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Letter of invitation - modsoctheory fall 2020

Dear PhD candidates, We are happy to offer a third cycle (PhD) course in modern sociological theory (7.5 ECTS). The course is arranged by the Department of Sociology at Lund University and the Department of Sociology at Copenhagen University. The course will be given from October 2020 through February 2021. There will be a total of three sessions: October 22–23 in Lund, November 26–27 in Copenhage - 2025-02-08

Mikael klintman readingcourse doktorand beyondnaturenurture180316b

Brevmall D e pa r tm e nt of S oc iol og y A. Reading course Beyond Nature vs. Nurture: Sociology, Evolution, and Economics integrated (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material - 2025-02-08

Phd course on concepts 20191

Department of Sociology Lund University ON CONCEPTS 7.5 credit PhD course, Fall 2019 Instructors and examiners: Carl-Göran Heidegren (CGH) and Chares Demetriou (CD). Guest lectures by Bo Isenberg, Malin Åkerström, and Olle Frödin Registration/Application: By email to before October 1. Course description: The chief aim of the course is to provide a deeper understandin - 2025-02-08

Presentation labour migration trade unions and employers

1 Project: Labour Migration, Trade Unions and Employers (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, 2013-2015) Participants: Professor Anders Kjellberg (project leader) and lecturer Olle Frödin, Department of Sociology, Lund University Summary: The aim of the project is to analyse the consequences of the radical reform of labour immigration to Sweden with regard to third-country nationa - 2025-02-08

Presentation union density in a global perspective

1 Project: Union Density in a Global Perspective (FAS 2006-2013) Participants: professor of sociology Anders Kjellberg (project leader) and Lena Lindgren (sociologist of law) Summary (Publication list see below): There are still considerable international variations in union density. With 70 per cent unionized employees, Sweden, Denmark and Finland occupy a top position. Although a relatively larg - 2025-02-08

Quinne working paper no. 11

1 LINKING INNOVATION AND JOB QUALITY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR POLICY AND RESEARCH QuInnE Working Paper No. 11 Chris Warhurst, Chris Mathieu, Maarten Keune and Duncan Gallie 2018 2 QuInnE - Quality of jobs and Innovation generated Employment outcomes -is an interdisciplinary project investigating how job quality and innovation mutually impact each other, and the effects this has on job cre - 2025-02-08

Quinne working paper no. 2

The Evolution of EU Innovation Policy Relevant to Job Quality and Employment The Evolution of EU Innovation Policy Relevant to Job Quality and Employment QuInnE Working Pa per 2 Csaba Makó, Miklós Illéssy and Chris Warhurst January, 2016 Work Package 4: Policy Analysis Deliverable 4.2 - 2025-02-08

Quinne working paper no. 4

1 An approximation of job quality and innovation using the 3rd European Company Survey. QUINNE WORKING PAPER No.4 WP5-3-2017 Rafael Muñoz-de-Bustillo* Rafael Grande** Enrique Fernández-Macías*** OCTOBER 2017 * University of Salamanca, Spain ** University of Málaga, Spain *** Eurofound, Dublin, Ireland. 2 AN APPROXIMATION OF JOB QUALITY AND INNOVATION USING THE 3RD EUROPEAN COMPANY SURVEY QUINNE WO - 2025-02-08

Quinne working paper no. 6

WP6-working-paper-virtuous-circles-final Virtuous circles between innovations, job quality and employment in Europe? Case study evidence from the manufacturing sector, private and public service sector Karen Jaehrling (ed.) with contributions from Roland Ahlstrand, Wike Been, Susanne Boethius, Laura Corchado, Nuria Fernández, Jérome Gautié, Anne Green, Miklós Iléssy, Maarten Keune, Bas Koene, Eric - 2025-02-08

Quinne working paper no. 8

QUALITY OF WORK AND INNOVATIVE CAPACITY: IMPLICATIONS FOR SOCIAL EQUALITY QuInnE Working Paper No. 8 Duncan Gallie Nuffield College, University of Oxford April, 2018 WP5-4-2018 2 QuInnE - Quality of jobs and Innovation generated Employment outcomes -is an interdisciplinary project investigating how job quality and innovation mutually impact each other, and the effects this has on job creation and - 2025-02-08

