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Living as a person using a lower-limb prosthesis in Nepal

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore experiences of persons in Nepal using lower-limb prostheses, in relation to specific articles in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that consider mobility, education, health, rehabilitation, and work and employment. Method: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 16 persons using lower limb prostheses. Content analysis was

Rehabilitation, using guided cerebral plasticity, of a brachial plexus injury treated with intercostal and phrenic nerve transfers

Recovery after surgical reconstruction of a brachial plexus injury using nerve grafting and nerve transfer procedures is a function of peripheral nerve regeneration and cerebral reorganization. A 15-year-old boy, with traumatic avulsion of nerve roots C5-C7 and a non-rupture of C8-T1, was operated 3 weeks after the injury with nerve transfers: (a) terminal part of the accessory nerve to the supras

Electronic ground state of Ni 2 +

The Φ9/24 ground state of the Ni2+ diatomic molecular cation is determined experimentally from temperature and magnetic-field-dependent x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy in a cryogenic ion trap, where an electronic and rotational temperature of 7.4±0.2 K was reached by buffer gas cooling of the molecular ion. The contribution of the spin dipole operator to the x-ray magnetic circular

Distributions at random events

We review the generalized Rice formula approachto deriving long-run distributions of a variety of characteristics defined at random events defined on a stochastic process. While the approach stems from the same principle originally introduced by Rice for the level crossing intensity in a random signal, we show how it generalizes to more general contexts. Firstly, we discuss events defined on rando

Efficacy and Toxicity of Intrathecal Liposomal Cytarabine in First-line Therapy of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

We investigated efficacy and toxicity of replacing conventional triple (cytarabine, methotrexate, and hydrocortisone) intrathecal therapy (TIT) with liposomal cytarabine during maintenance therapy among 40 acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Twenty-eight of 29 patients in the TIT arm received TIT and 9/11 in the liposomal cytarabine arm received liposomal cytarabine. Arachnoiditis occurred in a

Attractive ion-ion correlation forces and the dielectric approximation

We analyze the classical problem of the interaction between two charged surfaces separated by a solution containing neutralizing counter-ions. The focus is on obtaining a description where the solvent is treated explicitly rather than through a dielectric approximation as is conventionally done. We summarize the results of three papers where we have used a Stockmayer fluid model in Monte Carlo sim

Atrial Fibrillation in Transient Ischemic Attack Versus Ischemic Stroke : A Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke) Study

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE—: Compared with ischemic stroke (IS), the association of atrial fibrillation (AF) with transient ischemic attack (TIA) is less well established. We aimed to assess the proportion of AF in patients with TIA, and these patients’ characteristics and secondary preventive treatment in comparison to patients with IS. METHODS—: Hospital-based data on TIA and IS events, registered f

Multisite tyrosine phosphorylation of the N-terminus of Mint1/X11α by Src kinase regulates the trafficking of amyloid precursor protein

Mint/X11 is one of the four neuronal trafficking adaptors that interact with amyloid precursor protein (APP) and are linked with its cleavage to generate β-amyloid peptide, a key player in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease. How APP switches between adaptors at different stages of the secretory pathway is poorly understood. Here, we show that tyrosine phosphorylation of Mint1 regulates the desti

How ants, birds and bats affect crop yield along shade gradients in tropical cacao agroforestry

Tropical agroforests are diverse systems where several predator groups shape animal communities and plant-arthropod interactions. Ants, birds and bats in particular can reduce herbivore numbers and thereby increase crop yield. However, the relative importance of these groups, whether they interact, and how this interaction is affected by management and landscape context, is poorly understood. We j

Introduction : Why the Nordic region?

The Nordic region is much admired around the world, but how much of what we know about these countries has been shaped by their adoption of placebranding and public diplomacy techniques? This collection of academic articles and practitioner essays digs beneath the veneer of their branding and PD practices to investigate not just the best practice of how the Nordic region has successfully projected

Nondestructive Complete Mechanical Characterization of Zinc Blende and Wurtzite GaAs Nanowires Using Time-Resolved Pump− Probe Spectroscopy

We have developed and demonstrated an experimental method, based on the picosecond acoustics technique, to perform nondestructive complete mechanical characterization of nanowires, that is, the determination of the complete elasticity tensor. By means of femtosecond pump−probe spectroscopy, coherent acoustic phonons were generated in an ensemble of nanowires and their dynamics was resolved. Specif

Reactive dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a changing environment : Experimental evidence from soil and water

Löst organiskt kol (DOC) är den huvudsakliga formen av organiskt kol i vattenekosystem. Biologisk och fotokemisk nedbrytning av löst organiskt kol (DOC) är viktiga orsaker till utsläpp av växthusgaser från akvatiska ekosystem. Enligt studier vid olika platser på norra halvklotet så kan pågående klimatförändringar orsaka både ökningar och minskningar i total DOC-export från mark till vatten. Det fiDissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the major form of organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems. Biological and photochemical degradation of DOC are major causes of greenhouse gas emissions from aquatic ecosystems. In response to current changes in climate, studies at different northern-hemisphere locations have shown both increases and decreases in total DOC export from land to water. However, there is

Smooth pursuit detection in binocular eye-tracking data with automatic video-based performance evaluation

An increasing number of researchers record binocular eye-tracking signals from participants viewing moving stimuli, but the majority of event-detection algorithms are monocular and do not consider smooth pursuit movements. The purposes of the present study are to develop an algorithm that discriminates between fixations and smooth pursuit movements in binocular eye-tracking signals and to evaluate