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Epigenetics symposium program

Monday May 3 Tuesday May 4 08.30 Registration & tea/coffee/fruits outside the lecture hall 09.00 Sture Forsén ”Introduction and practical information” 09.15 SESSION I: The Dynamic Epigenome • Stephan Beck “To be announced” • Dirk Schübeler ”Regulation by repression: DNA methylation and chromatin during cel- lular differentiation” 10.45-11.15 Tea/Coffee • Kristian Helin “The role of Polycomb group - 2025-03-12

Exploring challenges for new big science

Exploring challenges for New Big Science The realization of ESS and MAX IV in Lund Utmaningar för New Big Science: Förverkligandet av ESS och MAX IV i Lund Syftet med detta tema är att bidra empiriskt, analytiskt och teoretiskt till förståelsen av det nya vetenskapliga landskap som ibland kallas “New Big Science”. Gruppen kommer att undersöka förverkligandet av de två tvärvetenskapliga anläggninga - 2025-03-12

Exploring challenges for new big science

Microsoft Word - Exploring challenges for New Big Science.docx Exploring challenges for New Big Science The realization of ESS and MAX IV in Lund Utmaningar för New Big Science: Förverkligandet av ESS och MAX IV i Lund Syftet med detta tema är att bidra empiriskt, analytiskt och teoretiskt till förståelsen av det nya vetenskapliga landskap som ibland kallas “New Big Science”. Gruppen kommer att un - 2025-03-12

Exploring the animal turn 2013-14 description 0

Exploring the "Animal Turn": Changing perspectives on human-animal relations in science, society and culture Human and animal lives have always been entangled, and animals are omnipresent in human society. There are animals in our homes and workplaces, in institutions of science, education, media and entertainment – even inside our bodies in the form of friendly or unfriendly micro-organisms, or i - 2025-03-12

Exploring the animal turn bok

Animals´ omnipresence in human society makes them both close to and yet remarkably distant from humans. Human and animal lives have always been entangled, but the way we see and practice the relationships between humans and animals – as close, intertwined, or clearly separate – varies from time to time and between cultures, societies, and even situations. By putting these complex relationships in - 2025-03-12

Exploring the animal turn contact and researchers

Microsoft Word - Dokument3 Exploring the Animal Turn - Researchers Helena Pedersen (coordinator, contact person) Department of Child and Youth Studies Stockholm University +46 (0)8 1207 6215 Amelie Björck (coordinator) Centre of Languages and Literature +46 (0)46 222 84 66 +46 (0)70 355 68 85 Tobias - 2025-03-12

Forests and mankind 2015

PUFENDORF INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES http:/ FORESTS AND MANKIND the relationship must be made sustainable editors: Gunilla Jönson Thomas Johannesson F O R E ST S A N D M A N K IN D the relation ship m ust be m ade sustain able Aside from the oceans, the world’s forests constitute the most vital element in maintaining a climate which sustains life on Earth. The forests supply all li - 2025-03-12

Generational goal 2012-13 program actvities

Microsoft Word - Dokument3 Welcome to the Pufendorf’s Autumn 2012 series on Consumption, Environment, and the Generation Goal The Politics of the Generational Goals Friday, October 5, 14:15 - 15 at the Pufendorf Institute, Biskopsgatan 3 Seminar leader: Åsa Knaggård, Political Science The theme of this seminar is the Swedish generational goals for the environment. Many of the goals are very hard t - 2025-03-12

Generational goal 2012-2013

Dokument3 The generational goal – changes of consumption patterns and their environmental impacts Purpose and perspectives The purpose of this research programme is to study the generational goal, which is a political goal, adopted by the Swedish parliament in June 2010 and supported by several parliamentary parties. According to the generational goal, “the overall goal of Swedish environmental po - 2025-03-12

