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”Efter genomgången kurs ska studenten...” - om studenters vardagsliv inom det målstyrda universitetet

Studiens bakgrund är de lärandemål, formulerade i termer av förväntade studieresultat, som ska finnas för samtliga utbildningar och kurser vid svenska universitet och högskolor. Syftet med studien är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur sex studenter på grundnivå låter sitt handlande styras av lärandemålen. Fokus ligger på studenternas studievardag och vilka synsätt och praktiker de utve

Effects of electron beam irradiation on the electrical properties of III-V semiconductor nanowires

Scanning electron microscopy is widely used in nanowire device fabrication. In spite of the attractive high resolution that scanning electron microscopy provides, it influences the electrical properties of III-V nanowires. Influence of electron beam irradiation on InAs, InSb and GaSb nanowires is investigated by fabricating field effect transistors using the heavily doped Si substrate as gate. It

Breaking down the barriers to Health Literacy in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights - A qualitative study of the experience of culture sensitive health communication among newly arrived refugees in Sweden

In Sweden, migrants suffer from poorer sexual and reproductive health than the general population due to exposures associated with pre- and post-migration process and difficulties that arise when meeting a new heath system. Health literacy is a term that is increasingly used for explaining people’s access to health preventive services, and where migrant populations has shown to possess lower level

NEXT GENERATION STABILIZER-Concept/Feasibility for Commuter Aircraft

The demand from the aircraft industry of light and stiff structures along with fast manufacturing processes has increased through the last decade. This master thesis is carried out at Saab Aeronautics with purpose of developing a new concept for the horizontal stabilizer to the turboprop aircraft SAAB 2000. To specify the project, only the torsion box, including spars, ribs and skins are considere

Ergonomic Design of a New Assembly Skid - A Case Study at a Swedish Truck Manufacturing Company

This thesis project was performed in collaboration with Scania CV AB’s cab factory in Oskarshamn, Sweden, and the objective was to accomplish a product development process regarding a new assembly skid from an ergonomic perspective. A great number of aspects had to be noticed and evaluated, both regarding the process the skid is aiming to support and the product it concerns. The focus was the func

Does application of the herbicide glyphosate promote priming effects in soil?

Priming effects have gotten revived interest in the last decade due to the concerns of global warming. Priming are defined as an increase in decomposition of soil organic matter due to the addition of organic or mineral substances. The worldwide used herbicide glyphosate is rapidly degraded by microorganisms. Hence, it might give rise to priming effects in soils. This was tested by adding glyphosa

Den sjuknärvarande läraren: En kvantitativ studie kring sjuknärvaro i relation till hälsa och arbetsorganisatoriska faktorer

Sickness presence, also referred to sickness presenteeism, applies when the individual goes to work, despite feeling ill. This thesis serves to highlight this fairly new research area in the context of compulsory school teachers in the southern part of Sweden. The response rate of the survey was 37 % (n=71 valid cases). Earlier research states that there are many factors with a connection to sickn

Om jag saknar något? Ja, facit.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med kunskap om framväxten av en hållbarhetsstrategi. Vi gör detta genom att studera meningsskapandets roll i strategiarbetet. Slutsatsen i denna uppsats visar på meningsskapandets centrala roll vid framväxandet av en avsedd hållbarhetsstrategi gällande att omformulera en omständighet till en gripbar situation. Meningsskapande leder till tolkning vilket blir hand

Attitude and behaviour – a study of consumers’ explanations for the gap in between

The purpose with this study is to explore how consumers explain the attitude-behaviour gap in the field of environmental consumerism. For this qualitative research, constructionism as an ontological approach was chosen to reach the purpose. Further, phenomenological philosophy has been the interpretative approach and in order to reach rich and nuanced empirical material focus groups were chosen as

Is in the European Union excessively difficult for consumers to be compensated for the harm suffered due to the infringements of the EU competition law?

