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Guidelines for phd seminars at the department of sociology of law

Guidelines for PhD Seminars at the Department of Sociology of Law     1   Guidelines for PhD Seminars at the Department of Sociology of Law, Lund University.     In  accordance  with  "Policies  for  the  doctoral  program  in  sociology  of  law,  2009-­‐08-­‐24"   the  PhD  Candidate  shall  hold  at  least  three  doctoral  seminars  during  the  period  of   education;  start-­‐up  seminar,  m - 2025-02-08


Microsoft Word - Information-Correction-of-grades-2015-10-20.doc Grade review The purpose of this information is to clarify the rules and procedures that apply when grades are reviewed. Grading decisions cannot be appealed.1 However, there are provisions on the correction and review of decisions in the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act and Higher Education Ordinance.2 Until a grade has been est - 2025-02-08

Sasol eng 190314

Programme syllabus Master of Science Programme in Sociology of Law Faculty of Social Sciences SASOL, Master of Science Programme in Sociology of Law, 120 credits Masterprogram i rättssociologi, 120 högskolepoäng Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study / Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på avancerad nivå Decision The programme syllabus is estab - 2025-02-08

Study break application eng 2020

Microsoft Word - study_break_application_eng (4).docx Besöksadress Rättssociologiska enheten, Allhelgona Kyrkogata 18 C, 223 62 Lund, Hus M, vån. 3. Hämtställe 31. Dnr Sociology of Law Application for Study Break Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Civic registration number (Personnummer): ___________________________________ Postal Address: _ - 2025-02-08

Syllabus rasm12

LUNDS UNIVERSITET LUND UNIVERSITY SYLLABUS Division of Sociology of Law 1 March 2007 A. Syllabus for RÄSM12, Sociology of Law: Master’s Thesis Second cycle, 15 credits, full-time The syllabus was approved by the Division of Sociology of Law on 21 March 2007 The course was adopted by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on 1 March 2007. This syllabus is valid from the spring semester 2013. B - 2025-02-08

Syllabus rasn02 S2012/264 Sociology of Law A. Syllabus for RÄSN02 Sociology of Law: Internship in Sociology of European Law (SELA), 30 credits, second cycle (A1F) The course was adopted by the Dean 30 August 2012, as delegated by the Board of the Faculty of Social Science reg. no. S2012/60. The syllabus was approved by the Sociology of Law Unit on 3 september 2012. This syllabus is valid from the autumn s - 2025-02-08

Workshop description

International Workshop Migration and Informality in Central and Eastern Europe (MICEE) Rationale Traditionally seen as “exporting” migrants to Western Europe and North America, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, along with the former USSR ones, have recently become important migration hubs and destination. Initial trends tended to see the region as strategic for outsourcing. However, the - 2025-02-08

Workshop program

Microsoft Word - workshop program.docx FROM ECONOMIC TO POLITICAL INFORMALITY: EXPLORING THE LINK BETWEEN SHADOW PRACTICES, POLICY MAKING AND DEVELOPMENT ______________________ International Workshop SEPTEMBER, 17-19 Lund University, Sweden Lund University | Department of Sociology of Law Faculty of Social Sc iences Sociology of Law Rationale of the workshop Since initial conceptualization, a larg - 2025-02-08

Workshop programme

WORKSHOP PROGRAMME International Workshop: Migration and Informality in Central and Eastern Europe Dates: March 26-27, 2018 Venue: Lund, Sweden MARCH 25, 2018 Arrival of Participants MARCH 26, 2018 08:30-09:00 Opening and welcoming speech of the organisers of the workshop 09:00-11.00 Panel: Informality and State: Governance of Migration and Politics. Chair and Discussant: Diana Kudaibergenova, Lun - 2025-02-08

Application for deferment

Tillgodoräknande spec utb Received Reg. no ……………………. Application to be sent to: Lund University Faculty of Medicine Study advisor BMC F11 221 84 Lund (Internal mailing code 66) Application for deferment Remember that you must apply for the course/programme yourself if you are granted a deferment. Personal details Fill in the form electronically Personal identity number            First name Surnam - 2025-02-08