Governing sve

ASG Governing Land-use in a Changing Climate Globala ökningar i befolkning, konsumtion och markanvändningsförändringar kombinerat med en ökad atmosfärisk koldioxidkoncentration och en förlust i biologisk mångfald väcker allvarlig oro över hållbarheten på människans nuvarande utvecklingsbana med tanke på förfallet i de globala, regionala och lokala tjänster för naturresurser och ekosystem. Det finn - 2025-03-12

Healthy indoor environments

Microsoft Word - Healthy Indoor Environments.docx Healthy Indoor Environments A HOLISTIC APPROACH Vi tillbringar ca 90 procent av vår tid inomhus. Trots att vi lever på 2000-talet har vi fortfarande problem med otillräcklig luftkvalité inomhus, med fukt och mögel. Vi har fortfarande problem med temperaturer, buller och okontrollerbar spridning av luftburna sjukdomar etc. Frågan är - Hur kan vi ska - 2025-03-12

Heat-conference 2

PowerPoint Presentation Heat in Cities: Spatial and Social Dimensions David M. Hondula, PhD Assistant Research Professor Center for Policy Informatics & School of Geographical Sci. and Urban Planning Arizona State University Jennifer Vanos, PhD Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Department of Geosciences Climate Science Center Faculty Associate Texas Tech University Average Monthly High T - 2025-03-12


Microsoft Word - Dokument4 HEAT DEN GLOBALA UPPVÄRMNINGEN, ETT MILJÖHOT? Pufendorfprojektet Heat (Hetta) syftar till att skapa fler och tvärvetenskapligt inriktade samarbete på och utanför Lunds Universitet för att hitta och identifiera lösningar att hantera effekterna av ökad värme orsakad av antropogena klimatförändringar, på olika samhällsnivåer. I den senaste IPCCC rapporten betonar man att ök - 2025-03-12

Heat lund may 2015 will steffen

Climate Change 2015 Science, Risks, Responses HEAT!!! The Australian Experience Professor Will Steffen Climate Councillor 1 Outline of Talk Extreme heat and heatwaves in Australia Consequences for Australians Future heat: risks and responses Trend in annual average temperature Source: Bureau of Meteorology 2015 Averages and extremes Based on IPCC 2007 Adapted from IPCC 2007 Hot weather is increasi - 2025-03-12

House guide 2019

Welcome to the Pufendorf Institute Your administrative guide Here you will find vital, practical and interesting information on fire safety, locks and alarms, our work procedures at the institute, how we can help, whom to contact in various situations and who is responsible for what. Staff at the Pufendorf Institute The staff of the institute are director Ann-Katrin Bäcklund , coordinator Eva Pers - 2025-03-12

Humens 2013-14 description

Microsoft Word - Document2 HuMeNS* Advanced Study Group on neuroscience of knowledge acquisition *Humanities, Medicine, Natural Science, Social Science Background and Goal The HuMeNS Advanced Study Group has been formed as a result of the members' mutual interest in carrying out interdisciplinary studies on the microstructure of human cognition, in particular studies on changes in the brain's cell - 2025-03-12

Hydrosolidarity 2012-13 contact and researchers

Microsoft Word - Dokument3 Researchers   Ronny Berndtsson (coordinator) Professor, Water Resources Engineering Dan-Erik Andersson (coordinator) Assistant Professor, Center for Middle Eastern Studies - 2025-03-12

Hydrosolidarity 2012-13 symposium

Microsoft Word - Hydrosolidarity 2012-13Researchers.docx Welcome to the final seminar: Hydrosolidarity - the Quest for better Water management in the Nile Basin The seminar takes place at the Pufendorf institute, main lecturehall, on the 29th of May 2013 between 9.00 - 17.00. All are welcome, but please note that seats are limited and registration necessary. For participation, please register here - 2025-03-12

Improve 2013-14 description

Microsoft Word - Dokument4 IMPROVE: IMPROving the Visual Environment for all The ultimate goal of the IMPROVE Theme is to define and develop solutions for improving the quality of life of organisms that rely on visual information. In an urban space, this applies not only to healthy individuals but also to elderly and visually impaired individuals as well as animals. In an interdisciplinary effort, - 2025-03-12