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Microsoft Word - Foreskrifter_stipendieprogram_2020-uppdaterad eng BR rev LN.docx Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Gamla kirurgen, Sandgatan 3Telefon 046-222 7099, 046-222 00 00 Fax 046-222 4111 E-post Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s rules for the strategic management of scholarships for fee-paying students 2020–2022 Background Scholarships are an importan - 2025-01-13


Checklista för uppdragsavtal Research Services Sophie Hyden Picasso Funding paths to excellence PLANNING THE ACADEMIC CAREER There are several career paths and profiles in academia, often combined or following upon each other in different stages of the career, requiring different types of skills. Research, teaching, collaboration, leadership and administration are all part of academic work and hav - 2025-01-13

Gallring av forskningshandlingar v 2019.1904

BESLUT 2019-tt-04 Dnr V 201911904 I LUNDS UNIVERSITET Sektionen Juridik och dokumenthantering Avdelningen Dokumenthantering Asa Berglund, sektionschef Gallring av forskningshandlingar inom Lunds universitet Bakgrund Utgångspunkten ftir hanteringen av forskningshandlingar inom Lunds universitet är Riksarkvets ftjreskrifter och allmänna råd om gallring av handlingar i statliga myndigheters forskning - 2025-01-13


Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Biskopsgatan 1 Telephone +46 46 222 41 85 E-mail V ice-Chancel lor General guidelines for business travel at Lund University Approved by the vice-chancellor on 31 January 2019. General guidelines for business travel at Lund University has been produced to facilitate the application of the Regulations for business tr - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Paradisgatan 5B Telephone 046-222 00 00 Email V ice-Chancel lor General recommendations on Lund University’s right to use copyrighted material Background Lund University strives to conduct education and research of the highest quality, in intertwined environments. Infrastructure and support activities help us - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Paradisgatan 5 B Telephone +46 46 222 09 85, +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 40 07 Email Vice-Chancel lor Guidelines and regulations on plagiarism and deceitful plagiarism in first-, second- and third-cycle education at Lund University Controlling legislation – the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) 1. If a - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Sandgatan 3, Telephone 046-222 09 85, 046-222 00 00, Email V ice-chancel lor Guidelines for appeals at Lund University Appealable decisions Some of the decisions that the University takes can be appealed. In most cases, the appeal is addressed to the Higher Education Appeals Board (ÖNH). Chapter 12 of the Higher Educa - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Byrålogen, Paradisgatan 5C Telephone dir +46 46 222 37 48, +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 00 Email Website Vice-Chancel lor Guidelines1 on personal safety The Work Environment Act governs the safety of students and staff. The purpose of the act is to prevent ill health and accidents at work, - 2025-01-13

Hamtstallen 180924 eng

- Studentservice vid Campus Helsingborg 0 Kansli för konstnärliga fakulteten i Malmö 0 Konstnärliga fakulteten i Malmö 1 Biofysikalisk kemi 1 Biokemi och Strukturbiologi 1 Kemisk grundutbildning 1 Biblioteket (KC) 1 Kemisk fysik 1 Teknisk mikrobiologi 1 Administrativa enheten 1 Institutionen för kemiteknik 1 Teoretisk kemi 1 Bioteknik 1 Centrum för analys och syntes 1 Fysikalisk kemi 1 Kemiska ins - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Byrålogen, Paradisgatan 5c Telephone dir +46 46 222 71 09, +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 46 10 Email Website Vice-Chancel lor Health promotion reimbursement Background In accordance with the Lund University Health Promotion Policy, reg. no PE 2009/894, employees have the right to be reimbursed for e - 2025-01-13

Hur hanterar man en begaran om utlamnande av allman handling 2020-04-03 eng

How to manage a request for the disclosure of an official document: The University is a public authority and covered by the constitutional principle of public access to official documents. This principle entails an obligation to disclose official documents on request (through a copy or by on-site access). Official documents are public, i.e. accessible for disclosure to the general public, unless t - 2025-01-13

Impact beyond academia - a guide to help preparing for impact evaluations

Impact beyond academia A GUIDE TO HELP PREPARING FOR IMPACT EVALUATIONS Part of the project report on the monitoring of the Lund University SRAs PHOTOS Cover: Kennet Ruona Page 22: Mikael Kanski, Ida Thelander Page 23: Kennet Ruona 3IMPACT BEYOND ACADEMIA Table of contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Postal address Box 188, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Paradisgatan 5c Telephone +46 46 222 00 00 E-mail Website Management Group for Gender Equal i ty and Equal Opportun i t ies Applying for funding from the Management Group for Gender Equality and Equa - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Paradisgatan 5 Telephone dir +46 46 222 15 28, +46 46 222 00 00 Email Website Univers i ty Board Instructions for the Internal Audit office at Lund University Introduction In accordance with Section 10 of the Swedish Internal Audit Ordinance (2006:1228), the board is to adopt guidelines (instr - 2025-01-13


Brevmall Universitetsveterinären 2 Instruktion för dokumentation av djurhållning och djurförsök 1 Följande dokument och information ska finnas lätt tillgängliga på anläggningen: · Anläggningsgodkännande · Användartillstånd · Tillstånd för innesluten användning · Avelstillstånd · Informations om de djurslag som finns på anläggningen · Skötselrutiner · Veterinärens planer · Berikningsplan · Informat - 2025-01-13

Invitation equal opportunities initiatives 2020

Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Paradisgatan 5c Telefon 046-222 00 00 E-post Webbadress Counc i l for Gender Equa l i ty and Equal Opportun i t ies Invitation regarding the equal opportunities initiative – funding for systematic preventive work against dis - 2025-01-13

Kurser chef och ledarutveckling bild

Verksam hetsansvarig A rb et sg iv ar e Chef vid LU □ Ekonomispel □ Nyfiken på ledarskap □ Arbetsrätt □ Ny som ledare □ Erfaren ledare □ Ledningsgruppsutveckling □ UGL □ Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete □ Hur gör jag rätt? – om lagar och regler vid LU □ Lönesättande samtal – introduktion för chefer □ Träffsäker och effektiv personalrekryter- ing med kompetens i fokus □ Vad är OH – och hur funkar det - 2025-01-13

Lathund for avtalsgenomgang eng - 2019-10-09

UTKAST Johan Asker 2011-05-26 Guide to agreement reviews This guide is a support tool for you to be able to handle agreements in a simpler and more time efficient way, regardless of the agreement context. The idea is that the guide will make it easier to read and understand a draft agreement and in most cases provide sufficient support in the assessment of whether the agreement conditions are acce - 2025-01-13

Lucris short guide for doctoral and licentiate students

LUCRIS – short guide for doctoral and licentiate students LUCRIS – short guide for doctoral and licentiate students How to add your degree project as well as your thesis. Updated 2020-08-24 If you are a doctoral or licentiate student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your research output, activities etc., as well as register a degree project and your thesis, when it is completed. This makes your d - 2025-01-13

Lund-university-infosheet-2018-2019 1

LUND UNIVERSITY INFORMATION SHEET UNIVERSITY-WIDE EXCHANGE AGREEMENTS 2018/2019 LUND UNIVERSITY WEB EXCHANGE STUDIES Nomination and application procedures NOMINATION PERIOD Nomination of students is done online by the student’s home university. Instructions are sent shortly before the nomination period. Autumn and academic year: 15 - 2025-01-13