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Oral Health, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, and Intracranial Pressure in Intubated Patients in a Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit.

Background Although oral health affects systemic health, studies of oral health during intubation among critically ill neuroscience patients are lacking. Furthermore, the effect of oral care on intracranial pressure among critically ill patients in a neuroscience intensive care unit is unknown. Objectives To describe changes in oral health and development of ventilator-associated pneumonia during

Estimation and detection of transmission line characteristics in the copper access network

The copper access-network operators face the challenge of developing and maintaining cost-effective digital subscriber line (DSL) services that are competitive to other broadband access technologies. The way forward is dictated by the demand of ever increasing data rates on the twisted-pair copper lines. To meet this demand, a relocation of the DSL transceivers in cabinets closer to the customers

Aviatik och journalistik: Flygbaronen och medierna kring 1910

In the first years of the twentieth century, numerous attempts were made at powered flight. What is commonly labelled 'the pioneer era' (1900-1914) covers the unsteady beginnings of the motorized airplane as well as its large-scale introduction in warfare and for the transportation of goods and passengers. Initially regarded as a foolish toy for hazardous adventure, the airplane rapidly became a f

Pathology of Breast and Ovarian Cancers among BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: Results from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA).

BACKGROUND: Previously, small studies have found that BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast tumors differ in their pathology. Analysis of larger datasets of mutation carriers should allow further tumor characterization.METHODS: We used data from 4,325 BRCA1 and 2,568 BRCA2 mutation carriers to analyze the pathology of invasive breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancers.RESULTS: There was strong evidence t

The epidermal growth factor receptor is a regulator of epidermal complement component expression and complement activation.

The complement system is activated in response to tissue injury. During wound healing, complement activation seems beneficial in acute wounds but may be detrimental in chronic wounds. We found that the epidermal expression of many complement components was only increased to a minor extent in skin wounds in vivo and in cultured keratinocytes after exposure to supernatant from stimulated mononuclear

Rhinitis, Ocular, Throat and Dermal Symptoms, Headache and Tiredness among Students in Schools from Johor Bahru, Malaysia: Associations with Fungal DNA and Mycotoxins in Classroom Dust.

There are few studies on rhinitis and sick building syndrome (SBS) among students in tropical countries. We studied associations between levels of five fungal DNA sequences, two mycotoxins (sterigmatocystin and verrucarol) and cat allergen (Fel d 1) levels in schools and rhinitis and other weekly SBS symptoms in the students. Fungal DNA was measured by quantitative PCR and cat allergen by ELISA. P

From debt crisis to debt relief: A study of debt determinants, aid composition and debt relief effectiveness

This thesis explores the external debt situation of developing countries and donor responses in terms of aid composition and debt relief. Primarily, these issues are important for future debt sustainability and therefore for creating beneficial conditions for accelerating growth and reducing poverty. With a focus on domestic factors (e.g. regime type) and exogenous shocks (e.g. terms of trade vol

Klasskampen lever

Regular column on performing arts in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).

Fine-needle aspiration cytology of soft tissue sarcoma: benefits and limitations.

Purpose. Examine the benefits and limitations of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNA) used as the definitive diagnostic method before treatment.Method. Review of the 25 year experience at a multidisciplinary musculo-skeletal centre where FNA is the primary diagnostic approach to soft tissue sarcoma in the extremities and trunk wall and the experience of various experts in the field.Results. FNA h

Med Newton bland gungor och karuseller

I nöjesparkens åkattraktioner är det din egen kropp som upplever krafterna i Newtons lagar, när den accelereras i 1, 2 och 3 dimensioner. Du får uppleva det fria fallets tyngdlöshet - eller känna dig mycket tyngre än vanligt när berg- och dalbanan går igenom en dal. Åkattraktinerna ger mpnga fina exempel på krafter i idealiserade situationer, som till exempel Slänggungan/Kättingflygaren på Liseber