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MFAAR2 time line 20220828

Time line MFAAR2 2022–3 FALL; August 29, 2022–January 15, 2023. august–september august 29. 10.00 WELCOME TO MALMÖ ART ACADEMY w/Rector Maj Hasager. august 29. ALL STUDENTS & STAFF: 19.00 Welcome dinner at Båghallarna september 1. 13.00–13.15 Individual tutorial w/Maj Hasager and Gertrud Sandqvist, lecture room, Mazetti. september 5. ALL STUDENTS: 12.00-14.00 Student forum september 6. 11.00-12.00 - 2025-03-10

BFA1 schedule 20220920

20220826 Introduction schedule for BFA1 students Duration of the fall semester 2022-08-29 - 2023-01-15 Blue text = Bachelor of Fine Arts year 1 (BFA1) Week 35 (29 August-4 September) 29.8 10.00 WELCOME TO MALMÖ ART ACADEMY w/Rector Maj Hasager ALL STUDENTS: 10.20 Introduction of the Student union 10.30-11.30 Sightseeing Båghallarna (group 1-2) 10.30-11.30 Sightseeing Båghallarna (group 3-4) LUNCH - 2025-03-10

MFA1, MFAAR1 and exchange students intro schedule 20220920

2022-09-20 Introduction schedule for new MFA1, MFAAR1 and exchange students Duration of the fall semester 2022-08-29 - 2023-01-15 Green text = Master of Fine Arts (MFA1), Master of Fine Arts in Artistic Research (MFAAR1), Exchange students (EX) Week 35 (29 August-4 September) 29.8 10.00 WELCOME TO MALMÖ ART ACADEMY w/Rector Maj Hasager 10.20 Presentation of Student union 11.00-12.00 Sightseeing Di,%20MFAAR1%20and%20exchange%20students%20intro%20schedule%2020220920.pdf - 2025-03-10


NewStud2022 NEW STUDENT EXHIBITION 23. 9 — 2. 10 KHM1 Juju Bento Celeste Knirke Arnstedt My Sjöberg Oda O Haugerud Cornelia Hermansson Karolina Bergman Engman Ida Roskjær Brockmann Anne Sofie Djernis Stella Sieber Line Kallmayer Tjelle Esrom Raunkjær Ida Brottmann Sørensen Hauge Djernis Leonard Vincent Rode Merit Böger OPENING RECEPTION FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 18.00–22.00 SATURDAY TO SUNDAY 12.00–16.0 - 2025-03-10

221024 MAA samlet 27 digital LQ

Malmö Art Academy 2021–2022 Malmö Art Academy 2021–2022 Management Maj Hasager Rector Silvana Hed Director Administration Charlotta Österberg Econom Sophie Nilsson Librarian Evalena Tholin Exhibition Coordinator and Administrator Nina Hansson Communications Josefin Waldenström Education Administrator Technicians Ariel Alaniz (metal, wood and sculpture workshops) Kristian Nordström Kimbré (photogra - 2025-03-10

KONB93 Haunting and Affect

KONB93 Haunting and Affect Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONB93, Haunting and Affect, 6 credits Hemsökelse och känsla, 6 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2022-09- 09 and was last revised on 2022-09-09. The revised syllabus applies from 2022-09-09, autumn semester 2022. General Informa - 2025-03-10

KONB95 Beyond Gravity

KONB95 Beyond Gravity Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONB95, Beyond Gravity, 6 credits Bortom gravitation, 6 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2022-09- 09 to be valid from 2022-09-09, autumn semester 2022. General Information Elective course within the BFA programme in Fine Arts (KGFKO) - 2025-03-10

KONB99 Economy and Law for Artists

KONB99 Economy and Law for Artists Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONB99, Economy and Law for Artists, 7.5 credits Ekonomi och juridik för konstnärer, 7,5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2022-09- 09 to be valid from 2022-09-09, autumn semester 2022. General Information Mandatory cours - 2025-03-10

KONC33 Documenting your Artworks

KONC33 Documenting your Artworks Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONC33, Documenting your Artworks, 6 credits Att dokumentera sina konstverk, 6 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2022-09- 09 to be valid from 2022-09-09, autumn semester 2022. General Information Mandatory course within the - 2025-03-10

KONC34 Plastic

KONC34 Technique: Plastic Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONC34, Technique: Plastic, 3 credits Teknik: Plast, 3 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2022-09- 09 and was last revised on 2022-09-09. The revised syllabus applies from 2022-09-09, autumn semester 2022. General Information Elect - 2025-03-10

KOND79 Gestures of Defiance

KOND79 Gestures of Defiance: Queer, Feminist and Activist Performance Practice Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KOND79, Gestures of Defiance: Queer, Feminist and Activist Performance Practice, 3 credits Motståndsgester: queer, feministisk och aktivistisk performancepraktik, 3 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of - 2025-03-10

KONT25 Matrix, Mater, Matter

KONT25 Matrix, Mater, Matter, Materiality, Materialism, New Materialism, Old Materialism... Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONT25, Matrix, Mater, Matter, Materiality, Materialism, New Materialism, Old Materialism..., 15 credits Matrix, Mater, materia, materialitet, materialism, ny materialism, gammal materialism..., 15 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of appro,%20Mater,%20Matter.pdf - 2025-03-10

Protokoll IS 221012

Microsoft Word - Protokoll IS 221012 Postadress Box 4035, 203 11 Malmö Besöksadress Bergsgatan 29, Malmö Telefon 040-325701 E-post Internet Institutionsstyrelsen PROTOKOLL Sammanträdesdatum 2022-10-12 NÄRVARANDE Ledamöter Maj Hasager Sophie Ljungblom PO Persson Gertrud Sandqvist Cecilie Kappel Andrea Sitara Gran rektor, ordförande T/A lektor professor studentrepr - 2025-03-10

KONB97 Hannah Arendt - Being a Citizen

KONB97 Hannah Arendt - Being a Citizen Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONB97, Hannah Arendt - Being a Citizen, 15 credits Hannah Arendt - vara medborgare, 15 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2022-12- 15 to be valid from 2023-01-16, spring semester 2023. General Information Theoretical - 2025-03-10

KONB98 Art in the Public Sphere

KONB98 Art in the Public Sphere Lund University Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts KONB98, Art in the Public Sphere, 7.5 credits Konst i offentligheten, 7,5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2022-12- 15 to be valid from 2023-01-16, spring semester 2023. General Information Theoretical course, Lund Universi - 2025-03-10

Minutes Equality Board 20230531

Microsoft Word - Minutes Equality Board meeting 20211108 Minutes 20230531 Equality board Kansliet Zsófia Boda Maj Hasager Kristian Kimbré, Youngjae Lih My Sjöberg Equality Board 31. May 2023 Present: Zsófia Boda, Maj Hasager, Kristian Kimbré, Youngjae Lih Formalities 1. Opening of the meeting 2. The agenda and supplements are approved 3. Approval of the previous minutes 4. Checklist and SFAD prese - 2025-03-10

Student Representatives KHM 2023-24

Microsoft Word - Studentrepresentatives at Malmö Art Academy academic year 2023 - 24.docx Student representatives at Malmö Art Academy academic year 2023 - 24 Student representatives Student Union - 2 students: The Student Union at Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, is an independent organization governed by elected student representatives from Malmö Academy of Music, Malmö Art Academy and - 2025-03-10


Syllabus KONV02 Autumn Intensive This is a translation of the syllabus which was established in Swedish. Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts KONV02, Autumn Intensive , 7.5 credits Höstintensiv, 7,5 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2023- 12-15 and was last revised on 2024-01-26. The revised syllabus - 2025-03-10