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Lu strategy report 2011
Postal Address SASNET, Scheelevägen 15 D, SE-223 70 Lund, Sweden. Visiting address Ideon Research Village, House Alfa 1, Room 2040/41 (first floor). Internal university post code: 61. Telephone + 46 46 222 36 06. Telefax +46 46-222 30 41. E-mail Internet SASNET Swedish South Asian Studies Network Anna L indberg , d i rec tor /coord ina tor Försla - 2025-03-07
Lund 28 february 2017 2
Lund 28 February 2017 SASNET Workshop on Online Hate in India and Sweden On February 9-10, SASNET successfully arranged a workshop about Online Hate in India and Sweden. The workshop was held at Media Evolution City in Malmö. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together a diverse range of scholars, journalists, and activists from Sweden and India to reflect upon the similarities and differenc - 2025-03-07
Lund 29 april 2017
Lund 29 April 2017 Lund University member of the Nordic Centre in India (NCI) Lund University is a member of the Nordic Centre in India (NCI). Scholars and representatives of the member universities have the opportunity to stay at the Director's residence in Delhi. Read more… Sri Lanka Scholarships for foreign students The Government of Sri Lanka is calling for applications for the Presidential Sc - 2025-03-07
Lund 30 november 2017
Lund 30 November 2017 Important talk on Mobility and Gender in Maldives On Thursday 23 November SASA representative Phu Doma Lama Ph.D student from the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, will held a talk entitled: “Exploring the consequences of adaptation to changes: The case of mobility and gender in Maldives” at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Read more… Call for Papers for - 2025-03-07
Lund 31 august 2017
Lund 31 August 2017 A Million Rivers- Movie Screening and Director’s talk On Thursday 14 September at 19.00 director Sarah Singh comes to Skissernas Museum (Museum of Sketches for Public Art) in Lund to screen "A Million Rivers”. Radically re-inventing the geo-political narrative through themes of fragmentation, identity, loss, fantasy, secrecy, and desire award-winning director Sarah Singh contin - 2025-03-07
Lund workshop schedule of presentations aj jm
Lund Workshop Schedule of Presentations AJ JM Nationalisms in South Asia Workshop* Lund University Saturday, April 14 Venue: Biskopsgatan 5, House Norlind Morning Session 8:45-9:00 Opening remarks by Andreas Johansson, Director of SASNET 9:00-10:00 Peter Van Der Veer, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen ( Title: What Transcends the - 2025-03-07
Nci travel grant 2019
Travel Grant NCI TRAVEL GRANT EXCLUSIVELY FOR RESEARCHERS AT NCI MEMBER UNIVERSITIES FOR MORE INFO: GO TO WWW.NORDICCENTREINDIA.COM OR WRITE TO CONTACT@NORDICCENTREINDIA.COM Who can apply: Doctoral level researchers and above located at NCI member universities What is covered: NCI will provide a one-time payment of 500 Euros for the purpose of travelling to and from India. Deadline for applying - 2025-03-07
Otsoharjuwomenandmaids 0
otso_1 ! Women and Maids Perceptions of domestic workers, housework and class among young, progressive, middle- to upper-class women in Delhi Otso Harju* Working Paper No 55 2017 Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies Lund University, Sweden * Otso Harju was a student on the Masters Programme in Asian Studies, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University betwee - 2025-03-07
Post war sri lanka
Second Sight ArtExhibit POST-WAR SRI LANKA SPEAKER : DR . VAGISHA GUNASEKARA , RESEARCHER AT SOCIAL SCIENTISTS ’ ASSOCIATION (SSA) May. 8 , 15:00 to 17:00 Location: Center for Middle Eastern Studies (seminar room), Finngatan 16. - 2025-03-07
Rapport ashraf 2020
