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Hansen on LGBT+ culture wars for the Illiberalism Studies Program at The George Washington University

Published 15 September 2022 Malte Breiding Hansen has authored the article “Between Warring Parties: Culture Wars Over LGBT+ Equality” for the Culture Wars in Europe and Eurasia series/research project at the Illiberalism Studies Program, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at The George Washington University. The article applies the concept of heterogeneity to show that - 2025-02-11

Annika Bergman Rosamond has co-authored SCGA position paper on Scotland and feminist foreign policy

Published 15 September 2022 The paper draws on the rich feminist scholarship, practice and activism of the 20th and 21st centuries to present some of the central feminist ideas, concepts and principles that the co-authors think should inform the idea of a feminist approach to foreign policy. It briefly considers the ideas and ambitions of the FFPs adopted to date, with a focus on Sweden as the pio - 2025-02-11

Productive resistance in public sector innovation

Published 19 September 2022 Sometimes the public sector, often by external "change agents", is described as slow-moving and difficult to change. But not wanting to embrace a new service or idea may as well be rooted in a clear-sighted professional assessment, on the part of civil servants, of the usefulness of the proposed change in public organization. Sometimes the proposed innovation is simply - 2025-02-11

Bramsen and Hagemann on hybrid peace mediation

Published 23 September 2022 Isabel Bramsen and Anine Hagemann has written a chapter on hybrid peace mediation in Routledge Handbook for Intercultural Mediation. The chapter is called "Hybrid peace mediation in the age of pandemics" and investigates the benefits and challenges of virtual mediation as well as how virtual and physical mediation can supplement each other, for example with virtual medi - 2025-02-11

Simon Davidsson has successfully defended his PhD thesis!

Published 7 October 2022 Today Simon Davidsson defended his thesis "The Development of Parliamentarism in Western Europe". The aim of the dissertation project is to describe and explain the evolution of parliamentarianism in Western and Central Europe in the long run. The project includes a new conceptualization of parliamentarianism, an original data collection effort concerning this institution, - 2025-02-11

Abdelmoez on gender and technology in Saudi Arabia

Published 26 September 2022 In this article, Joel W. Abdelmoez, PhD student in comparative politics in the Middle East, explores how gender politics in Saudi Arabia has been represented in English-language media in the context of new reforms and digital technologies. The smartphone application "Absher" has received a lot of criticism, and this study gives an overview of the features that have been - 2025-02-11

Agneman and Bianco-Chevrot on Markets and Morals

Published 29 September 2022 Do markets shape morality? A recent study building on experimental data from Greenland suggests that they do, but not in the way one perhaps would expect. Gustav Agneman in Greenland. The authors find that market participation generalizes morality, in that participants exposed to the market economy are found to discriminate less between their own community (ingroup) and - 2025-02-11

Goenaga, Sabaté and Teorell publish article in the Review of International Organizations

Published 29 September 2022 Previous research shows that wars contributed to the expansion of state revenues in the Early Modern period and in the twentieth century. There are, however, few cross-national studies on the long nineteenth century. Using new annual data on wars and public revenues from 1816 to 1913 for 27 American and European countries, this article provides new evidence that militar - 2025-02-11

Bramsen and Austin on Video Data Analysis applied in Peace Research

Published 3 October 2022 Isabel Bramsen and Jonathan Luke Austin have published a new article on how Video Data Analysis can be applied in Peace Research, with a specific focus on capturing and analyzing emotions. Abstract Methodologically, Peace Research has long been dominated by words, numbers, and sometimes images. This article suggests also integrating Video Data Analysis (VDA) into the analy - 2025-02-11

Stakeholder participation in EU executive lawmaking

Published 6 October 2022 The possibility for stakeholders, as well as other interested parties and citizens, to participate in the law-making process is a vital part of any democratic system. In this report, Maria Strömvik and Jelle Verheij analyse the possibilities for stakeholders to have a say in the process when the European Commission is adopting delegated acts. The aim of this report is to p - 2025-02-11

