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Thorsteinn Kristinsson has successfully defended his thesis!

Published 16 December 2022 Thorsteinn Kristinsson has successfully defended his thesis Webs of World Order - A Relational Theory of Rising Powers and the Evolution of International Order. Congratulations! Abstract This dissertation advances a relational theory of rising powers and their influence on international order. The emergence of new great powers and the relative decline of incumbent ones i - 2025-02-11

Catarina Kinnvall on Governing Emotions: Hybrid media, Ontological Insecurity and the Normalisation of Far-Right Fantasies’

Published 16 December 2022 Catarina Kinnvall has together with co-author Pasko Kisić Merino (Karlstad University) published the article ‘Governing Emotions: Hybrid media, Ontological Insecurity and the Normalisation of Far-Right Fantasies’ in Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. Abstract Focusing on the debates on ‘due impartiality’ provided to far-right leaders in Swedish media, this article u - 2025-02-11

Catarina Kinnvall on ‘Enforcing and Resisting Hindutva: Popular Culture, the COVID-19 Crisis and Fantasy Narratives of Motherhood and Pseudoscience in India’

Published 16 December 2022 Catarina Kinnvall has together with co-author Amit Singh (University of Coimbra, Portugal) published the article ‘Enforcing and Resisting Hindutva: Popular Culture, the COVID-19 Crisis and Fantasy Narratives of Motherhood and Pseudoscience in India’ in the Social Sciences, 2022, vol. 11, issue 12. The article can be accessed at: R - 2025-02-11

Ted Svensson on Transcending antagonism in South Asia

Published 9 January 2023 Ted Svensson has published the article "Transcending antagonism in South Asia: advancing agonistic peace through the Partition Museum" in the journal Peacebuilding. Astract India and Pakistan are entrenched in an antagonistic relation that is constantly on the verge of, once more, developing into an armed conflict. There are, presently, no signs of conciliatory initiatives - 2025-02-11

Ian Manners on Planetary Politics in the Twenty-Second Century

Published 9 January 2023 Ian Manners has published a chapter on “Planetary Politics in the Twenty-Second Century” in The Palgrave Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century edited by Laura Horn, Ayşem Mert, and Franziska Müller. Abstract: After two centuries of immanent planetary politics, by the twenty-second century the politics had become planetary. This means that since the 2020s politica - 2025-02-11

The Swedish population in favor of regulation on plastics

Published 17 January 2023 The researchers Karl Holmberg and Sara Persson at the Department of Political Science have recently published an article based on a survey of Swedes' attitudes of regulation on plastics. The survey shows that the Swedish population in general is very positive about regulating plastics in various ways. Some differences are observed, for example, men and people with right-w - 2025-02-11

Forest research beyond disciplines – Navigating the forest landscape

Published 31 January 2023 During the last days of January, around 50 PhD students from four countries met to discuss the forest's past, present and future. A key insight was that ongoing research is far broader than how it’s often portrayed in the general forest debate. Participants from 10 universities in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Poland went from large-scale to microscopic in discussions from - 2025-02-11

New doctoral thesis about social media shopping

By annika [dot] persson [at] ism [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 13 December 2022 "Understanding Social Media Shopping – Instagram and the reconfiguration of the practice of shopping" The 9th of December Anna Spitzkat defended her doctorate dissertation “Understanding Social Media Shopping – Instagram and the Reconfiguration of the Practice of Shopping”. The thesis explores how the - 2025-02-11

Recreational hunting in Sweden – a question of moral and balance

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 4 January 2023 Erika Andersson Cederholm and Carina Sjöholm has conducted a study on hunting tourism in Sweden. Hunting in Sweden has a long history and could be considered a cultural heritage. Wildlife management and a sense of local community and stewardship are important keywords to describe recreational hunting. Ho - 2025-02-11

AI forces teachers to change the way courses are examined

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 11 January 2023 Academic misconduct has increased with about 200% during the past covid years. As a precaution Lund University has started a project to prevent deception and misleading in examination, whether it’s unauthorized cooperation, plagiarism, or non-allowed aids. In every study environment there is a unique cu - 2025-02-11