Application for return to studies

Tillgodoräknande spec utb Reg. no ……………………………… Received Application to be sent to: Lund University Faculty of Medicine Study advisor BMC F11 221 84 Lund (Internal mailing code 66) Application for return to studies (guaranteed admission) Personal details Fill in the form electronically Personal identity number       Name Surname             Address       Postal code City             Telephone Email - 2025-02-08

Application for return to studies after temp leave 0

Tillgodoräknande spec utb Reg. no ……………………………… Received Application to be sent to: Lund University Faculty of Medicine Study advisor BMC F11 221 84 Lund (Internal mailing code 66) Application for return to studies (after temporary leave from studies) Personal details Fill in the form electronically Personal identity number       Name Surname             Address       Postal code City             T - 2025-02-08

Approved leave from studies with guaranteed admission on return

Tillgodoräknande spec utb Reg. no ……………………………… Received Application to be sent to: Lund University Faculty of Medicine Study advisor BMC F11 221 84 Lund (Internal mailing code 66) Application for leave from studies due to special reasons Personal details Fill in the form electronically Personal identity number       Name Surname             Address       Postal code City             Telephone Emai - 2025-02-08

Clinicalkey student invite lund university

A5_ClinicalKey_Student_Invite_Digital You have access to medical course books via ClinicalKey Student We are hosting a ClinicalKey Student training session, so please stop by to learn more about this valuable resource. Where: BMC, Lund University Why: A product specialist from Elsevier will be onsite to help answer your questions For students: how to register, how to use Smart Search, how to creat - 2025-02-08

Hasselt university information sheet for exchange students

INFORMATION SHEET HASSELT UNIVERSITY FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS Biomedical Sciences programme Name: Postal address: Universiteit Hasselt (UHasselt) Campus Hasselt Martelarenlaan 42 3500 Hasselt Visiting address (courses): Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan – building D 3590 Diepenbeek Website: Departmental Internationalisation coordinator: Il - 2025-02-08

List of qualifications

Tillgodoräknande spec utb Received List of qualifications Personal details Fill in the form electronically Personal identity number       Name Surname             Specify the programmes/courses you wish to include in your degree and which do not feature in the LADOK transcript.* Course code Course title Date of completion Credits                                                       Office of the - 2025-02-08

Masterprogram i folkhalsovetenskap final eng ht-2019

Microsoft Word - Masterprogram i folkhälsovetenskap FINAL eng HT-2019.doc Master of Medical Science in Public Health 120 credits Second cycle VAPHE Language of instruction: English Programme description The programme consists of courses within the main field of Public Health. It is designed to provide students with breadth, depth and specialisation through a combination of compulsory and elective - 2025-02-08

Syllabus mphn40

Microsoft Word - Syllabus MPHN40 Thesis Course 2014-12-03.doc Biomedica l , Med ica l and Pub l ic Hea l th T ra in ing Board (NBMFU) MPHN40 Master’s Thesis in Public Health 30 Higher Education Credits Level A2E General information Main field Public health Subject Public health Type of course Obligatory course within the Master’s programme in Public Health. Language of instruction English Learning - 2025-02-08

Utb plan masterprogram i folkhalsovetenskap final eng 3

Microsoft Word - Utb_plan_Masterprogram i folkhälsovetenskap FINAL eng.doc Master of Medical Science in Public Health 120 credits Second cycle VAFHV Language of instruction: English Programme description The programme consists of courses within the main field of Public Health. It is designed to provide students with breadth, depth and specialisation through a combination of compulsory and elective - 2025-02-08

Utbildningsplan mmv 170929 pnm eng

Approved by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine on 30 January 2007 Valid from 1 July 2007 Amendments approved by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine on 2 February 2010 Valid from 1 July 2010 Amendments approved by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine on 11 February 2015 Valid from 1 July 2015 Amendments approved by the Undergraduate Education Board on 29 September 2017 Valid from 1 July 2018 Reg - 2025-02-08