Hildingsson on the Green State

Published 17 October 2022 Roger Hildingsson has together with Annica Kronsell published a book chapter on Green State theory in the new edition of the edited volume The State: Theories and Issues. To Bloomsbury's website and the book. Roger Hildingssons profile in Lund University research portal Find out more about Annica Kronsell here at University of Gothenburg's website - 2025-02-11

Hildingsson and Knaggård on the success of Swedish carbon tax

Published 24 October 2022 Roger Hildingsson and Åsa Knaggård has recently published a book chapter on the success of the Swedish carbon tax in the edited volume Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries. Ever since the Swedish carbon tax was introduced in 1991, as one of the first cases in the world, it has provided a pioneering example of carbon pricing. In the chapter, ”The Swedish Carbon - 2025-02-11

Björkdahl and Buckley-Zistel on analyzing spaces for peace

Published 27 October 2022 Professors Annika Björkdahl and Susanne Buckley-Zistel have co-edited a special issue on “Space for Peace” in The Journal Intervention and Statebuilding, and they have authored the article Space for Peace: A Research Agenda, in which they propose three avenues for analyzing spaces for peace: spatial practices, spatial dynamics, and space formations. Given the novelty of t - 2025-02-11

Ranking for human rights? New article on the power of indicators in global governance.

Published 7 November 2022 Magdalena Bexell explores the formative power of indicators for business human rights responsibility in a new issue of the Journal of Human Rights. The article focuses on how indicators are legitimated, constructed, used in rankings, and contested. A case study shows that ranking schemes are ultimately dependent on their credibility in broader perspective, subject to even - 2025-02-11

Kalm and Meeuwisse on antifeminist countermovements

Published 14 November 2022 Sara Kalm and Anna Meeuwisse have written a book chapter called “The Moral Dimension of Countermovements: The Case of Anti-Feminism”. The chapter develops an understanding of counter-movements’ moral motivations, using theories of Axel Honneth, and empirical cases illustrating different cases of antifeminism. The volume is called The Power of Morality in Movements: Civic - 2025-02-11

The Young in Tunisia Value Democracy but Choose Otherwise

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 24 November 2022 What happened to the generation that experienced the Jasmine revolution in Tunisia as young? How are their views different from those who were only small children and do not remember the expectations of more freedom and bread? Studies in focus groups representing both Generation Z and Millennials in the - 2025-02-11

Katren Rogers has successfully defended her thesis ‘After Asylums and Orphanages’!

Published 2 December 2022 Katren Rogers and Professor Julian Garritzmann during dissertation 2 December 2022. Today, Katren Rogers has defended her thesis on the party politics behind the closure of asylums and orphanages between 1950 and 2015. New scientific ideas, professional specialization, anti-institutional action groups and increased tax burdens contributed to a wave of deinstitutionalizati - 2025-02-11

Hickmann et al. on Success factors of global goal-setting for sustainable development

Published 5 December 2022 Whether, to what extent, and how will global goal-setting for sustainable development be effective? A new openaccess study in Sustainable Development draws lessons from the MDGs for SDG implementation. The millennium development goals (MDGs) were an important precursor to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Hence, identifying the conditions that made the MDGs succes - 2025-02-11

Valdemar Holt at the Department of Political Science winner of the Swedish Parliament's essay competition 2022!

Published 12 December 2022 Valdemar Holt, Department of Political Science at Lund University, has written the essay "Alienation suspected". The essay examines – based on party leader debates in the Riksdag – the Social Democrats' and Moderaterna's views on the concept of exclusion between 2010 and 2022. From the prize committee's motivation: The essay contains an impressive qualitative analysis of - 2025-02-11

Milka Ivanovska Hadjievska on Civil society elites’ challengers in the UK

Published 13 December 2022 Amid growing polarisation in European societies, civil society elites, encompassing resource-rich, influential and often liberal-oriented civil society organisations (CSOs), are under increased attacks by conservative and progressive actors alike. This article aims to understand who challenges civil society elites, on what grounds, and with what means do they do so in th - 2025-02-11