New name for the department – ISM becomes SES

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 17 January 2023 From January 2023 we are called The department of service studies. With the name change we want to increase the comprehensibility of our department name while expressing professionalism and closeness to the research area. The name change means that "Service management" will disappear from the department - 2025-02-11

Blue economy, marine markets and marine spatial planning

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 15 February 2023 Filippa Säwe and Cecilia Fredriksson organized the conference together with Johan Hultman. What is the sea in marine spatial planning and how does it affect our future? In a one-day conference the results and work of two finished Formas projects was presented with the theme ”Blue economy, marine market - 2025-02-11

"Circular Economy Practices Will Not Automatically Phase Out the Linear Economy"

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 28 February 2023 Developing cleverly designed circular solutions must outcompete, supersede, and phase out current linear solutions. Professor Hervé Corvellec at the department of service studies writes on Future Earth together with lecturer Alison Stowell at Lancaster university. Advocates of the circular economy rout - 2025-02-11

Funding for research on digitalization and sustainable consumption

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 7 March 2023 One of the topics for the project is local food markets. Christian Fuentes, Maria Fuentes and Emma Samsioe is a part of the project. What role can digitalization play in the pursuit of a more sustainable consumption? A new research project with the title “Digital infrastructures for sustainable consumption - 2025-02-11

Rui Liu nailed her dissertation

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 8 March 2023 This years first nailing ceremony took place at the department when Rui Liu nailed her thesis "Tinkered care: Assembling Medicine Consumption in Grey Zones". The topic is medical and health services, and falsified medical products. The aim of the dissertation is to advance knowledge about care as situated - 2025-02-11

New doctors granted funds to develop trade in Helsingborg

By annika [dot] persson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se (Annika Persson) - published 10 March 2023 Micol Mieli, Yulia Vakulenko and Pernilla Derwik. For the fourth year in a row, new doctors active at Campus Helsingborg have had the possibility to receive fundings from the Helsingborg trade association. Besides being a researcher with connection to Helsingborg, it is also favorable to have a focus on r - 2025-02-11

Statistikprofessor från Lund får prestigefyllda utnämningen ”IMS Fellow”

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 22 maj 2024 Małgorzata Bogdan är professor i statistik på Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet och University of Wrocław. Hon har nu blivit utsedd till en av 2024 års ”Institute of Mathematical Statistics Fellows”. I motiveringen för utnämningen skriver Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS): ”for innovative con - 2025-02-11

Natalie Irmert får Ratiostipendium för unga forskare

Av marie [dot] pihl [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Marie Pihl) - publicerad 23 maj 2024 Foto: iStock Ratios stipendium till unga forskare tilldelas år 2024 Natalie Irmert, doktorand i nationalekonomi på Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet. 2022 instiftade Ratio detta stipendium som riktar sig särskilt till doktorander och nydisputerade forskare, som vill skaffa sig nya erfarenheter och kompetenser - 2025-02-11

Kommuner ofta otydliga om sin utdelningspolicy

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 23 maj 2024 Ur ett demokratiskt perspektiv borde minimikravet vara att man är tydlig om vilken roll bolagen ska ha i kommunen, säger Mattias Haraldsson. Foto: Mats Brangstrup En av,huvudpoängerna med att driva bolag är att dela ut vinst till ägarna. Men hur ser det ut med de kommunala bolagens utdelningar? Det har företagsekonomen Mattias H - 2025-02-11

God gammaldags byråkrati vinner mark när det är kris

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 23 maj 2024 Mikael Hellström och Ulf Ramberg. Foto: Mats Brangstrup Ulf Ramberg och Mikael Hellström från KEFU medverkar med ett kapitel i den nyutkomna boken ”The Resilience of New Public Managagement” där de tar upp hur de svenska storstäderna har hanterat de kapacitetsutmaningar demografiska förändringar innebär. Deras kapitel har titeln - 2025-02-11