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Odin: ten times the lifetime - ten times the science? ETON rocket campaign 23rd March 1982 Odin • Launched 20 Feb 2001 • Joint Astronomy/Aeronomy mission • Carries two instruments –SMR –OSIRIS • Sun synchronous orbit 18:00 hour ascending node • Two year design life The Radiometer SMR • Four sub-mm Channels 486 – 580 GHz • One mm-waves channel 118.7 GHz • Three Spectrometers –One Acousto-optical Sp - 2025-03-10

Presentation ASchillings Public

PowerPoint Presentation Audrey Schillings Umeå University, Sweden; University of Leicester, UK dB/dt spikes during Space Weather events Credits: DMSP F17/SSUSI. Orbit 77091. 12 Oct 2021 Credits: Oscar Stål/Fotoräven. 12 Oct 2021, Umeå, Bäcksjön Optical signatures - ionosphere Satellites - space Credits: IMAGE network B field - ground 2 Credits: 1. 3. - 2025-03-10

Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalo elevator pitch SRS2022

Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalo_elevator pitch 3/24/22 1 Mechanisms behind skeletal muscle and immune system alterations during spaceflight @Rodrigo_FerGo Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalo Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, Sweden SRS meeting 2022 1 What Effects of space stressors on the human body 🚀 Focus on skeletal muscle and immune system 🚀 Understand the mechanisms à Genes 🚀 Prevent - 2025-03-10

SRS 2022 REESE shorten

PowerPoint Presentation GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET Remote sensing for Earth Sciences HEATHER REESE, DELIANG CHEN, CÉLINE HEUZÉ, LEA POROPAT, AURORA PATCHETT, LU ZHOU, JULIA KUKULIES & ANDREAS JOHNSSON Heather Reese Sr. Lecturer in GIS & Remote sensing Department of Earth Sciences GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET • 71 employees – Physical Geography – Biogeochemistry – Climate studies – Geology • 14 PhD students • - 2025-03-10

Talk Hoeijmakers SRS website

Talk_Hoeijmakers_SRS_website Atmospheres of ultra-hot exoplanets: Metals and chemistry on WASP-121 b Dr. Jens Hoeijmakers @HoeijmakersJens 
 SRS 2022 
 March 23 
 Lund Observatory Overview Introduction / background Theory
 Methodology WASP-121 b HST transmission/day-side - 2025-03-10

McMillan CV and PublicationList 0

Paul McMillan Lund Observatory, Box 43 SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden +46 46 22 27312 EDUCATION University of Leicester, Department of Physics and Astronomy 2003-2006 PhD in Theoretical Astrophysics, awarded 2007 Thesis title: Numerical simulations of galaxy interaction Supervisor: Prof Walter Dehnen Included three-month Marie Curie fellowship at Observatoire de Marseille, Université d - 2025-03-10

2023 07 19 GaiaNIR Lund GWs

Influence and detection of gravitational waves in Gaia-like astrometry Influence and detection of gravitational waves in Gaia-like astrometry Robin Geyer Lohrmann-Observatory, TU Dresden, Germany MW-Gaia 2023 meeting July 19th, 2023 1 / 23 Gravitational Waves Astrometry 1. influence 2. detect 2 / 23 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-2 100 102 104 106 GW Frequency [Hz] Supermass. binaries Stochastic backgrou - 2025-03-10


Detect-Radial-Motions-Lund-23 A new experiment in nearfield cosmology Joss Bland-Hawthorn Director, Sydney Institute for Astronomy Laureate Professor, U. Sydney, Australia With Sanjib Sharma, Joe Silk, Celine Boehm Credit: Benedikt Diemer Even without baryons, self-gravitating dark matter halos cannot fully virialize – the total moment of inertia is still evolving with cosmic time. Halos form thro - 2025-03-10

Exoplanet Demographics GaiaNIR Sozzetti final

Gaia and Exoplanetary Science: DR2, and Beyond Exoplanet Demographics in the 2050s: How Does GaiaNIR Fit In? Alessandro Sozzetti (INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino) Science and technology roadmap for μas studies of the Milky Way LUND (Sweden), 19/07/2023 Overarching Questions Planetary Systems Formation: a) How do planets and planetary systems form? b) Which features (spirals, gaps) of pro - 2025-03-10

GaiaNIRPhotometricSystem JMC

GaiaNIR photometric system GaiaNIR photometric system J.M. Carrasco, C. Jordi, E. Masana, M. Monguió & UB team Photometry • Chromatic corrections of the astrometric observations. • All-sky NIR survey at the mmag accuracy level  less extinction- limited CMDs. • Astrophysical classification (stars, galaxy, quasars, etc.). • Astrophysical parameterisation (interstellar reddening, effective temperatu - 2025-03-10


