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Changes in health-related quality of life among older adults aging with long-term spinal cord injury

Published 5 January 2021 Older adults aging with long-term SCI show large variations in all HRQoL-domains and have the potential to maintain a high and stable level of HRQoL over time. Persons with AIS D injuries may need increased attention to mitigate negative changes in depressive symptoms and global QoL. Further studies are needed to identify modifiable factors associated with changes in HRQoL - 2025-03-05

Association of post-diagnostic use of cholera vaccine with survival outcome in breast cancer patients

Published 6 January 2021 Expensive cancer treatment calls for alternative ways such as drug repurposing to develop effective drugs. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of post-diagnostic use of cholera vaccine on survival outcome in breast cancer patients. Read more at Association of post-diagnostic use of cholera vaccine with survival outcome in breast cancer patients - PubMed (nih.go - 2025-03-05

Improving narrative writing skills through observational learning: a study of Swedish 5th-grade students

Published 6 January 2021 Observational learning is a successful method for improving writing skills in various genres. We explore effects of a five lesson intervention series based on peer observation. Fifty-five Swedish 5th-grade students aged 10–12 years followed this intervention programme. The students watched short film clips with peers working with texts. Each lesson was organised according - 2025-03-05

Postural asymmetries, pain, and ability to change position of children with cerebral palsy in sitting and supine: a cross-sectional study

Published 7 January 2021 Over half the children had postural asymmetries in sitting (n = 1,646; 60.2%) or supine (n = 1,467; 53.6%). These increased with age and as motor function decreased. Children were twice as likely to have pain if they had an asymmetric posture (OR 2.1–2.7), regardless of age, sex and motor function. Children unable to maintain or change position independently were at higher - 2025-03-05

Description and prediction of reading decoding skills in Swedish children with Developmental Language Disorder

Published 7 January 2021 The results on a combined measure of the word and nonword decoding indicated that only 18% of the children had age-adequate decoding skills. The proportion of age-adequate decoders did not change noticeably with the school year. The participants’ decoding skills showed larger deviations to test norm means with higher school years. Hierarchical regression analysis showed th - 2025-03-05

Orthostatic Hypotension and Novel Blood Pressure Associated Gene Variants in Older Adults: Data From the TILDA Study

Published 8 January 2021 Orthostatic hypotension (OH) is associated with increased risk of trauma and cardiovascular events. Recent studies have identified new genetic variants that influence orthostatic blood pressure (BP). The aim of this study was to investigate the associations of candidate gene loci with orthostatic BP responses in older adults. A total of 3,430 participants aged ≥50 years fr - 2025-03-05

Poor Little Rich Kids? The Role of Nature versus Nurture in Wealth and Other Economic Outcomes and Behaviours

Published 8 January 2021 Wealth is highly correlated between parents and their children; however, little is known about the extent to which these relationships are genetic or determined by environmental factors. We use administrative data on the net wealth of a large sample of Swedish adoptees merged with similar information for their biological and adoptive parents. Comparing the relationship bet - 2025-03-05

Cataract surgery of eyes with previous vitrectomy: risks and benefits as reflected in the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery

Published 9 January 2021 The European Registry of Quality Outcomes of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (EUREQUO) contains data on baseline characteristics, surgery, and follow-up for cataract surgeries. Previous vitrectomy is included as a mandatory parameter in baseline characteristics. According to the protocol for EUREQUO, consecutive cases should be reported by participating units. Read more at - 2025-03-05

Individual and Contextual Factors Associated With Hazardous Drinking in Spain: Evidence From a National Population‐Based Study

Published 9 January 2021 Heavy drinking (HD) and binge drinking (BD) exhibit marked differences in their relationships with contextual‐level factors imbedded in geographical areas of residence. The objective is to identify sociodemographic factors, both at the individual and at the contextual level, associated with these 2 main hazardous consumption patterns. Read more at Individual and Contextual - 2025-03-05

Prevalence, concomitant reactions, and factors associated with fragrance allergy in Thailand

