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Your search for "*" yielded 529926 hits

Inverse Probability Weights for the Analysis of Polytomous Outcomes

Published 30 June 2018 New publication in American Journal of Epidemiology Polytomous outcomes are common in epidemiologic studies. Analyses based on multinomial models employ a likelihood that utilizes the data observed in all outcome categories simultaneously and permits inferences regarding associations across outcome categories. However, the potentially large number of estimated parameters pro - 2025-03-16

Formas remissvar angående internationalisering av universitet och högskolor

Published 1 July 2018 Internationaliseringsutredningen som arbetar på uppdrag av regeringen har presenterat sitt delbetänkande i form av en strategisk agenda för internationalisering av universitet och högskolor (SOU 2018:3). Sammantaget välkomnar Formas en ökad ambitionsnivå för den svenska högskolans internationalisering såsom den presenteras i utredningens strategiska agenda. Många av förslagen - 2025-03-16

Data maturity and follow-up in time-to-event analyses

Published 9 July 2018 New publication in the International Journal of Epidemiology AbstractWe propose methods to determine the minimum number of subjects remaining at risk after which Kaplan-Meier survival plots for time-to-event outcomes should be curtailed, as, once the number remaining at risk drops below this minimum, the survival estimates are no longer meaningful in the context of the invest - 2025-03-16

New population study from LU in PLOS ONE

Published 20 June 2018 Fall-risk-increasing drugs and falls requiring health care among older people with intellectual disability in comparison with the general population: A register study BackgroundFalls are the most common cause of injury for older people in the general population as well as among those with intellectual disability. There are many risk factors for falls, including a range of dr - 2025-03-16

Cohort Profile: The Haematological Malignancy Research Network (HMRN): a UK population-based patient cohort

Published 11 July 2018 New cohort profile available in International Journal of Epidemiology. Read the publication on IJE's website.During the summer, we will not update the ”publications of interest” list. Instead, new publications of relevance for population studies will be posted as news here on - 2025-03-16

Using the Index of Concentration at the Extremes at multiple geographical levels to monitor health inequities in an era of growing spatial social polarization: Massachusetts, USA (2010–14)

Published 15 July 2018 BackgroundMetrics that quantify economic and social spatial polarization at multiple geographical levels are not routinely used by health agencies, despite rising inequalities.MethodsWe employed the Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE), which quantifies how persons in a specified area are concentrated into the top vs bottom of a specified societal distribution, to ex - 2025-03-16

Cohort Profile: The PROspective Québec (PROQ) Study on Work and Health

Published 16 July 2018 The aim of The PROspective Québec (PROQ) Study on Work and Health is to further extend our comprehension of the effect of work stressors on cardiovascular and mental health. Read the publication on IJE's website.During the summer, we will not update the ”publications of interest” list. Instead, new publications of relevance for population studies will be posted as news here - 2025-03-16