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Iiiee network 2017 - call for sponsors

CALL FOR SPONSORSHIP Network Conference 2017 Lund, May 18-20, 2017 Dear promoters of a sustainable future, We would like to offer you a unique opportunity to expose your brand and your sustainability profile to worldwide practitioners in the field of sustainability. This opportunity is linked to the 10th IIIEE Alumni Network Conference, which will take place in Lund May 18-20, 2017. By becoming a - 2025-02-11

Iiiee strategic plan in communication 2014 - 2019

Effective communication and strong partnerships IIIEE STRATEGIC PLAN IN CommuNICATIoN 2014–2019 2 EffEctivE communication and strong partnErships • MARCH 2019 IIIEE Strategic plan in Communication 2014–2019 The strategic goal is to provide effective communication and strong partnerships. To achieve this, the IIIEE will work on the following 5 strategic priorities: 1. Articulate and communicate a c - 2025-02-11

Iiiee strategic plan in education 2014 - 2019

High quality and innovative education IIIEE StratEgIc Plan In EducatIon 2014–2019 2 HigH quality and innovative education • MARCH 2019 IIIEE Strategic plan in Education 2014–2019 The strategic goal is to provide high quality and innovative education. To achieve this, the IIIEE will work on the following 5 strategic priorities: 1. Develop a clear scope, focus and identity 2. Promote teaching and le - 2025-02-11


Rekommendation av mall för kursplaner på engelska vid Ekonomihögskolan Course Curriculum for IMEN09 Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 1. General information Course code: IMEN09 Course name: Environmental Science and Sustainable Development Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master level. Advanced level A1N Credits: 10 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by U - 2025-02-11

Imen13 0

Rekommendation av mall för kursplaner på engelska vid Ekonomihögskolan Course Curriculum for IMEN13 Business Fundamentals 1. General information Course code: IMEN13 Course name: Business Fundamentals Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master level. Advanced level A1N Credits: 6 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Utbildningsnämnd C, Lund University, Faculty of Engineerin - 2025-02-11

Imen15 0

Rekommendation av mall för kursplaner på engelska vid Ekonomihögskolan Course Curriculum for IMEN15 Economics, Consumption and Society 1. General information Course code: IMEN15 Course name: Economics, Consumption and Society Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master level. Advanced level A1N Credits: 5 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Utbildningsnämnd C, Lund Univers - 2025-02-11


Rekommendation av mall för kursplaner på engelska vid Ekonomihögskolan 1 Course Curriculum for IMEN27 Environmental Management in Organisations 1. General information Course code: IMEN27 Course name: Environmental Management in Organisations Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master level. Advanced level A1F Credits: 11 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Utbildningsnämn - 2025-02-11


Rekommendation av mall för kursplaner på engelska vid Ekonomihögskolan Course Curriculum for IMEN32 Applied Research in Sustainable Consumption and Production 1. General information Course code: IMEN32 Course name: Applied research in sustainable consumption and production Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master level. Advanced level A1F Credits: 8 ECTS Language of instruction: Engl - 2025-02-11


Rekommendation av mall för kursplaner på engelska vid Ekonomihögskolan 1 Course Curriculum for IMEN34 Applied Research Methods 1. General information Course code: IMEN34 Course name: Applied Research Methods Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master level. Advanced level A1F Credits: 8 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Utbildningsnämnd C, Lund University, Faculty of En - 2025-02-11


IMEN52 Course Curriculum for IMEN52 Environmental Management in Organisations 1. General information Course code: IMEN52 Course name: Environmental Management in Organisations Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master level. Advanced level A1F Credits: 9 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Utbildningsnämnd C, Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, 9 April 2014 Valid fr - 2025-02-11

Imen53 revision 20170516

IMEN53 In ternat ional Ins t i tu te fo r Industr ia l Envi ronmenta l Economics Course curriculum for IMEN53 Integrated Product Policy 1. General information Course code: IMEN53 Course title: Integrated Product Policy Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master Level. A1F Credit points 6 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Ledningsgruppen för grundutbildning (LG GU), Lund - 2025-02-11