Published 10 January 2021 Of 1032 patients, 175 (17.0%) had fragrance allergy, with 57.7% of clinical relevance. FM I showed the highest prevalence (9.4%). The associated factors were being elderly, lesions on the extremities, metal allergy history, and long dermatitis duration. Contact allergies to epoxy resin and Compositae plants were significantly associated with fragrance allergy with an odds - 2025-03-05

Joint call for proposals from VR, Formas, Forte and Sida

Published 4 April 2018 Sustainability and resilience – Tackling consequences of climate and environmental changes 2018 Syftet med bidraget är att du som forskare ges frihet att själv formulera forskningsidé, metod och utförande, samt att lösa en definierad forskningsuppgift inom en begränsad tid. Detta bidrag finansieras gemensamt av Vetenskapsrådet och Sida genom regeringens biståndsmedel, samt a - 2025-03-05

The association between decision‐making skills and subjective decision outcomes among administrative officers in the Swedish Social Insurance Agency

Published 10 January 2021 Social insurance administrative officers’ decision‐making skills influence their efficiency at work and their general well‐being. At work their tasks are characterised by complexity and a need for order and accountability. Moreover, cases should usually be handled and finalised within the imposed time frames. We investigated skills related to decision‐making success among - 2025-03-05

Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for compression neuropathy: a longitudinal cohort study from southern Sweden

Published 11 January 2021 Compression neuropathies (CN) in the upper extremity, the most common being carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and ulnar nerve entrapment (UNE), are frequent among patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Earlier studies have shown contradicting results regarding DM as a risk factor for CN. Thus, the aim of the present populationbased, longitudinal study was to explore potential a - 2025-03-05

ABO blood group and the risk of aortic disease: a nationwide cohort study

Published 11 January 2021 A total of 20 684 aortic events occurred during the study period. Non-O donors and patients had similar incidence of aortic events when compared with blood group O donors and patients with an IRR of 0.98 (95% CI, 0.93–1.04) and 1.00 (95% CI, 0.97–1.03), respectively. There were no differences between non-O and blood group O individuals when aortic dissections and aortic a - 2025-03-05

FORMAS skärper krav på vetenskaplig publicering

Published 26 December 2020 Formas skärper kraven på öppen vetenskaplig publicering för de utlysningar som öppnar efter 1 januari 2021. Kraven innebär att all vetenskaplig publicering som är resultat av projekt som finansierats av Formas ska publiceras öppet tillgängligt, utan fördröjning. De skärpta kraven beskriver också på vilka sätt publiceringen ska ske. Läs mer på - 2025-03-05

Forskning, frihet, framtid – kunskap och innovation för Sverige

Published 27 December 2020 I propositionen presenterar regeringen forskningspolitiken för åren 2021– 2024. Den omfattar frågor om såväl forskning och innovation som högre utbildning. Politiken utgår från målet att Sverige ska vara ett av världens främsta forsknings-och innovationsländer och en framstående kunskapsnation. Läs mer på - 2025-03-05

Fortes årliga utlysning 2021

Published 29 December 2020 Den årliga öppna utlysningen är öppen för ansökningar inom Fortes övergripande ansvarsområden: hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd. Syftet är att möjliggöra analys av och bidra till en fördjupad kunskap inom avgränsade forskningsområden eller frågeställningar. Läs mer på - 2025-03-05

Digital sommarskola kring longitudinella studier om åldrande

Published 2 January 2021 I den här utlysningen kan du ansöka om deltagande i sommarskolan ”Summer Program in Aging 2021” (SPA 2021) på temat longitudinella studier om åldrande. Denna utlysning är ett samarbete mellan the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Institute of Aging och Forte. Forte finansierar anmälningsavgiften. Läs mer på - 2025-03-05

ABO blood group and the risk of aortic disease: a nationwide cohort study

Published 12 January 2021 A total of 20 684 aortic events occurred duringthe study period. Non-O donors and patients had similar incidence of aortic events when compared with blood group O donors and patients with an IRR of 0.98 (95% CI, 0.93–1.04) and 1.00 (95% CI, 0.97–1.03), respectively. There were no differences between non-O and blood group O individuals when aortic dissections and aortic an - 2025-03-05