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Applied RS 2025

Applied Land Remote Sensing, - 3 ECTS, 8-12 October 2018 Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden PhD-course: Applied Land Remote Sensing 3 ECTS, October 2025 Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden Last day to apply: 15 September, 2025 More info, Contact and applications: Jonas Ardö, 046-2224031, (sponsored by ClimBEco) Li - 2025-03-12

TA Larosaten Syd Policy Update 20240603

Lärosäten Syd i Bryssel, Nordic House, Rue du Luxembourg 3, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgien E-post Webbadress Datum 2024-06-03 Authored by Hannah Mros & Rebecka Fjällström, trainees spring semester 2024 Updates regarding Common Agriculture Policy and Nature Restoration Law This document provides an update on two policy developments within the European Union: T - 2025-03-12

TA Larosaten Syd Policy Update 20240711

Caroline Sundberg – Head of the Universities in South Sweden Brussels Representation 11-07-2024 Policy Update 5 for Lund University Profile Area Nature Based Future Solutions _________________________________________________________________________________ Nature Restoration Law –adopted by the member states on the 17th of June On the 17th of June the Council formally adopted the nature restoratio - 2025-03-12

TA Larosaten Syd Policy Update 20241219

19-12-2024 Policy Update 7 for Lund University Profile Area Nature Based Future Solutions In this update: The European Commissions forthcoming Vison on Agriculture & food The Nature Restoration Law: The restoration of marine and freshwater ecosystems Brussels dialogue meetings Highlights from the Council of the EU Highlights from the Committees in the European Parliament Recommended briefings from - 2025-03-12


Sektorsöverskridande riskhantering av beroenden UTMANINGAR OCH FÖRUTSÄTTNINGAR | TOVE RYDÉN SONESSON • Vad menar vi med beroenden? • Varför är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till beroenden? • Vilka förutsättningar och utmaningar finns i Sverige? • Hur vill vi gå vidare inom CenCIP2? ISF-projektet •EU-finansierat genom Fonden för inre säkerhet •Fokus på nationella kritiska infrastrukturer •Transport, el - 2025-03-12

CenCIP Slutseminarium 20210521 Intro Jonas Johansson VF

PowerPoint-presentation Introduktion av forskningen inom CenCIP Syfte och målsättning CenCIP Det övergripande syftet med CenCIP är att genom forskning och utbildning bidra till utvecklingen av ett mer resilient samhälle. Med detta menar vi ett samhälle som både kan förutse och på förhand anpassa sig till olika potentiella påfrestningar och som snabbt kan återuppta viktiga samhällsfunktioner. El Fj - 2025-03-12

CenCIP Slutseminarium 20210521 Kritiska Infrastrukturer Jonas Johansson ...

PowerPoint-presentation Resiliens, beroenden och samhällskonsekvenser kritiska infrastrukturer (O1) Område 1: Beroenden och konsekvensanalys på samhällsnivå Fokus: – Empiriska studier och utveckling av metoder för att förstå och analysera komplexiteten med samberoende kritiska infrastrukturer – Ansatser för ökad förmåga att adressera beroenden och samhällskonsekvenser på lokal, regional och nation - 2025-03-12

Introduktion HT

Microsoft PowerPoint - Intro Forskningsseminarium med fokus på samhällets funktionalitet CENCIP (CENTRE FOR CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION RESEARCH) LUNDS UNIVERSITET Program (Mentimeterfrågor:, kod 43911502) 10:00 - 10:10 Välkommen (Henrik Tehler, CenCIP & Jim Kronhamn, MSB) 10:10 - 10:20 Introduktion av forskningen inom CenCIP (Jonas Johansson) 10:20 - 11:45 Resiliens, beroende - 2025-03-12

Program StorCEPI

Program StorCEPI webbinarium 28 april 2022 13.00-16.00 Program 13.00-13.10 Välkomna! Ulrika och Urban 13.00-15.00 SESSION I Unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa och deras utmaningar 13.10-13.30 Relationen mellan ohälsa och ungdomars utbildningsresultat Cristian Bortes, Umeå universitet 13.30-13.50 Socialt kapital bland unga i tonåren och dess relation till psykisk ohälsa Mikael Ahlborg, Halmstad Högskola - 2025-03-12

OM CEPI 8 9 nov

PowerPoint-presentation Välkomna till CEPI-dagarna 8-9 nov 2023 Program Dag 1 Program Dag 2 Erbjuda en kreativ, tvärvetenskaplig miljö för både juniora och seniora forskare inom socialpsykiatrisk forskning i Sverige Intressera oss för utvecklingen och implementeringen av forskningsbaserade insatser viktiga för individens personliga återhämtning. Men vi fokuserar även på hur miljön kan främja och h - 2025-03-12

