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The social context of nearest neighbors shapes educational attainment regardless of class origin

Published 3 December 2020 Much neighborhood research has focused on contemporary and segregated cities in the United States, but less on small and more homogenous cities. Additionally, neighborhood conditions are often estimated using administrative borders, which bias results. We adopt a long-term perspective on the importance of childhood neighbors, using more realistic methods of neighborhood c - 2025-01-29

Sexual identity and low leisure-time physical activity: a population-based study

Published 3 December 2020 The prevalence of low LTPA among men and women were as follows: 13.9% and 12.3% among heterosexuals, 26.1% and 18.5% among bisexuals, 19.5% and 15.6% among homosexuals, 26.6% and 18.5% among others. Bisexual men and women and other men had higher odds ratio of low LTPA than heterosexuals in the final models, whereas gay and lesbian participants did not differ. Read more a - 2025-01-29

Health Literacy among Swedish Patients in Opioid Substitution Treatment: A Mixed-Methods Study

Published 4 December 2020 Poor health and unmet healthcare needs is common among people with substance use disorder (SUD) including patients in opioid substitution treatment (OST). Low health literacy (HL) is associated with poverty, low education and physical limitations, but is unexplored in an OST context. Read more at Health Literacy among Swedish Patients in Opioid Substitution Treatment: A M - 2025-01-29

Distal forearm fractures in immigrant groups: A national Swedish study

Published 4 December 2020 A nationwide study of individuals 20 years of age and older was conducted. Forearm fractures were defined as at least one registered diagnosis in the National Patient Register between January 1, 1998 and December 31, 2012. Cox regression analysis was used to estimate the relative risk (hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI)) of incident forearm fractures co - 2025-01-29

Examining how parent and teacher enthusiasm influences motivation and achievement in STEM

Published 5 December 2020 Parents and teachers play an important role in stimulating student motivation. The aim of this study was to examine if both parent and teacher enthusiasm could predict intrinsic motivation toward STEM activities, and if motivation would be associated with improved STEM achievement over one year in a one-year prospective examination of 288 Swedish students in their final y - 2025-01-29

A novel method for creatinine adjustment makes the revised Lund–Malmö GFR estimating equation applicable in children

Published 5 December 2020 The aim of this study was to establish creatinine growth curves separately for males and females that can be used to adjust childhood levels of serum creatinine to corresponding adult levels. Linear regression with fractional polynomials of age as independent variable was used to construct creatinine growth curves for a reference cohort (n = 83,157 samples from Belgium an - 2025-01-29

Text message-based lifestyle intervention in primary care patients with hypertension: a randomized controlled pilot trial

Published 6 December 2020 Thirty participants were randomized to the intervention group with four lifestyle-promoting text messages sent every week for six months. The control group received usual care. The baseline and follow-up visits for all 60 patients included measurements of blood pressure, anthropometrics, blood tests and a self-reported questionnaire. Read more at Full article: Text messag - 2025-01-29

Desloratadine and loratadine stand out among common H1-antihistamines for association with improved breast cancer survival

Published 6 December 2020 We investigated use of the six major H1-antihistamines (cetirizine, clemastine, desloratadine, ebastine, fexofenadine and loratadine) and breast cancer-specific and overall mortality in a nation-wide register-based study of all 61,627 Swedish women diagnosed with breast cancer 2006–2013. Both peri- and post-diagnostic antihistamine use was analyzed using Cox regression mo - 2025-01-29

Longitudinal study of cognitive function in glioma patients treated with modern radiotherapy techniques and standard chemotherapy

Published 7 December 2020 Cognitive function is an important outcome measure in patients with brain tumor, providing information about the patient’s clinical situation, treatment effects and possible progressive disease. The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate effects of the currently used radiation and chemotherapy treatment on cognitive function and to investigate associations between - 2025-01-29

Unacceptable pain in the BARFOT inception cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a long-term study