Through this study were discussed the main issues regarding consumer compensation of damages which they suffer due to the infringements of the EU competition rules. In the first chapter of the study were discussed the issues of rise of the right to damages, the questions whether consumers as end purchasers have the right to claim damages in the EU, which was answered in the positive. Furthermore,

The Functions of Noda

The purpose of this thesis is to give a descriptive overview of the Japanese nominal predicate no da. The structure is looked at mainly through two separate perspectives; one investigating its modal properties and one investigating its influence on the information structure within its scope. A collection of data heavily dependent upon Japanese sources, as to make available information otherwise no

Regulating Law or Being Regulated by the Law? An Analysis of Private Military Security Companies under the Regime of International Humanitarian Law

The international legal system has weathered sweeping changes during last decades as new actors have appeared in international system. Private Military Security Companies (PMSCs) are one example of the most prominent shifts occurred in the context of laws of war with International Humanitarian Law (IHL) being part of it. Traditionally IHL has been recognized as a body of law regulating the relatio

Hydrogeologisk kartering av Hultan, Sjöbo kommun

Under våren 2013 har en hydrogeologisk kartering gjorts av grundvattenmagasinet Hultan i Sjöbo kommun, södra Skåne. Projektet har utförts på uppdrag av Sveriges geologiska undersökning som en del i arbetet med ett av Sveriges miljömål; Grundvatten av god kvalitet. Undersökningen har innefattat brunnsinventering av enskilda brunnar i området, provtagning och analys av grundvattnet i två mätpunkter,During spring 2013 mapping of the ground water has been done in Hultan in Sjöbo municipality, south Scania. The project is an assignment from Geological Survey of Sweden as a part of the work with one of Sweden´s environmental quality objectives; Groundwater of good quality. The study has included inventory of private wells in the area, a collection of samples and analysis thereof of the groundwat

Responsive e-commerce

With today’s big market of smartphones and tablets, computers are no longer the only device with a web browser. As a result of this more and more web pages are designed to adjust to the size and resolution available for a specific device. When a web page adjusts like this it is called responsive web design. E-commerce via computer has been around for a while and is now used by many for their every

Fuktanalys av klimatvind

In the today's cold attics are wide problems with mould onset due to the humid climate in the attic. The reason for the mould damage are the thick insulation and absence of the chimney stock that makes the temperature drops in the attic. The mould onset is also due to less ventilation, the attic space is used as a storage room and air leakage through the attic hatch. A solution could be to iso

Könet bakom opinionerna

Vår studies syfte är att kartlägga hur könssammansättningen inom opinionsbildningen i FARs branschtidning Balans ser ut samt att utreda huruvida det spelar någon roll för utvecklandet av revisionsbranschen om opinionsbildningen inte är jämställd. Studien utgör till viss del ett komplement till existerande forskning inom genusvetenskapen, men erövrar likaså helt ny mark, eftersom det inte förekomm

Monazite in metasediments from Stensjöstrand : a pilot study

Monazit är ett Ree– och Th-bärande fosfatmineral som förekommer i vissa magmatiska och metamorfa bergarter. Mineralet är användbart för datering av den metamorfa utvecklingen och kan bidra till att yt-terligare karaktärisera metamorfosen i en bergart, detta genom att man undersöker zoneringar i kristallerna. Mo-nazit har upptäckts i metasediment i Stensjöstrand och tunnslip har gjorts ifrån proverMonazite is a Th-bearing REE phosphate mineral which is present in some igneous and metamorphic rocks. It is a useful mineral for determination of the metamorphic history and age of its host rock because clues to past mineral reactions can be seen in trace element zoning. Monazite has been found in metasediments in Sten-sjöstrand and thin sections have been made from rock samples to study the mine

Uncovering the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: A Critical Discourse Analysis of EU-China Joint Press Statements

This thesis analyses the social construction and discursive development of the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) and aims at an improved understanding of the interaction between political language use and social change in EU-China relations. To this end, the thesis undertook a critical discourse analysis, based on Fairclough’s dialectical-relational approach, and analysed how EU-C

Nansens resa över Atlanten

Titel: Nansens resa över Atlanten – Förväntningars betydelse för att förklara kulturella skeenden Seminariedatum: 5 Juni, 2013 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på Kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Sophie Adamsson, Johannes Lindmark & Andrea McCarthy Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Nyckelord: Organisationskultur, Identitet, Etablering utomlands, Förväntningar, Värderingar Sy