GaiaNIR_MRG GaiaNIR mock catalogues to study the capabilities towards the inner and outer disc Mercè Romero-Gómez & GaiaUB team With contribution from Paul McMillan Lund, July 18th 2023 Science and technology roadmap for μas studies of the Milky Way Building Gaia+GaiaNIR and GaiaNIR catalogs • Ingredients • Simulation of a Milky Way like galaxy (Romero-Gómez+2015) • 25M particles in the disc • Tes - 2025-03-10

Gaia Lund2023 Muraveva

Gaia_Lund2023_Muraveva Lund : 18-20 July 2023 RR Lyrae stars as distance indicators and metallicity tracers: impact of Gaia and Gaia NIR Tatiana Muraveva1 Andrea Giannetti2, Gisella Clementini1, Alessia Garofalo1 1 - INAF - OAS Bologna 2 - INAF - IRA Bologna ESA/Gaia/DPAC RR Lyrae stars • Pulsating variables • P = 0.2 – 1.0 days • Mass < Msun • HB region on the CMD, Mv ~ 0.6 ± 0.2 mag • Population - 2025-03-10

LundPresentation TRoegiers CommunicationChallenges

Gaia mission: Challenges in communication Tineke Roegiers Gaia information coordinator Lund - July 2023 Science and technology roadmap for μas studies of the Milky Way ESA/Gaia/DPAC Airbus Space Challenges in communication Communication challenges… • External • Large data releases • Open data policy • Large collaboration • Internal ESA/Gaia/DPAC External com - 2025-03-10

Lund 2023 GaiaNIR

Lund_2023_GaiaNIR The Hidden Regions Astrometry in the Near Infrared David Hobbs Lund Observatory Sweden What to do first? Photometric filter bands need to be studied - dispersion or filter photometry or both? An RV spectrograph - which wavebands in NIR - the need for high resolution spectra? Periods of slow scanning law need to be studied - for spectra only! Crowding in GC needs to be studied - l - 2025-03-10


Dias nummer 1 2023 - Erik Høg 1 70 years with astrometry From meridian circles to Gaia and beyond By Erik Høg For the meeting in Lund in July 2023 12023 - Erik Høg 1953-1973 Basis for space astrometry was created thanks to meridian circles in Copenhagen, Brorfelde, Hamburg, and Lund and to the vision of Pierre Lacroute about astrometry from space 1974-2023 Hipparcos and Gaia era building on the as - 2025-03-10

Session7 Nick Rowell

Experiences from the Gaia in-flight instrument modellingExperiences from the Gaia in-flight instrument modelling and suggestions for GaiaNIRand suggestions for GaiaNIR Nick Rowell, Michael Davidson, Nigel HamblyNick Rowell, Michael Davidson, Nigel Hambly University of EdinburghUniversity of Edinburgh Lund ObservatoryLund Observatory 2020thth July 2023 July 2023 Experiences from the Gaia in-flight - 2025-03-10

Tanga GaiaNIR Lund a

Tanga_GaiaNIR_Lund_a The Solar System at mas and µas accuracy Paolo Tanga Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur P. Tanga - Lund 2023 - Gaia NIR workshop Summary: implications of a Gaia-like NIR-extended mission ● Taxonomy and composition ● Epoch photometry ● Astrometric accuracy 2 P. Tanga - Lund 2023 - Gaia NIR workshop Why we need asteroid spectra? 3 P. Tanga - Lund 2023 - Gaia NIR workshop Why we need - 2025-03-10

Detection multiples gregor traven

Detection of multiple stellar systems from modern-precision single-epoch photometry Detection of multiple stellar systems from modern-precision single-epoch photometry Gregor Traven University of Ljubljana Science and technology roadmap for μas studies of the Milky Way Lund, July 2023 Importance of multiple stars Moe & Di Stefano 2017 KOI-126: A Triply Eclipsing Hierarchical Triple (Carter+ 2011) - 2025-03-10


GaiaNIR – Discussion points 30 Mar 2022 GaiaNIR:UK NSTP Closeout Meeting 1 Areas needing more work • Detector assessment underway Q1/24 to Q2/25 • Range of follow-up studies then required • Best size of pixels for APD detectors  limiting magnitudes • Trading light grasp and cost against spatial resolution • Number and width of photometry filter/ grism bands: • Trading simplicity against ability t - 2025-03-10

Negueruela lund

Diapositiva 1 Ignacio Negueruela LUND, July 2023 Massive clusters in the Milky Way Outline  Definition  Astrophysical interest  Westerlund 1: an example of Gaia taken to the limit.  Things we are missing  The Galactic Centre as a laboratory What are we calling a young massive cluster? Definition of “massive” depends on context In the Milky Way, we go for initial mass Mcl ≥ 104 M⊙ (Focus Meeti - 2025-03-10