NEKP01 Essay Neubauer CFE

European Integration and Switzerland A Synthetic Control Analysis of Switzerland’s Trade Potential if Switzerland Had Joined the European Union Author: Linda Neubauer Supervisor: Maria Persson NEKP01, Master Essay II Department of Economics MSc Economics, May 2023 i Abstract The objective of this paper is to investigate how Switzerland’s trade outcomes would have evolved had it decided to join the - 2025-03-12

Farewell Falsterbo master script english conflict version

1 FAREWELL FALSTERBO Conflict Version (Dystopia) Master Script for Skanör-Falsterbo and Version for any Beach PUNKT 1 1.1 SPEAKER SKANÖR 1.1 SPEAKER BEACH You’re on the beach now. Next to the ocean. Do you like it? Most people do. We all come from the ocean, and we all rely on it. There’s sand under your feet, and if you look up you can see the sky. Is it gray, heavy with rain? Or clear blue, with - 2025-03-12

Flyer hemophilia 2022

INTERNATIONAL HEMOPHILIA COURSE - FROM BASIC TO ADVANCED 26-28 April, 2022 - Scandic Triangeln, Malmö, Sweden This is an international, case-oriented course for physicians in need of further training in hemophilia. The aim of this course is to summarize and highlight the current state-of-the- art management of patients with a focus on personalized care and provide both basic and frontline knowledg - 2025-03-12


Sensors 2019, 19, 5272; doi:10.3390/s19235272 Article Laboratory Calibration and Field Validation of Soil Water Content and Salinity Measurements Using the 5TE Sensor Nessrine Zemni 1,2,*, Fethi Bouksila 1, Magnus Persson 3, Fairouz Slama 2, Ronny Berndtsson 3,4 and Rachida Bouhlila 2 1 National Institute for Research in Rural Engineering, Water, and Forestry, Box 10, - 2025-03-12

SRA strategy

Strategi för Lunds universitets strategiska forskningsområden 2020- 2030 Strategy for Lund University’s Strategic Research Areas 2020–2030 LUND UNIVERSITY 2 STRATEGY FOR LUND UNIVERSITY’S STRATEGIC RESEARCH AREAS 2020–2030 Foreword As a leading research university Lund University aim to further excellence in research in key areas that ensure that we achieve our ambitious goals and visions. This in - 2025-03-12

Cmes seminar series

CMES Seminar Series Postal address xxxx Visiting address xxxx Telephone +46 xxxx, +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 xxxx E-mail xxxx Website xxxx Centre of Middle Eastern Studies CMES Seminar Series Spring Program 2021 Convenors Karin Aggestam and Ronny Berndtsson, CMES has two set of seminar series. CMES Public Seminar focuses on highly topical issues - 2025-03-12

Orwa ajjoub rapport a4 0203 interaktiv

The Development of the Theological and Political Aspects of Jihadi-Salafism The Development of the Theological and Political Aspects of Jihadi-Salafism ORWA AJJOUB CENTER FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES | SASNET | LUND UNIVERSITY Contents Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................. 3 Glossary of Key Islamic Terms ........ - 2025-03-12

Call for CMES writing retreat 0

Call for CMES writing retreat[1] 2021-03-01 CALL CMES writing retreat The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) supports writing retreats on Middle East research with the aim to finalise an article, book chapter, edited volume or a book for publication in peer- reviewed outlets. 4 writing retreats will be granted during the autumn of 2021. CMES offers office space and modern research f - 2025-03-12

Calls CMES research initiation 3

Calls CMES research initiation 2021-05-01 CALL CMES research initiation The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) supports research with high scientific potential through the Strategic Research Area (SRA): Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW). CMES offers seed money for research initiation and preparation of applications for national and international research calls. The aim is - 2025-03-12

Syrian Climate-Migration-Conflict Nexus

The Syrian Climate-Migration-Conflict Nexus: An Annotated Bibliography GIANNA ANGERMAYR, PINAR DINC, AND LINA EKLUND CMES | CENTRE FOR ADVANCED MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES | LUND UNIVERSITY Cover picture: Ahmed Akacha from Pexels Layout and print: Media-Tryck, 2022 Lund 3 THE SYRIAN CLIMATE-MIGRATION-CONFLICT NEXUS Acknowledgements The work in this report was funded by FORMAS (Grant no. 2019-01131) and - 2025-03-12