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Your search for "*" yielded 531803 hits

Hedling on practice approaches to the digital transformations of diplomacy

Published 9 July 2021 Elsa Hedling has together with Niklas Bremberg (Stockholm University) co-authored the article ”Practice Approaches to the Digital Transformations of Diplomacy”, published Open Access in the journal International Studies Review. The article aims to advance a research agenda to address key questions in the study of digital diplomacy on the basis of various practice approaches. - 2025-02-23

Feminist foreign policies as strategic narratives

Published 23 August 2021 Ekatherina Zhukova, Malena Rosén Sundström and Ole Elgström have co-authored the article ”Feminist foreign policies (FFPs) as strategic narratives: Norm translation in Sweden, Canada, France, and Mexico” in the journal Review of International Studies (RIS). The article compares the Feminist Foreign Policies (FFPs) in Sweden, Canada, France and Mexico in their attempts to t - 2025-02-23

Aggestam, Bergman Rosamond and Hedling on feminist digital diplomacy

Published 24 August 2021 Karin Aggestam, Annika Bergman Rosamond and Elsa Hedling have co-authored the article ”Feminist digital diplomacy and foreign policy change in Sweden” published Open Access in the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. The article examines the ways in which the launch of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy marked a change in its digital diplomacy efforts. The article co - 2025-02-23

Strömbom on agonistic peace

Published 26 August 2021 Lisa Strömbom has co-authored the article "Agonistic recognition as a remedy for identity backlash: Lessons from Israel and Turkey" which is now available online (open access) in the journal Third World Quarterly. The article is part of a forthcoming Special Issue on agonistic peace, edited by Lisa Strömbom and Isabel Bramsen. Learn more about the article on Taylor & Franc - 2025-02-23

Svensson on South Asian Nationalisms

Published 30 August 2021 Ted Svensson has authored the article ”South Asian Nationalisms” in the journal Asian Ethnology. The article focuses on the manifold commonalities that exist between South Asian states — both in terms of shared traits or dynamics and the recurrent attribution of negative connotations to neighboring states — and how these impact on nation-building and the possibility of act - 2025-02-23

Ivanovska Hadjievska on green parties and environmental organisations

Published 1 September 2021 Milka Ivanovska Hadjievska has together with Torill Stavenes co-authored the article “Insider Status-Membership Involvement Offer Trade Off? The Case of Green Parties and Environmental Organisations”, which has been published in the journal Political Studies. The article investigates the expectation that parties and interest groups which become institutional insiders wil - 2025-02-23

General practitioners’ handling of pain patients

Published 3 September 2021 Tove Lundberg and Stina Melander have co-authored the article “Professional Coping Strategies in a Temporal Perspective: A Pilot Study on How Swedish General Practitioners Deal With Challenges Inherent in Pain Management”, which has been published in the journal SAGE Open. The aim of this study was to explore how general practitioners cope with the challenges they face w - 2025-02-23

Elgström on images of EU foreign policy roles

Published 6 September 2021 Ole Elgström and Natalia Chaban (University of Canterbury, New Zeeland) have recently published the research monograph The Ukraine Crisis and EU Foreign Policy Roles – Images of the EU in the Context of EU-Ukraine Relations with Edward Elgar Publishing. The book examines how perceptions are a reflection of an actor’s conception of status, credibility and legitimacy assig - 2025-02-23

Kristinsson on Iceland as a Small State in 15th and 16th Centuries

Published 8 September 2021 Thorsteinn Kristinsson has co-authored a chapter in the book ”Iceland’s Shelter-Seekeng Behavior: From Settlement to Republic”, published by Cornell University Library (edited by Baldur Thorhallsson). The chapter is titled “Iceland's External Affairs from 1400 to the Reformation: Anglo-German Economic and Societal Shelter in a Danish Political Vacuum”. The chapter examin - 2025-02-23

Magalhaes Teixeira on underdevelopment, extractivism and conflict in the Global South

Published 10 September 2021 Barbara Magalhaes Teixeira has authored the article “Underdevelopment, extractivism, and conflict in the Global South and the role of systemic alternatives” in the special issue “Women Thinking the Global South” of the journal Conjuntura Austral. Learn more on Conjuntura Austral’s website Barbara Magalhaes Teixeira’s personal page - 2025-02-23