Violent Jihadist Ideology in South Asia: Socio-Political Implications Islamic Reformism and malayāḷḷi ummah in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Kerala, South West Indian Ocean MUHAMMED NIYAS ASHRAF | SASNET | LUND UNIVERSITY 2 ISLAMIC REFORMISM AND MALAYĀḶI UMMAH IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY COLONIAL KERALA, SOUTH WEST INDIAN OCEAN Author: Muhammed Niyas Ashraf Series Editor: Andreas Johansson SASNET Publicat - 2025-03-07
Recent publications
Microsoft Word - Staffan Lindberg SASNET homepage December 2016 v2.docx Recent publications: 2016 ‘Back from hell. Marked forever? Trajectory of a Dalit caste in south India.’ Paper for the Seminar for Venkatesh B. Athreya in Chennai, January 2016. Lindberg, S., Athreya, V., Djurfeldt, G., Rajagopal, A., and Vidyasagar, R. Changing Social and Political Relations in the Kaveri Delta. Working paper, - 2025-03-07
Report-sasnet-ff 2019
Microsoft Word - Report-SASNET-FF 151219- for Andreas Johansson..docx Ninth International Conference on Fermented Foods organized at SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand ____________________________________________________________ The ninth International Conference on “Fermented Foods, Health Status and Social Well-being” was organised during 13-14th December, 2019 by SASNET-FF (Swedish South Asian - 2025-03-07
Sanr program
Microsoft Word - SANR Program.docx South Asia Across the Nordic Region 2nd annual meeting University of Oslo, 5-6 June, 2018 P. A. Munchs Hus, seminar rooms 10 (PAM10) and 14 (PAM14) Niels Treschows Hus, 12th floor (NT12) Day 1 10.30 to 11.45. (NT12) Coffee for early arrivals 11.45 to 12.30. (NT12) Lunch 12.30 to 12.35. (NT12) Welcome Kenneth Bo Nielsen, University of Oslo & Ravinder Kaur, Univers - 2025-03-07
Sasnet-conference-2020 cfa
+++ Call for abstracts +++ SASNET online conference: Rethinking the politics of memory in South Asia December 9-10, 2020 The current debates around the politics of memory and memorialization reinforce that the act of remembrance and forgetting in the present does not exist in isolation from the past that informs them. This mnemohistorical continuity becomes even more apparent in the current contex - 2025-03-07
Sasnet-folder 160428 till tryck2
1 WHAT IS SASNET? This is SASNET SWEDISH SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES NETWORK SASNET-folder 160426.indd 1 26/09/16 11:50 2 WHAT IS SASNET? What is SASNET? SASNET is an interdisciplinary network for the promotion of research, education, and information about South Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lan- ka, and the Maldives). Its activities take place at Lund University, wher - 2025-03-07
Sasnet news bulletin 2 2016
SASNET News Bulletin 22016 Lund 14 September 2016 SASNET organizes conference on Modernity in South Asia SASNET organizes a conference entitled ”Modern Matters: Negotiating the Future in Everyday Life in South Asia” 20 – 22 September 2016 at Lund University, Sweden. The conference will explore what it means to consider oneself modern or outside the limits of modernity, in an extremely diverse regi - 2025-03-07
Sasnet news bulletin 4 2016
SASNET NewsBukletin 4/16 Från: Lars Eklund Ämne: SASNET News bulletin 4/2016 Datum: 15 november 2016 12:40 Till: Lund 15 November 2016 • SASNET board meeting approved organisational changes On Monday 10 October 2016, the Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) held its final board meeting as an autonomous unit of Lund University. On 1 January 2017, an organizational c - 2025-03-07
Layout 1 SASNET detaljerad aktivitetsrapport 2016 ---------------------------------------------------- ...sammanställd av Lars Eklund JANUARY 2016 SASNET participation in Thiruvananthapuram seminar on Access to Justice • The Department of Law at University of Kerala, India, organized an International Interdisciplinary Seminar on ”Access to Justice: Trends and Issues” on 7–9 January 2016 in Thiruva - 2025-03-07