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Opportunities and challenges of European collaboration on education

Published 19 January 2022 LU intends to extend and broaden its commitment to the European university initiative EUGLOH. Work on writing an application for continued European university collaboration beyond 2022 started just before Christmas. The EUGLOH initiative is now in its third and final year within the framework of the EU’s first pilot round. The continued collaboration will build on our exi - 2025-03-02

What is the state of IT security at Lund University?

Published 19 January 2022 I guess you can say that it goes up and down, but I would say that IT security is a question that worries me. We must act fast and start by analysing the current situation. We hear almost daily about threats from the surrounding world of intrusion, ransomware attacks* and spying. Lund University is of course no exception regarding these threats and we need to equip oursel - 2025-03-02

New units for e-infrastructure and teaching support are now in place

Published 19 January 2022 There are now two new units in place within the central administration. Since 1 January, the University has two new organisational units: one for e-infrastructure and one for teaching support. The e-infrastructure unit is to provide support on issues concerning e-infrastructure and research data. It will also provide training in working methods and use of support. The uni - 2025-03-02

Career development for academic staff

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 18 January 2022 During the spring, the University will continue to roll out a series of activities aimed at inspiring and providing concrete advice on career development for academic staff, both within and outside academia. All activities are free of charge and conducted in English. You will find the spring programme - 2025-03-02

A taste of MoRe-Lab – LU’s new Movement and Reality Lab

By erik [dot] skogh [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Erik Skogh) - published 17 January 2022 MoRe-Lab (Movement & Reality Lab) was inaugurated on 8 December as a new test environment for experimental health sciences at Lund University. All three guided tours on the day were fully booked and there were many questions. The event gave rise to concrete ideas for future collaborations as well as new contact - 2025-03-02

Sustainability Week 2–7 May 2022

By Jenny [dot] Hansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Hansson) - published 24 January 2022 In the first week of May, it's time for the annual theme week on current sustainability issues. Employees and students at Lund University are welcome to contribute with popular science events during the week. Send questions, ideas or proposals for events at the Sustainability Week 2022 to jenny [dot] hans - 2025-03-02

Apply to the access courses for PhD students

By isabelle [dot] nilsson [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Isabelle Nilsson) - published 26 January 2022 As a part of ACCESS effort to have a deeper approach on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular focus on the goals 3, 11, 14 and 15, we are happy to announce that three courses for PhD-students on different aspects related to the mentioned SDGs will be open to PhD-students - 2025-03-02

At the national level the funding of profile areas has moved forward

Published 31 January 2022 On January 18th the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) organized an information and discussion meeting about the profile areas. The general sentiment was that the new task provided surprisingly little direction for how the financing of the profile areas should be developed. On January 13th the Swedish government (U2022/00168) gave the Swedish Rese - 2025-03-02

Palm house in the Botanical Garden to be remodelled

By caroline [dot] wiklund [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Caroline Wiklund) - published 28 January 2022 The palm house in the Botanical Garden is to be renovated and the environment improved for both staff and visitors. Production is planned for 2024 and expected to take just over a year. The project was initiated by the University and the Botanical Garden because the cycads and other plants in the pal - 2025-03-02

Give students tips on digital study technique

By maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - published 25 January 2022 Updated website helps students to manage technology and learning in the new normal. The updated website gathers information for students about the digital tools they are expected to use at Lund University – such as Canvas, Zoom and Inspera – but also concrete tips on study - 2025-03-02

Managers are offered support in their management and leadership role

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 3 February 2022 The University offers managers and leaders support in their management role, in the form of training courses, programmes and workshops. Taking part in these initiatives also offers you a unique opportunity to meet and network with other managers within the University. The training courses offered inclu - 2025-03-02

Jenny Palm - new Director of the IIIEE

By li [dot] strandberg [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Li Strandberg) - published 24 January 2022 Jenny Palm has been appointed to the position of Director and Lena Neij, who has temporarily been managing the institute in 2021, will go back to focusing on research. Jenny holds a role as Professor in Sustainable Urban Governance at the IIIEE since 2017 and will start in her new role February 1. Fredr - 2025-03-02

Museums, art and culture in teaching

Published 11 February 2022 In a debate forum a week or so ago, an international panel discussed how museums, art and culture can be used in teaching. The event was organised, for all those interested, by Lund University’s Division for Higher Education Development (AHU) in collaboration with Lena Örnberg within the Object-Based Learning (OBL) project. The meeting was held online and the panel parti - 2025-03-02

Education board to focus on educational development, lifelong learning and widening participation in recruitment

Published 11 February 2022 The Education Board’s plan of operations for 2022 has now been approved. The plan focuses on four areas and a vision and ideas document is to guide the development of our education over the next few years. The Education Board has now approved its plan of operations for 2022. The process of drafting the plan was different this time, starting as early as November last year - 2025-03-02

LU Innovation has a new director who wants to make the most of the University’s breadth

Published 10 February 2022 On 17 January, Niclas Nilsson became the new director of LU Innovation. He has a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Medicine in Lund and broad experience from research and development in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as of innovation collaborations at the intersection between industry and academia. Most recently, Niclas worked at LEO Pharma in Denmark, where his - 2025-03-02

Increased cultural communication at LU

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 7 February 2022 LU is now taking a strategic approach to its art and cultural communication to more clearly profile itself as the broad university, with artistic and cultural knowledge formation alongside other sciences. Art and culture help us to achieve a better understanding of society and ourselves. They also give - 2025-03-02

National research study on sexual harassment at higher education institutions

Published 16 February 2022 Sexual harassment at work In spring 2021, a large number of randomly selected employees, doctoral students and students at Sweden’s higher education institutions responded to a survey on sexual harassment and victimisation. At the end of May, a report from the survey will be presented. I have already had the opportunity to read the results regarding Lund University. At L - 2025-03-02

26 pre-notifications for profile areas received

Published 21 February 2022 February 15th was the deadline to make pre-notifications with the preliminary title and a contact person of proposed profile areas. We received 26 pre-notifications. Based on the preliminary titles, the 26 proposed profile areas that are being developed cover the breadth of the university very well. They contain many expected topics in which Lund University has a strong - 2025-03-02

Interest in welcoming researchers from Afghanistan

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 17 February 2022 Pär Svensson. Foto: Gabriella Gut There is a great deal of interest at the University in welcoming researchers from Afghanistan. The University Management and all the faculties consulted are prepared to contribute what is needed to receive these researchers. At the International Office of LU’s Exte - 2025-03-02

Early signs for ending up in a life of crime

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 17 February 2022 Most children are angry sometimes. But to often might be dangerous. Foto: Cresta Johnson/Shutterstock We all remember the disruptive boys in the class. The ones who shoplifted, got into playground fights and started smoking early. Some of these boys were quite simply displaying normal defiance and are - 2025-03-02