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Your search for "*" yielded 532735 hits

Abdelmoez on Queer and Trans Feminisms in the Contemporary Arabic-Speaking World

Published 27 September 2021 Joel W. Abdelmoez has authored the book chapter “Deviants, Queers, or Scissoring Sisters of Men? Translating and Locating Queer and Trans Feminisms in the Contemporary Arabic-Speaking World”, in the book ”The Palgrave Handbook of Queer and Trans Feminisms in Contemporary Performance”. The chapter deals with the increased visibility and proliferation of LGBTQ+ organisati - 2025-03-03

Bergman Rosamond’s article has been selected favourite by Review of International Studies, 2020-2021

Published 1 October 2021 Annika Bergman Rosamond’s article “NATO’s Strategic Narratives: Angelina Jolie and the alliance’s celebrity and visual turn” (co-authored with Katharine Wright, Newcastle University), has been selected the lead editor’s favorite article, published in the journal Review of International Studies in 2020 and 2021. Learn more on the website Annika Bergman Rosamond’s - 2025-03-03

Bäck on the coalition governments in Western Europe

Published 4 October 2021 How do parties form coalition governments, how do they govern together, and why do some governments last longer than others? Hanna Bäck has, together with med Torbjörn Bergman and Johan Hellström edited a volume recently published by Oxford University Press which focuses on coalition governance in the Western European countries.  Read about the volume on the Oxford Univers - 2025-03-03

Bäck on attitudes toward immigration

Published 8 October 2021 What drives individuals’ attitudes toward immigration? Hanna Bäck has, together with med Adam Peresman and Royce Carroll analyzed this question in a large-scale representative survey study performed in the UK. You can read about their results in the article “Authoritarianism and Immigration Attitudes”, which was recently published in the Political Studies. Learn more on Sa - 2025-03-03

Wilén on security force assistance

Published 12 October 2021 How does security force assistance in fragile states develop in the field? How come that strategy often falls short when it comes to planning military assistance in fragile states? Nina Wilén answers these questions in the article ”Analysing (In)formal Relations and Networks in Security Force Assistance: The Case of Niger” through a micro-analysis of security force assist - 2025-03-03

Bäck on legislative debates

Published 25 October 2021 Debates in legislatures are important for the functioning of representative democracy. What are the rules surrounding legislative debates in countries across the world, and are some groups underrepresented in such debates? Hanna Bäck has, together with Marc Debus and Jorge Fernandes edited a volume recently published by Oxford University Press which focuses on answering t - 2025-03-03

Bergman Rosamond and Hedling on Celebrity diplomacy during the Covid-19 pandemic

Published 28 October 2021 Annika Bergman Rosamond and Elsa Hedling have authored the article “Celebrity diplomacy during the Covid-19 pandemic? The chief state epidemiologist as ’the face of the Swedish experiment”, which has been published in the journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Read more about the article on Springer Link’s website Annika Bergman Rosamond’s personal page Elsa Hedling - 2025-03-03

Bramsen on agonistic interaction in practice

Published 29 October 2021 Isabel Bramsen has authored the article "Agonistic interaction in practice: laughing, dissensus and hegemony in the Northern Ireland Assembly”, which is available online (open access) in the journal Third World Quarterly. The article is a part of a forthcoming special issue on Agonistic peace, edited by Lisa Strömbom and Isabel Bramsen. Read the article on Taylor & Franci - 2025-03-03

Manners on the political psychology of emotion(al) norms in EU foreign policy

Published 2 November 2021 Ian Manners has authored the article “Political Psychology of Emotion(al) Norms in European Union Foreign Policy”, which has been published in a special issue from the journal Global Affairs. In the article, Ian Manners argues the need to use political psychology to understand how emotions such as fear, anger, hate and passion fuel the construction of emotional norms in f - 2025-03-03

Rickard Andersson has defended his dissertation

Published 19 November 2021 Rickard Andersson has defended his dissertation "Bridges, Walls, Doors: On Democracy and Nature". The dissertation is about the relation between humans and nature, and the connection between that relation and political order. The dissertation proceeds from a contemporary discussion about the need to rethink democracy and extend it beyond humans. A shortcoming in attempts - 2025-03-03

Maiken Røed has defended her dissertation

Published 26 November 2021 Maiken Røed has defended her dissertation ”Interest Group Influence on Political Parties in Western Democracies”. The dissertation concerns interest groups’ influence on political parties. Parties are central actors in elections, legislatures and governments and they are an important intermediary between voters and the state in democracies. To better understand how publi - 2025-03-03

The causal link between economic expectations and independence preferences

Published 12 November 2021 Independence referendums are often characterized by a polarized climate, with factions unable to agree on valence issues such as the economic consequences of independence. Are voters willing to update their beliefs in the face of new valence information? It depends, according to a new study authored by Gustav Agneman, published in the European Journal of Political Econom - 2025-03-03

Raphael Cohen-Almagor will be the holder of the 2023 Olof Palme visiting professorship

Published 16 November 2021 The visiting professorship is hosted by the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies and the Department of Political Science. Raphael Cohen-Almagor, professor in political studies at University of Hull (United Kingdom) has been awarded the 2023 Olof Palme visiting professorship. During his time in Sweden, professor Raphael Cohen-Almagor will be active mainly at Lund Un - 2025-03-03

Hedling on visual diplomacy in virtual summitry

Published 18 November 2021 Elsa Hedling has co-authored the article ”Visual diplomacy in virtual summitry: status signalling during the coronavirus crisis”, together with August Danielson (Uppsala university). The article is published Open Access in the journal Review of International Studies. The article departs from the disruption that the transition to videoconferencing has had on the rituals a - 2025-03-03

Polk on party positioning

Published 22 November 2021 Jonathan Polk and other principal investigators of the Chapel Hill Expert Survey on Party Positioning have published a new article on the trend file, collecting six waves of the survey data between 1999-2019. The article examines stability and change in party positioning within the European Union, and stresses the increasingly strong relationship between parties’ cultura - 2025-03-03

Aggestam and Bergman Rosamond on peace and feminist foreign policy

Published 23 November 2021 Karin Aggestam and Annika Bergman Rosamond have co-authored the contribution “Peace and Feminist Foreign Policy” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies  (editors: Oliver Richmond and Gezim Visoka). Read the chapter on Springer Link’s website Karin Aggestam’s personal page Annika Bergman Rosamond’s personal page - 2025-03-03

Skovgaard on commitments to reform fossil fuel subsidies

Published 29 November 2021 Jakob Skovgaard has co-authored the article “Reforming fossil fuel subsidies requires a new approach to setting international commitments” in the journal One Earth. The article argues that international efforts to phase out fossil fuel subsidies can be strengthened by distinguishing between different subsidies, taking into account their climate impacts and the feasibilit - 2025-03-03

Wilén and Strömbom on the military’s core roles

Published 30 November 2021 Nina Wilén and Lisa Strömbom have co-authored the article "A Versatile Organisation: Mapping the Military’s Core Roles in a Changing Security Environment" which was recently published open access in European Journal of International Security. The main contribution of the article is a comprehensive mapping and categorization of the military’s different roles and tasks in - 2025-03-03

Aggestam on international peace monitoring in Hebron

Published 2 December 2021 Karin Aggestam has authored the contribution “Third-party Intervention and International Monitoring in the City of Hebron” in the report “The Impact of Third-Party Mechanisms in Conflict Resolution: Lessons Learned from the Temporary International Presence in Hebron” published by the Norwegian Refugee Council. Karin’s contribution analyses the temporary international obse - 2025-03-03