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Mildare juridisk dom - hårdare moraliskt dömd. Frivårdsinspektörers föreställningar om kvinnors kriminalitet

Women are not sentenced in the same extent as men and are clearly underrepresented in criminal statistics. Criminal men have therefore come to function as the norm within the correctional system and female criminality is neglected within the field of research. The aim of this study was to examine how probation managers construct women’s crime and women offenders. The study was based on a qualitati

Björnskallar och magiska bilder - Skogsfinsk religion och folktro i materiella källor

This essay is about the “forest finns” in Sweden. That is a well known conception when you talk about the extensive immigration of a finish population to Norway and Sweden during the 17th and 18th century. They colonized the big, unoccupied forests in the middle and northern parts of Sweden. The topic for this text is religion and folklore among the finish immigrants. In different historic source

A Feasibility Study on Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Using Constructed Wetlands - An Example from Cochabamba, Bolivia

Cochabamba in Bolivia is an example of a city that faces increasing environmental problems and health risks due to insufficient sewage system coverage and municipal wastewater treatment. The situation is especially severe in peri-urban fast growing settlements. A decentralized alternative to conventional wastewater treatment plants is constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow (HSF). Thi

Rice Price Policy in Thailand

Formulating and implementing agricultural policies are important for the development of the agricultural sector and the rural population. The process of policy making is a political bargain between politicians and citizens. The outcome of this process, the policies, cannot be expected to be Pareto efficient resource allocations since altruistic behaviour is not very likely. All participants in the

Ekonomistyrning i Professionella Serviceorganisationer – en fallstudie på patentbyrån Albihns Malmökontor

I mer än två årtionden har vi i västvärlden haft en postindustriell serviceekonomi och vi lever idag i ett tjänstesamhälle som under de senaste åren utvecklats i allt högre grad. En stor del av de företag som idag återfinns i tjänstesektorn är professionella serviceorganisationer som arbetar med kvalificerad tjänsteproduktion. Det betyder att de tjänster som erbjuds är kunskapsbaserade produkter.

Hedgefonder under finansiell oro - en studie av svenska hedgefonder

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ur ett investerarperspektiv undersöka och analysera utfallet av svenska hedgefonders avkastning i jämförelse med marknadsindex under den finansiella konjunkturcykeln 2003 till 2008, där vikten läggs på nedgångsfasen. En kvantitativ metod har används för att samla in numerisk data i form av hedgefonders historiska avkastning, som sedan tillämpas i relevanta teorier.

Market Participation and Poverty - Smallholders on the Ugandan Maize Market

Food grain markets are special in the sense that farmers will, likely, be consumers of the crops they produce. This study examines smallholder market participation on the Ugandan maize market, and, furthermore, explores possible connections to rural poverty. A probit model of market participation is employed, and I work with data from a household survey conducted between 1999 and 2000. A number of

Arbetsinriktad daglig sysselsättning – motivationens betydelse för daglig aktivitet och livssituation

Sveriges kommuner har efter 1995 års psykiatrireform ålagts att sörja för att personer med psykiskt funktionshinder ska få en meningsfull sysselsättning. I studier har det visat sig att arbete ofta upplevs som en meningsfull aktivitet av psykiskt funktionshindrade. Få studier är dock gjorda som fokuserar på hur personer med psykiskt funktionshinder upplever sysselsättning som är arbetsinriktad och

Sambanden mellan inandningsbara och fina partiklar i luften och insjuknande i stroke - poissonregressionsmodeller

The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to model the short-term association between the number of strokes recorded per day and an increased daily mean level of particulate matter, PM. A short-term association means that the occurrence of stroke is related to the content of PM in the air the same day and up to seven days prior to the stroke (lag 0 to lag 7). Previous studies show that there is a sig

Designing for What is Usually Hidden - Visualization Techniques for Design of Autonomous Media Agents