IMEN54 Course curriculum for IMEN54 Applied Research in Preventive Environmental Approaches 1. General information Course code: IMEN54 Course title: Applied research in preventive environmental approaches Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master Level. Advanced level A1F Credit points: 6 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Utbildningsnämnd C, Lund University, Faculty of - 2025-02-11


IMEN56 Course curriculum for IMEN56 Thesis Project 1. General information Course code: IMEN56 Course title: Thesis project Main field: Environmental Management and Policy Master Level. Advanced level A2E. Credit points: 30 ECTS Language of instruction: English Approved by Utbildningsnämnd C, Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, 9 April 2014 Valid from Autumn semester 2014 2. General Descriptio - 2025-02-11

Instructions for applying

Brevmall Postal address P.O.Box 196, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address Tegnérsplatsen 4 Telephone +46 46-222 02 00 Telefax +46 46-222 02 10 E-mail Internet Draw up the application in accordance with the outline provided below: A. Cover sheet and personal letter B. Curriculum Vitae – CV C. List of selected research publications/exhibited artistic works - 2025-02-11

Interdisciplinary research 2016-2019

Excellence and renewal in interdisciplinary research IIIEE STRATEGIC PLAN IN RESEARCH 2016–2019 2 EXCELLENCE AND RENEWAL IN INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH • MARCH 2019 3EXCELLENCE AND RENEWAL IN INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH • MARCH 2019 IIIEE Strategic plan for Research 2016–2019 1. DEVELOP A CLEAR RESEARCH SCOPE, FOCUS AND IDENTITY The research scope and focus at the IIIEE will be structured as follows - 2025-02-11

Invitation 12-13 october trial lectures at the iiiee a4

As part of the recruitment process for the position as “Professor in sustainable busi- ness management and practice - for a transition to low-carbon and resource efficient eco- nomies” at IIIEE, the Academic Appointments Board at LU/LTH has decided to call Nan- cy Bocken, Renato Orsato and Rodrigo Lozano to trial lectures on the subject: My vision of future research in the area of Sustainable busi - 2025-02-11

Kes mccormick talks about the advancing sharing economy

The Nordic Report 2018 11 9 K E S M C C O R M IC K S E Kes McCormick Universitetslektor på Lunds Universitet / Associate Professor at Lund University Programansvarig / Program Coordinator Sharing Cities Sweden Vad är den gröna ekonomin? En grön ekonomi är en ekonomi som stödjer eller främjar hållbar utveckling. Hållbar ut- veckling handlar om att hitta en balans mel- lan ekonomiska, sociala och mi - 2025-02-11

Klimattexten 10 mars 2019 oksana mont om klimatangest och flygskam

nyheter 11VASABLADET söndag 10 mars 2019 För några år sedan skyltade man gärna med sina medlemskort hos olika flygbolag. Finnair, SAS och Nor- wegian. Ju mer man flög, desto fler förmåner fick man. Men på bara ett par år har pendeln svängt. I dag försöker man dölja sitt flygande så gott det går, och den som inte bryr sig om konsekvenserna av sina flygresor klassas som okunnig och omedveten. Det sa - 2025-02-11

Lessons from scandinavia 1 june 2016 interactive

Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE (MOOC) AT THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS (IIIEE) his course will explore greening the economy on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation. We will look at the relationships between these levels. Scandinavia, a pioneering place advancing sustainability and combating climate chan - 2025-02-11

Lifset epr lund 10 october 2016

Microsoft PowerPoint - EPR Lund 2016 - Lifset v3 Lifset, 1 EPR for What Matters? Upstream and Downstream The Third Decade of EPR IIIEE Lund October 10, 2016 Reid Lifset Center for Industrial Ecology School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Yale University EPR 3rd Decade Lifset, 2 Some Ways to Make EPR Matter? • Designing EPR for environmental benefits • Anticipating waste stream changes • Adapti - 2025-02-11