Saccr eng fasstalld

Programme syllabus Master of Science Programme in Cultural Criminology Faculty of Social Sciences SACCR, Master of Science Programme in Cultural Criminology, 120 credits Masterprogram i kulturkriminologi, 120 högskolepoäng Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study / Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på avancerad nivå Decision The programme syllab - 2025-02-08


Microsoft Word - template-research-plan.doc Address: Box 114, 221 00 Lund. Phone: +46 46 222 88 50. E-mail: Depar tment o f Soc io logy Research Plan When submitting your application to the PhD programme, you are also asked to hand in a research plan, describing your PhD project. This plan, together with previous merits compose an important component in the evaluati - 2025-02-08

War at work abstract. a. hetzler

Microsoft Word - 1a War at Work Abstract. A. Hetzler.docx American Sociology Association, Annual Meeting, August, 2015, Chicago, Illinois “War  at  work  -­‐  the   inner  dynamics  of  strategic  threats  and  violence  in  Swedish  Schools”     Antoinette  Hetzler     Abstract  A  comparison  analysis  of  437  cases  of  overt  threat  and  violence  by  a  third  party,  usually  a   student, - 2025-02-08

Work in progress apg appendix 1

Microsoft Word - Dokument3 Department of Sociology Research Studies Teaching Committee (FU-kollegiet) 2 May 2013 GUIDELINES FOR WORK IN PROGRESS (AVHANDLING PÅ GÅNG) Work-in-progress (ideas seminar and midway seminar) and final seminar The aim of the seminars is to be an intellectually stimulating forum at which to present sections of the thesis during the period as a doctoral student. As such, th - 2025-02-08

28 april 2016 trends in care for older people in europe

Teppo Kröger is a Professor in Social and Public Policy at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He has a social worker background and this Spring he is also a visiting researcher at Socialhögskolan in Lund. His research focuses on local, national and global care policies and their outcomes for older people, disabled people, carers, families with child - 2025-02-08


FORMS OF EXAMINATION School of Social Work in Lund, Sweden Due from autumn semester 2012 Approved by the head of department 2012-08-27, in accordance to the delegation of authority Course: SOPM17/SOAN36 Social Policy in Europe, 15 higher education credits The aim of the course is to provide students with analytical tools that enhance their abilities in exploring and explaining policy making within - 2025-02-08


Brevmall HANDBOOK FOR RESEARCH STUDIES AT THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, LUND UNIVERSITY The intention is that this handbook will be continuously revised. Therefore, ensure you download the latest version from the website. Views on the content can be submitted to 14 May 2015 2 CONTENTS .............................................................. - 2025-02-08


Brevmall Postal address Box 23, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Bredgatan 13 Telephone (switchboard) +46 46 222 00 00 Website School o f Soc ia l W ork Bachelor of Science in Social Work, 210 credits (SGSOC) The syllabus for the Bachelor of Science programme in Social Work was approved by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences 14 December 2006 and most recently revised 11 J - 2025-02-08

2014-03 cv hyden

Microsoft Word - CURRICULUM Vita1.doc March 2014.doc 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Håkan Hydén Personal information Name: Sten Erik Håkan Hydén Born: 11 February 1945 in Ludvika, Sweden, Nationality: Swedish, Civil status: Married, with two children Home address Kruthornsgränden 10, SE-226 52 Lund, tel: +46-46-306488 Business address Sociology of Law Unit, Social Science faculty, Lund University, P - 2025-02-08


Microsoft Word - application-salary-increase-department_eng.docx Application for a salary increase for doctoral students The first salary increase occurs after one year of full-time studies (60 credits), including at least 37.5 passed course credits as well as successfully carrying out a planning seminar (worth 22.5 credits). The second salary increase occurs after two years of full-time studies ( - 2025-02-08