Autonomous Agents are usually designed to work in the background and their work is mostly hidden from the user. This causes both ethical and practical problems that can be remedied by providing feedback and control to the user (Bellotti and Sellen, 1993). This thesis presents an overview study exploreing advantages and disadvantages of four visualization techniques: colouring, pictographic symbols

Difficulties being green? Investigating Green IT in IT consultant companies

This study focuses on the topic of Green IT in the IT consultant industry. Green IT is currently a hot topic but while awareness and established policies has increased in the last years, studies show that few companies are actually following their procedures or have goals or ways of measuring the effects of their green initiatives. The research area of Green IT is limited in terms of empirically f

Exploring an open-loop RFID implementation in the automotive industry

This master thesis has been conducted to investigate why and how Plastal in Arendal (PAGO), Sweden have implemented RFID technology. RFID technology has become very popular in recent years (1). It is said to have potential to increase the level of automation (2), reduce the labor levels and to improve the supply chain in areas such as inventory, visibility etc. (3) (see chapter 1.2.1 for more exa

Utmattningssyndrom - kvinnors ohälsa?

Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka kvinnors egen förståelse och berättelse av att ha drabbats av utmattningssyndrom. Vi är speciellt intresserade kring kvinnors olika roller och hur dessa påverkat att de blivit sjuka. Undersökningen har både en induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Intervjuformen är semistrukturerad och tolv kvinnor som arbetar i offentliga sektorn har intervjuats. Resultatet visa

Image och varumärkesbygande med hjälp av evenemang

Problem: Svårigheten med att förmedla en image under ett evenemang, som skall gynna destinationen på sikt, menar vi är ett problem som vi finner intressant att utreda. Orsaken till att vi valt att undersöka Helsingborgsfestivalen är att för första gången på 14 år ansvarar Helsingborgs stad för all planering och drift av festivalen. Detta leder till att man kan organisera sig på ett sätt som möjlig

Increasing Women's Sexual Agency with Feminist Pornography? A study on and with a feminist organization in Copenhagen on feminist pornography, heterosexuality and sex

Feminist pornography as phenomenon is used as point of departure for discussing and laying out discourses on heterosexuality, sex and sexual agency in women. From a group conversation with the board members of the (for the researcher familiar) feminist organization Selskab for Ligestilling in Copenhagen, I explore if feminist pornography has the potential of contributing to, and increase sexual ag

Regional Lobbying in Brussels. A Case Study on the Mobilization of the Regional Offices on the ‘EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region'

Regional offices grow of more and more importance for the interest representation in Brussels. This study involves what determines if a region takes lobbying actions, what mobilization variables are important for the performance and what lobbying strategy is supposed to be the most successful. The study is a case study on the regional mobilization within the development of the ‘EU Strategy for the

A matter of context - Why negotiating mandates given in the Swedish Riksdag's EU committee differ

This thesis explores the mandates given to cabinet representatives in the Swedish Riksdag‟s EU committee before negotiations in the EU council of ministers. The mandate is the first step to secure accountability in the delegation between the Riksdag and the cabinet and it consists of the cabinet‟s proposed standpoint for each council agenda point and the committee discussions. The mandates are fou

Assessing the Impact of the European Union in Kosovo Conflict Resolution : Building States and Societies upon Tabula Rasa?

The international relations has been marked with the increased intra state ethnic conflicts which are able to cause huge humanitarian disasters and harbour instability and various threats for the international community. As a result, conflict resolution as a long term process combining social, economic and political levels and activities concerning structural change has been advocated in recent ye

Glare of the Diamond; Botswana Why AIDS Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives are not successful

The research aim in this paper is to outline, detail and come to a deeper understanding as to why AIDS/HIV corporate social responsibility CSR initiatives have not been truly successful in the Central District of Botswana. I will focus on the following aspects in the analysis; history, stigma, gender and traditional values, and the corporate refocus on the blood diamond movement. Botswana is a m