Published 7 December 2020 Unacceptable pain was frequent. At the 15 year follow-up visit, 34% had unacceptable pain. Patients with unacceptable pain had, compared with patients with tolerable pain, significantly more disease activity, worse patient global assessment, and worse function on the Health Assessment Questionnaire and Signals of Functional Impairment, but the degree of joint destruction - 2025-01-29

Identifying and validating housing adaptation client profiles – a mixed methods study

Published 8 December 2020 An increasing number of people will live with disabilities in their homes and consequently, the need for home-based interventions will increase. Housing adaptations (HAs) are modifications to the physical home environment with the purpose to enhance independence for a heterogeneous group of people. Increasing the knowledge of the characteristics of HA clients by exploring - 2025-01-29

The young protester: the impact of belongingness needs on political engagement

Published 8 December 2020 As institutional forms of political engagement continue to decline, participation in protests steadily become more common. These trends are particularly strong among younger citizens. Previous research indicates that social factors can explain participation in political protests, and that younger citizens’ participation in protests is more affected by social ties than old - 2025-01-29

Öppet i jul

Publicerad 16 december 2019 Stängt 23–24 dec och 31 dec–1 jan. Övriga dagar öppet som vanligt. Växthusen är stängda den 23–24 dec och den 31 dec–1 jan. Övriga dagar öppet som vanligt. Butiken är öppen till 22 dec sedan stängt 23 dec–1 jan. - 2025-01-29

Sportlov i Botan 2020

Publicerad 27 januari 2020 Smaka all världens drycker! Vilka växter är dryckerna gjorda av? Tror ni att vi kan hitta dem inne i växthuset? Kostnadsfri sportlovsaktivitet för barn. Rekommenderad ålder 6–12 år.Begränsat antal platser. Föranmäl till magnus [dot] nyquist [at] botan [dot] lu [dot] se för att få garanterad plats.Klockan 11 och 14, måndag, tisdag och onsdag 17–19 februari.Samling i växth - 2025-01-29

Gratis skolbesök för årskurs 3!

Publicerad 3 mars 2020 Under våren bjuder Botan, Sparbanken Skåne och Sparbanksstiftelsen Finn in tredjeklassare till kostnadsfria besök i Botaniska trädgården. NYHET: Rådande samhällsläge kan försvåra för besök till Botaniska trädgården. Vi erbjuder därför klassrumsbesök, då vi istället tar med oss växtmaterial från trädgården och kommer till er. Erbjudandet om gratis besök gäller elever från Lun - 2025-01-29

Information angående covid-19.

Publicerad 24 mars 2020 Botaniska trädgården följer noga myndigheternas rekommendationer gällande covid-19. Om de ändras anpassar vi verksamheten därefter. Vi håller öppet i trädgården och butiken som vanligt. Växthusen hålls stängda from 29/3. Kaféet är också öppet, alla dagar kl 11-17. Att ha möjlighet att vistas ute i vacker naturmiljö är en extra värdefull tillgång i dessa dagar. Som överallt - 2025-01-29

Visningar ur en students perspektiv

Publicerad 22 april 2020 Studenter vid Lunds universitet har skapat egna visningar i trädgården, ur sitt perspektiv sett från sina studier. Visningarna går under perioden 21 april-18 juni. På tisdagar och torsdagar kl 17:00, lördagar och söndagar kl 14:00. I år är det sju studenter som har visningar med sitt eget tema. Rieke ger visningen:Organismernas samspel i Botan: Vänner, fiender och samarbet - 2025-01-29


Av nina [dot] hult [at] botan [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hult) - publicerad 15 maj 2020 En utställning om biologisk mångfald Vad händer i mötet mellan natur, konst och människor?Målet att nå ett mer hållbart samhälle genom konstens möjligheter att inspirera till samtal om relationen mellan människa, kultur och natur.Konstverken befinner sig på gränsen.Gränsen mellan djur och människa,Mellan natur och - 2025-01-29