Björkdahl on Colombia’s legal system

Published 13 September 2021 Annika Björkdahl and Louise Warvsten have co-authored the article ”Friction in Transitional Justice Processes: The Colombian Judicial System and the ICC”, published in the journal The International Journal of Transitional Justice. The article analyzes how the international criminal court affects the Colombian peace and transitional justice and the authors find that the - 2025-02-23

Strömbom on Pre-Transitional Justice in Israel

Published 16 September 2021 Lisa Strömbom has co-authored the article ”Israeli Pre-Transitional Justice and the Nakba-Law” which was recently been published online (open access) in the journal Israel Law Review. This article is based on a case study of the so-called Nakba Law in Israel, which prohibits public remembering of the expulsion of the Palestinian people in connection with the 1948 war. T - 2025-02-23

Hansen on homonationalism as an antagonising political consensus

Published 17 September 2021 Malte Breiding Hansen has authored the article ”Between Two Ills: Homonationalism, Gender Ideology and the Case of Denmark” in the journal Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory. The article asks whether homonationalism can lead to antagonistic attacks levelled at queer and feminist (gender+) movements. Hansen finds that homonationalis - 2025-02-23

Svensson on ritual and authority

Published 21 September 2021 Ted Svensson has contributed to a forum titled “Ritual and authority in world politics”, which has been published in the journal Cambridge Review of International Affairs. The forum examines the role that ritual performances play in the constitution of positions of authority and the maintenance of relations of authority in historical and contemporary international relat - 2025-02-23

Goenaga received award for best paper in the journal Comparative Political Studies

Published 24 September 2021 Agustín Goenaga has together with Thomas Brambor, Johannes Lindvall and Jan Teorell received the Editorial Board Award for best paper published in 2020 in the journal Comparative Political Studies for the article “The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State”. The article presents new data on the efforts of states to collect and process information abo - 2025-02-23

Abdelmoez on Queer and Trans Feminisms in the Contemporary Arabic-Speaking World

Published 27 September 2021 Joel W. Abdelmoez has authored the book chapter “Deviants, Queers, or Scissoring Sisters of Men? Translating and Locating Queer and Trans Feminisms in the Contemporary Arabic-Speaking World”, in the book ”The Palgrave Handbook of Queer and Trans Feminisms in Contemporary Performance”. The chapter deals with the increased visibility and proliferation of LGBTQ+ organisati - 2025-02-23

Bergman Rosamond’s article has been selected favourite by Review of International Studies, 2020-2021

Published 1 October 2021 Annika Bergman Rosamond’s article “NATO’s Strategic Narratives: Angelina Jolie and the alliance’s celebrity and visual turn” (co-authored with Katharine Wright, Newcastle University), has been selected the lead editor’s favorite article, published in the journal Review of International Studies in 2020 and 2021. Learn more on the website Annika Bergman Rosamond’s - 2025-02-23

Bäck on the coalition governments in Western Europe

Published 4 October 2021 How do parties form coalition governments, how do they govern together, and why do some governments last longer than others? Hanna Bäck has, together with med Torbjörn Bergman and Johan Hellström edited a volume recently published by Oxford University Press which focuses on coalition governance in the Western European countries.  Read about the volume on the Oxford Univers - 2025-02-23

Bäck on attitudes toward immigration

Published 8 October 2021 What drives individuals’ attitudes toward immigration? Hanna Bäck has, together with med Adam Peresman and Royce Carroll analyzed this question in a large-scale representative survey study performed in the UK. You can read about their results in the article “Authoritarianism and Immigration Attitudes”, which was recently published in the Political Studies. Learn more on Sa - 2025-02-23

Wilén on security force assistance

Published 12 October 2021 How does security force assistance in fragile states develop in the field? How come that strategy often falls short when it comes to planning military assistance in fragile states? Nina Wilén answers these questions in the article ”Analysing (In)formal Relations and Networks in Security Force Assistance: The Case of Niger” through a micro-analysis of security force assist - 2025-02-23