further the thesis also aspires to examine if the classification can be applied on K3 and K2 and through that in the Swedish context. Through this discussion the thesis intends to provide a basis for understanding how the accounting regulations are structured in

Evaluating the Origin of Water Vapour in Giant Stars

Att undersöka stjärnor i infrarött är en relativt ny företeelse till skillnad från optisk astronomi (dvs. synligt ljus). Det var först på 60-talet med teleskopet Stratoscope II som man lyckades få spektra från stjärnor i infrarött (våglängder på runt 3 m), och upptäckte förekomsten av vatten i kalla röda jättar. Den bakomliggade problematiken till varför modern infraröd astronomi är så ungt är våThe advent of infrared astronomy, unlike optical astronomy that was developed over centuries, was delayed until the space age due to our own atmosphere acting as an efficient shield towards this radiation. With a lot of molecules (including water) emitting in the infrared region, it was first in the late 1990s that water no longer was deemed special and was observed in many cooler (K-M) giant star

Muslim - ett negativt stigma? En uppsats om svenska bosniska muslimer och islamofobi

Uppsatsen handlar om svenska bosniska muslimers upplevelser av vardagsrasism och särskilt sådana som kan relateras till islamofobi. Jag har gjort sex kvalitativa intervjuer med personer från Malmö och personer från en mindre stad. Enligt resultatet är inte svenska bosniska muslimer särskilt drabbade av just islamofobi utan mer av annan sorts vardagsrasism som negativa kommentarer eller allmän disk

Beyond income inequality in Ecuador. On decomposing socioeconomic-related child health inequalities.

The present thesis measures to what extent socioeconomic (SES) related child health inequalities exist in Ecuador, how has been its evolution in the last decade and which are the variables determining child health. In order to determine the SES-related child health inequalities a decomposition analysis is carried for the concentration index for two household surveys in 2004 and 2012. Results indic

Webbapplikation för visualisering av statistik

Syna is one of the oldest credit bureau and they got access to large actual data from different authorities like Skatteverket, Kronofogden etc. With help from this actual data, Syna have a possibility to represent this data in a graphical way. The task for this thesis was to implement a web interface that represents the chosen data in a graphical diagram. A big part of this thesis was to analyze d

Concept Generation for Creasing Differentiation

This report is a result of a Master Thesis project in mechanical engineering by Stefan Larsson. The thesis was carried out at Tetra Pak, Packaging Solutions AB at the department for Mechanical Engineering and the Division of Machine Design at the Department of Design Science at LTH. The thesis was produced during January to June in 2013. Tetra Pak has always been in the forefront of development,

A sedimentological and stratigraphical study of Veiki moraine in northernmost Sweden

Veikimoräner är cirkulära moräner med ryggar längs kanterna som kan hittas i norra Sverige. Majoriteten är belägna längs en N-S gående kuperat landskap. Moränerna tros ha bildats under tidig-mellan Weichsel och har överlagrats av glaciärer från efterföljande glaciationer. Tack vare att Veikimoränerna har bevaratas i så gott skick kan dessa moräner ge värdefull information om glaciationer och dåvarVeiki moraine is a landform area consisting of rim-ridged subcircular hummocks and plateaus with depressions in between, mostly located within a N-S extending zone of a hummocky landscape. It is believed to have formed during the pre-late Weichselian and survived overriding by ice during the subsequent glaciations. Due to their good preservation, the Veiki moraine provides valuable information on