Bjorklund et al nature 1981
5797.indd © Nature Publishing Group1981 © Nature Publishing Group1981 - 2025-01-30
5797.indd © Nature Publishing Group1981 © Nature Publishing Group1981 - 2025-01-30
PII: 0006-8993(79)90472-4 Bram Research, 177 (1979) 555 560 555 c(', Elsevier/North-Holland B~omedical Press Reconstruction of the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway by intracerebral nigral transplants ANDERS BJORKLUND and ULF STENEVI Depal tmenta o/Ht~stology and Ophthahnology, Umver,stO' of Ltmd, Lurid (Sweden) (Accepted August 9th, 1979) Surgical or neurotox~c lesions of the mgrostriatal dopamme (D - 2025-01-30
Behavioural effects of human fetal dopamine neurons grafted in a rat model of Parkinson's disease Exp Brain Res (1986) 65:235-240 Experimental Brain Research 9 Springer-Verlag 1986 Research Note Behavioural effects of human fetal dopamine neurons grafted in a rat model of Parkinson's disease* P. Brundin 1, O.G. Nilsson 1, R.E. Strecker 1, O. Lindvall 1'2, B. Astedt 3, and A. Bj6rklund 1 Department - 2025-01-30
Human fetal dopamine neurons grafted in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: immunological aspects, spontaneous and drug-induced behaviour, and dopamine release Exp Brain Res (1988) 70:192-208 Experimental Brain Research 9 Springer-Verlag 1988 Human fetal dopamine neurons grafted in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: immunological aspects, spontaneous and drug-induced behaviour, and dopamine relea - 2025-01-30
Human fetal dopamine neurons grafted in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: ultrastructural evidence for synapse formation using tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry Exp Brain Res (1988) 73:115-126 E ,x _'mental Bran Research 9 Springer-Verlag 1988 Human fetal dopamine neurons grafted in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: ultrastructural evidence for synapse formation using tyrosine hydroxyla - 2025-01-30
PII: 0006-8993(81)91007-6 Brain Research, 229 (1981) 457-470 457 Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press B E H A V I O U R A L RECOVERY F O L L O W I N G T R A N S P L A N T A T I O N OF SUBS- T A N T I A N I G R A IN RATS SUBJECTED TO 6-OHDA LESIONS OF T H E N I G R O S T R I A T A L PATHWAY. II. B ILATERAL LESIONS STEPHEN B. DUNNETT*, ANDERS BJORKLUND, ULF STENEVI and SUSAN D. IVERSEN Department - 2025-01-30
Since the fusions are intraspecies, and in many cases involve highly aneuploid lines, it is not possible to perform de- tailed cytogenetic analyses. However, comparisons of total chromosome counts of hybrid clones with those of the parental cell lines indicate varying de- grees of chromosome loss in the hybrids. The median chromosome number in the hybrids from the GM 639 x T98G and GM 639 x GM 639 - 2025-01-30
Brain (1999),122,1121–1132 Sequential bilateral transplantation in Parkinson’s disease Effects of the second graft P. Hagell,1 A. Schrag,5 P. Piccini,7 M. Jahanshahi,6 R. Brown,6 S. Rehncrona,2 H. Widner,1,4 P. Brundin,4 J. C. Rothwell,6 P. Odin,1 G. K. Wenning,5 P. Morrish,7 B. Gustavii,3 A. Björklund,4 D. J. Brooks,7 C. D. Marsden,5,6,† N. P. Quinn5 and O. Lindvall1 1Division of Neurology and2D - 2025-01-30
C2MDS#090606 1..6 Brief Report Characterization of Lewy Body Pathology in 12- and 16-Year-Old Intrastriatal Mesencephalic Grafts Surviving in a Patient With Parkinson’s disease Jia-Yi Li, MD, PhD,1* Elisabet Englund, MD,2 Håkan Widner, MD, PhD,3 Stig Rehncrona, MD,4 Anders Björklund, MD,5 Olle Lindvall, MD, PhD,3,6 and Patrik Brundin, MD, PhD1 1Neuronal Survival Unit, Wallenberg Neuroscience Cen - 2025-01-30
Cell Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease Olle Lindvall and Anders Bjo¨rklund Wallenberg Neuroscience Center and Lund Strategic Center for Stem Cell Biology and Cell Therapy, BMC A11, SE-221 84 Lund, Sweden Summary: The clinical studies with intrastriatal transplants of fetal mesencephalic tissue in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients have provided proof-of-principle for the cell replacement strat- egy in - 2025-01-30
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PII: S0140673688909506 1483 (p 1150). More appropriate advice was given to pharmacists in the Pharmaceutical journal (Dec 3, 1988, p 707) in a letter from the secretary of the professional advisory committee, British Diabetic Association. Ashton Postgraduate Medical Centre, Tameside General Hospital, Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire OL6 9RW N. M. O’MULLANE T. A. TURNER A. SIVNER M. HEALEY DARREN WALT - 2025-01-30
Grafts of Fetal Dopamine Neurons Survive and Improve Motor Function in Parkinson's Disease Article Contents p.574 p.575 p.576 p.577 Issue Table of Contents Science, New Series, Vol. 247, No. 4942 (Feb. 2, 1990), pp. 505-604 Front Matter [pp.505-533] Medicine from Plants [p.513] Letters Discover's Advertisements [p.515] Soviet Sociology [p.515] Soviet Alcoholism [pp.515-516] NIH Conflict-of-Interes - 2025-01-30
Delayed recovery of movement-related cortical function in Parkinson's disease after striatal dopaminergic grafts Delayed Recovery of Movement-Related Cortical Function in Parkinson’s Disease after Striatal Dopaminergic Grafts Paola Piccini, MD,* Olle Lindvall, MD, PhD,† Anders Björklund, MD, PhD,‡ Patrik Brundin, MD, PhD,§ Peter Hagell, RN, BSc,† Roberto Ceravolo, MD,* Wolfgang Oertel, MD,i Niall - 2025-01-30
Extensive graft-derived dopaminergic innervation is maintained 24 years after transplantation in the degenerating parkinsonian brain Extensive graft-derived dopaminergic innervation is maintained 24 years after transplantation in the degenerating parkinsonian brain Wen Lia, Elisabet Englundb, Håkan Widnerc, Bengt Mattssond, Danielle van Westene, Jimmy Lätte, Stig Rehncronaf, Patrik Brunding, Ander - 2025-01-30
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