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Effects on the structure of arctic ecosystems in the short- and long-term perspectives
Species individualistic responses to warming and increased UV-B radiation are moderated by the responses of neighbors within communities, and trophic interactions within ecosystems. All of these responses lead to changes in ecosystem structure. Experimental manipulation of environmental factors expected to change at high latitudes showed that summer warming of tundra vegetation has generally led t
Secondary limonene endo-ozonide: A major product from gas-phase ozonolysis of R-(+)-limonene at ambient temperature
A 16 s old gas-phase ambient temperature and 1% relative humidity reaction mixture of ozone and R-limonene (ca. 1:10) was sampled on XAD-2 resin followed by pressurized liquid extraction with dichloromethane at ambient temperature. Low temperature on-column injection and gas chromatography (GC) revealed equal amounts of diastereomeric secondary endo-limonene ozonides, in addition to 4-acetyl-l-met
Shaping Justice : Defining the disability benefit category in Swedish social policy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar vad som kvalificerar att karakteriseras som handikapp i svensk socialförsäkringslagstiftning och vilka principer som användes för att avgöra vem som har rätt till stöd som funktionshindrad. Avhandlingen fokuserar på de behov/kriterier som i socialpolitiken befinns värdiga och acceptabla att utgöra kategorien handikappade. I centrum för uppmärkThis thesis is about what qualifies to be characterised as disability in Swedish social security legislation and which principles are used to decide who is entitled to social security benefit as disabled. The thesis brings into focus which definitions of needs and criteria that are found 'worthy' and acceptable to include in a disability category in Swedish social policy. In other words are social
I säng och säte : relationer mellan kvinnor och män i 1600-talets Småland
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vilka uppfattningar fanns under tidigmodern tid i Sverige om relationen mellan man och kvinna? Ansåg man att kärlek och parternas fria val var viktigt när människor skulle gifta sig? Vad hände då äktenskapen inte fungerade? Förekom skilsmässor? Varför var sexualiteten kontrollerad och hur påverkade det kvinnor och män? Vilken effekt hade förändringar i lagstiftningen i What did people think about the relationship between a man and a woman in Early Modern Sweden? Did they consider love and the parties' free choice to be of any importantance in the making of a marriage? What happened when marriages were falling apart, how common were divorces? I also discuss why sexuality was restricted, and how it affected women and men. What effects did changes in the legislatio
Predictors of successful long-term blood pressure control in type 2 diabetic patients: data from the Swedish National Diabetes Register (NDR).
A composite-material model for the chloride diffusivity of unracked and microcracked concrete
High-spin rotational structures in Kr-76
High-spin states in Kr-76(36)40 have been populated in the Ca-40(Ca-40,4p)Kr-76 fusion-evaporation reaction at abeam energy of 165 MeV and studied using the Gammasphere and Microball multidetector arrays. The ground-state band and two signature-split negative parity bands of Kr-76 have been extended to similar to 30 (h) over bar. Lifetime measurements. using the Doppler-shift attenuation method sh
System Analysis via Integral Quadratic Constraints : Part II
Special issue - Current trends in nanoscience - From materials to application - Proceedings of Symposium A, E-MRS spring meeting 2003 - June 10-13, 2003, Strasbourg, France - Preface
A reassessment of the neuropathology of frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 3
A large Danish family has previously been reported in which autosomal dominant frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is genetically linked to chromosome 3 (FTD-3). A mutation was recently identified in the CHMP2B gene that is probably responsible for causing disease in this family. Because of its neuropathologic findings, FTD-3 was originally categorized as a subtype of frontotemporal lobar degeneration,
Post decision restructuring of choice alternatives in support of a prior decision: effects of outcome on importance and attractiveness ratings
Transfer and typological proximity in the context of L2 processing
In this article, the issue of cross-linguistic influence in second language acquisition is examined from a processing perspective. Applying Processability Theory as the theoretical framework we claim that second language (L2) learners can only produce forms they are able to process.We thus argue that the first language (L1) influence on the L2 is developmentally moderated. Data were collected from
Preprints / 2nd IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, July 1-3, 1986
MR imaging of upper abdomen following cholecystectomy. Normal and abnormal findings
PURPOSE: To describe the normal MR appearance after cholecystectomy and the findings in patients with postoperative complications using fast pulse sequences in abdominal MR imaging. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a prospective study of 119 patients, 64 were examined with MR after cholecystectomy. In total, 56 patients with uncomplicated cholecystectomy were examined with MR 1--5 days (mean 1.6 days) aft
Besök på General Electric CRD, 20-23 mars 1984
Evangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense : A Codicological, Palaeographical, Textological and Linguistic Study of a Church Slavonic Tetraevangel
Popular Abstract in Swedish Evangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense, ECG, ett tetraevangelium som förvaras i Göteborgs universitets-bibliotek, har studerats i flera avseenden. Den kodikologiska studien visar att handskriften har restaurerats tidigare och att några sidor fattas i början och i slutet. Vattenmärket är ett vildsvin, vilket daterar ECG till 1605-1625 med stöd av ett identiskt vattenmärke iEvangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense, ECG, a tetraevangel treasured in Göteborg University Library, has been studied from several aspects. A codicological study showed that the MS bears signs of earlier restoration and that some leaves are missing at the beginning and at the end. The watermark is a "boar", and the date of ECG is believed to be 1605-1625 on the basis of an identical watermark in ano
Scattering-matrix formalism of electron transport through three-terminal quantum structures: formulation and application to Y-junction devices
In this paper we present a formalism for the calculation of electron transport through three-terminal junction devices, which have received attention due to their recently demonstrated non-linear electrical properties. The formalism, which is based on the scattering-matrix method, takes quantum interference effects fully into account. Furthermore, the formalism provides numerical stability in the
On the nature and expression of prejudice as seen in judgments of pictorial stimuli.
In Study 1 (N = 120), pictures of violent behavior taking place within or between ethnic groups were rated under different instructions. A strong cross-over effect was found: interracial violence was reported as relatively more threatening under the instruction that the study concerned anxiety, whereas violence among Whites was reported as more threatening under the instruction that the study conc