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Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Sandgatan 3, Building R Gamla kirurgen Telephone switchboard, +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 11 Email Website Facul ty Board Procedures for preventing and managing conflicts between supervisors and doctoral students at the Faculty of Social Sciences Introduction Lund University’s Regulations for Third - 2025-02-11


Litteraturlista för Att undervisa i kvantitativ metod (5 alt. 2 veckor) Litteratur för kurs motsvarande 5 veckor: Aneshensel, Carol S. (2013) Theory-based data analysis for the social sciences. (2a upplagan) London: SAGE. Utvalda delar, ca 300 sidor. ISBN: 9781412994354 Hulsizer, Michael and Woolf, Linda. A Guide to Teaching Statistics: Innovations and Best Practices. (2009) Wiley-Blackwell. 200 s - 2025-02-11


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Sandgatan 3, Hus R Gamla Kirurgen Telephone +46 46 222 48 35 switchboard +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 11 Email Website Facul ty Board Regulations for third cycle education at the Faculty of Social Sciences 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS GOVERNING RESEARCH STUDIES ....................................... - 2025-02-11


Postal address P.O. Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund Visiting address Sandgatan 3, building R, Gamla Kirurgen Telephone +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 11 Website SGR001F Political Psychology, 7.5 credits, third cycle The course was established by the board of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University on 7 June 2018 and the course syllabus was approved by the Research Studies Co - 2025-02-11


Postal address Box 117, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Sandgatan 3, building R Gamla kirurgen Telephone +46 46 222 83 18, +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 11 Email marten, Website Facul ty Board Teaching Quantitative Methods 5 weeks (2 of which included in qualifying training in higher education teaching and learning)/2 weeks Place of the course in the educational - 2025-02-11

Syllabus analyses in qualitative research 15 20191122

Postal address P.O. Box 117, 221 00 Lund, SWEDEN Visiting address Sandgatan 13A, Lund Telephone +46 46 222 00 00 Website SGR013F, Analyses in Qualitative Research, 15 credits, third cycle The course was established by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University on 21 November 2019. The syllabus is valid from the spring semester 2020. A. General information The c - 2025-02-11

Syllabus analyses in qualitative research 75 20191122

Postal address P.O. Box 117, 221 00 Lund, SWEDEN Visiting address Sandgatan 13A, Lund Telephone +46 46 222 00 00 Website SGR012F, Analyses in Qualitative Research, 7.5 credits, third cycle The course was established by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University on 21 November 2019 and the syllabus was approved by the Research Studies Council on 22 November 2019 - 2025-02-11

Syllabus qualitative analysis and coding 20190327

Postal address P.O. Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund Visiting address Sandgatan 3, building R, Gamla Kirurgen Telephone +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 11 Website SGR006F Qualitative Analysis and Coding (using software), 7.5 credits, third cycle The course was established by the board of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University on 18 November 2018 and the course syllabus was ap - 2025-02-11

Syllabus qualitative methods 15 20171108

Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Sandgatan 3, hus R Gamla Kirurgen Telephone switchboard +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 11 E-mail Website SAKA004, Qualitative Methods, 15 credits, third cycle The course was adopted by the Board of the Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences 23 November 2017 and the syllabus approved by the Board - 2025-02-11

Syllabus qualitative methods 7.5 20171108

Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Sandgatan 3, hus R Gamla Kirurgen Telephone switchboard +46 46 222 00 00 Fax +46 46 222 44 11 E-mail Website SAKA002, Qualitative Methods, 7.5 credits, third cycle The course was adopted by the Board of the Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences 6 February 2014 and the syllabus approved by the Board - 2025-02-11


Soc ia l Sc iences Facul ty Of f ice This decision replaces the regulatory document Dnr S 2011/342 Teaching academy criteria for assessment of teaching skills in appointments of qualified and excellent teaching practitioners Qualification requirements for academic appointments A person who has demonstrated teaching expertise and completed five weeks of training in teaching and learning in higher e - 2025-02-11


Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Sandgatan 3, hus R Gamla kirurgen Telefon 046-222 83 18, 046-222 00 00 E-post Webbadress  demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and ongoing learning.  (for second cycle: take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning)  demonstrate the competence and knowledge required to work - 2025-02-11


Brevmall InstAvdEnhet 2 11 March 2019 SYLLABUS Reg. no. U 2016/XXX 1 Syllabus for /discipline/ third cycle course: Specialization course, 7,5 higher education credits Title in Swedish: Specialiseringskurs The course was adopted and the syllabus approved by the Board of the Department of …, Lund University. This syllabus is valid from … A. Course Details The course is offered as a single subject co - 2025-02-11


Compensation rules for teachers 2019-04-24 Compensation rules at the Department of Political Science Reduction of the teaching obligation for lecturers The annual work hours for lecturers is regulated the following way: 1700 clock hours for employee with 35 days of vacation (from the year of turning 40) 1732 clock hours for employee with 31 days of vacation (from the year of turning 30) 1756 clock - 2025-02-11


Diarienummer: Department of Political Science Template for Course Report The Course Name of the course: Course Convenor: Start date: End date: Number of registered students: Number of passed students: Type of examination: Course Evaluation Number of responses for the survey: What went well: What did not go well: Reflection for next time the course is given: image1.emf - 2025-02-11

Programme syllabus emp 20202021

A Programme Syllabus for the Master of Science in Environmental Management and Policy / Masterprogram i Miljöstrategisk Styrning Programme code: XAMIS Scope: 120 credits Cycle: Second Approved by: Programme Board W Validity: 2020/2021 Date of approval: November 2019 Language of instruction: English 1 AIM AND OUTCOMES 1.1 AIM The International Master’s Programme in Environmental Management and Poli - 2025-02-11

Friday cancer centre seminar fall 2020

Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Fall 2020 Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Fall 2020 Strålbehandlingsavdelningen, kl 0815-0900 Title Speaker Lokal 28 August Immunotherapy of glioblastoma Peter Siesjö Föreläsningssalen 4 September Breast cancer Fredrika Killander/Per Malmström Föreläsningssalen 11 September LU Innovation och Cancerforskning Cecilia Jädert Föreläsningssalen 18 September Njurcancer Håkan Ax - 2025-02-11

Friday cancer centre seminar spring 2021 - sheet1

Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Spring 2021 Friday Cancer Centre Seminar Spring 2021 Title Speaker Meeting room Strålbehandlingsavdelningen, kl 0815-0900 15-Jan Disparities in access to oncology clinical trials in Europe Ana Carneiro Föreläsningssalen 22-Jan No seminar 29-Jan Predictive markers for immunotherapy Göran B Jönsson Föreläsningssalen 5-Feb Genomic characterization of triple negative breas - 2025-02-11

Invitation lucc luis jan 2020 0

Impact through Innovation HOW TO RUN AN INNOVATION PROJECT BASED ON YOUR RESEARCH LU Innovation and Lund University Cancer Center (LUCC) invite you to a lunch seminar where you’ll be given an introduction to key aspects of creating impact from academic research – how to move forward with a project and how to avoid common pitfalls. • Rights vs responsibility. What does the teacher’s exemption mean - 2025-02-11

Sasi03 study guide h19

Microsoft Word - SASI03_2019_Study Guide Course requirements Attendance The course is comprised of lectures, seminars, labs and an excursion. Unless there are valid reasons to the contrary, participation is required in all components marked as “mandatory” in the schedule. Students who have been unable to participate due to circumstances such as accidents or sudden illness will be offered the oppor - 2025-02-11