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Your search for "*" yielded 533308 hits

Distributed Low-Complexity Controller for Wind Power Plant in Derated Operation

We consider a wind power plant of megawatt wind turbines operating in derated mode. When operating in this mode, the wind power plant controller is free to distribute power set-points to the individual turbines, as long as the total power demand is met. In this work, we design a controller that exploits this freedom to reduce the fatigue on the turbines in the wind power plant. We show that the co

Developing virtual vending and automatic service machines for brain injury rehabilitation

Two different approaches for developing virtual environments (VE) for brain injury rehabilitation are described and discussed. The two VEs are built with the VR software World Up in the form of virtual vending and automatic service machines. The result from the first approach is a virtual cash dispenser that has been tested on five patients with brain injury. Improving the VE according to the test

A genie-aided detector with a probabilistic description of the side information

Building on Forney's concept of the genie (1972), and introducing the idea of an explicit statistical description of the side information provided to the genie-aided detector, we develop a generic tool for derivation of lower bounds on the bit-error rate of any actual receiver. With this approach, the side information statistics become design parameters, which may be chosen to give the resulting b

Optimization of a Pendulum System using Optimica and Modelica

In this paper Modelica and Optimica are used to solve two different optimal control problems for a system consisting of a pendulum and a cart. These optimizations will demonstrate that Optimica is easy to use and powerful when optimizing systems with highly non-linear dynamics. The optimal control trajectories are applied to a real pendulum and cart system, in open loop as well as in closed loop w

Supporting Release Planning of Quality Requirements: The Quality Performance Model

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kravhantering är en process för att identifiera, specificera, och underhålla krav för en produkt. Om du inte har rätt krav, spelar det ingen roll hur bra allt annat görs. Detta kan sluta med en perfekt utveckling av fel produkt som kunderna inte vill ha. I marknadsdriven kravhantering, där det inte finns en specifik kund, är strategisk releaseplanering en viktig processIn a competitive environment, as experienced by market-driven organizations, it is important to plan software product releases with time-to-market in mind. To increase the chances of market success, software products need to be released to the market, not only at the right time, but also with higher level of quality than the competitors' products. Thus quality requirements can be seen as a key com