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Association Between Apolipoprotein E ε2 vs ε4, Age, and β-Amyloid in Adults Without Cognitive Impairment

Published 27 December 2020 Although the most common recent approach in Alzheimer disease drug discovery is to directly target the β-amyloid (Aβ) pathway, the high prevalence of apolipoprotein E ε4 (APOE ε4) in Alzheimer disease and the ease of identifying ε4 carriers make the APOE genotype and its corresponding protein (apoE) an appealing therapeutic target to slow Aβ accumulation. Read more at As - 2025-03-05

Psychiatric disorders in offspring of childhood or adolescent central nervous system tumor survivors: a national cohort study

Published 27 December 2020 Children experience a higher risk of psychiatric problems when their parents are diagnosed with cancer. However, the psychological effect among offspring who are born after parental cancer diagnosed in childhood or adolescence is unknown. We aimed to investigate the risk of psychiatric disorders in children of survivors with childhood or adolescent central nervous system - 2025-03-05

Prelabour caesarean section and neurodevelopmental outcome at 4 and 12 months of age: an observational study

Published 28 December 2020 With prelabour caesarean section rates growing globally, there is direct and indirect evidence of negative cognitive outcomes in childhood. The objective of this study was to assess the short-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after prelabour caesarean section as compared to vaginally born infants. Read more at Prelabour caesarean section and neurodevelopmental outcome at - 2025-03-05

Adult‐onset diabetes in Middle Eastern immigrants to Sweden: Novel subgroups and diabetic complications—The All New Diabetes in Scania cohort diabetic complications and ethnicity

Published 28 December 2020 Middle Eastern immigrants to Europe represent a high risk population for type 2 diabetes. We compared prevalence of novel subgroups and assessed risk of diabetic macro‐ and microvascular complications between diabetes patients of Middle Eastern and European origin. Read more at Adult‐onset diabetes in Middle Eastern immigrants to Sweden: Novel subgroups and diabetic comp - 2025-03-05

Proteomic exploration of common pathophysiological pathways in diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Published 29 December 2020 The epidemiological association between diabetes and cardiovascular disease is well established, but the pathophysiological link is complex and multifactorial. We investigated seven proteins, previously linked to incident diabetes mellitus, and their association with cardiovascular disease and mortality. Read more at Proteomic exploration of common pathophysiological pat - 2025-03-05

Diagnostic potential of circulating cell‐free nuclear and mitochondrial DNA for several cancer types and nonmalignant diseases: A study on suspected cancer patients

Published 29 December 2020 Circulating cell‐free nuclear DNA (nDNA) has been implicated in individual cancer types with a diagnostic value; however, the role of cell‐free mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in cancers is controversial. We aimed to investigate and compare the diagnostic potential of both nDNA and mtDNA for multiple cancers and to investigate their ability to distinguish multiple cancers from - 2025-03-05

Gut microbiota composition in relation to intake of added sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages and artificially sweetened beverages in the Malmö Offspring Study

Published 30 December 2020 It has been suggested that a high intake of sugar or sweeteners may result in an unfavorable microbiota composition; however, evidence is lacking. Hence, in this exploratory epidemiological study, we aim to examine if intake of added sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) or artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs) associate with the gut microbiota composition. Read more - 2025-03-05

Drug use disorder and risk of incident and fatal breast cancer: a nationwide epidemiological study

Published 30 December 2020 Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer forms in women and it is often detected by screening. However, women with drug use disorders (DUD) are less likely to be reached by screening programs. In this study, we aimed to investigate breast cancer incidence, mortality and stage at time of diagnosis among women with DUD compared to the general female population in Swe - 2025-03-05

Characterization of plasma lipidomics in adolescent subjects with increased risk for type 1 diabetes in the DiPiS cohort

Published 31 December 2020 A lipidomic approach was utilized to analyze plasma from 67 healthy adolescent subjects (10–15 years of age) with or without islet autoantibodies but all with increased genetic risk for T1D. The study subjects were enrolled at birth in the Diabetes Prediction in Skåne (DiPiS) study and after 10–15 years of follow-up we performed the present cross-sectional analysis. HLA- - 2025-03-05

More calls for proposals at VR

Published 28 March 2018 Calls in several research areas, as well as for the Olof Palme visiting professor (in Swedish) Proof Of Concept inom livsvetenskaper (MH,NT). Tanken är att överbrygga gapet mellan grundforskning och kommersialisering av forskningsresultat inom området livsvetenskaperBidrag till forskningsmiljö Barns och ungdomar psykiska hälsa (HS, MH, NT, UV, KF). Bidraget ska stödja forsk - 2025-03-05

Association of characters and temperaments with cigarette and waterpipe dependence among a sample of Lebanese adults

Published 31 December 2020 It was discovered that the relation between certain personality traits and nicotine dependence differs among ethnicities and cultures; therefore, this study was conducted to determine which temperaments and personality traits are associated with smoking dependence in order to contribute to the development of effective and targeted interventions for smoking dependence wit - 2025-03-05

Multidimensional Child Poverty in Ghana: Measurements, Determinants, and Inequalities

Published 1 January 2021 Early childhood deprivations and inequalities have social and economic implications in adulthood and thus, their elimination is essential for child development. However, child-level estimates of poverty are rare in low income countries. Using data from two recent rounds of the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, we measure the extent and sources of childhood deprivations - 2025-03-05

Frailty and prediction of recurrent falls over 10 years in a community cohort of 75-year-old women

Published 1 January 2021 The Osteoporosis Risk Assessment cohort consists of 1044 community-dwelling women aged 75, with 10 years of follow-up. Investigations were performed and a frailty index constructed at baseline, 5 and 10 years. Falls were self-reported for each previous 12 months. Analysis was two-directional, firstly based on frailty status and second, based on falls status. Recurrent fall - 2025-03-05

Low Iliofemoral Calcium Score May Predict Higher Survival after EVAR and FEVAR.

Published 2 January 2021 Abdominal aortic aneurysm is associated with an increased mortality, mostly cardiovascular events. Moreover, aortoiliac calcification is associated with increased mortality in patients with peripheral occlusive disease. The aim of this study is to assess the potential association between iliofemoral calcification, assessed by calcium score, in patients undergoing infrarena - 2025-03-05

Associations of global DNA methylation and homocysteine levels with abdominal aortic aneurysm: A cohort study from a population-based screening program in Sweden

Published 2 January 2021 Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a life-threatening condition with a mortality rate of over 80%. Persistent smoking, which is a risk factor for AAA, has lasting effects on DNA methylation. Moreover, a plasma-amino acid, homocysteine, previously implicated in vascular diseases, including aneurysms, has well-established biological association with methylation. In the prese - 2025-03-05

Implementing guidelines for interventions in Swedish substance abuse treatment: A national evaluation of outcomes from 2010 to 2014

Published 3 January 2021 In 2009, the Swedish government launched a nationwide dissemination and implementation project regarding substance abuse treatment, Knowledge to Practice (KTP), which was commissioned by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (SoS). Read more at Implementing guidelines for interventions in Swedish substance abuse treatment: A national evaluation of outcomes from - 2025-03-05

Spontaneous vaginal birth following induction with intravenous oxytocin: Three oxytocic regimes to minimise blood loss post birth.

Published 3 January 2021 This three armed pilot randomised controlled trial, was undertaken on the Birth Suite of an Australian tertiary obstetric hospital. Incidence of PPH was assessed using univariable and adjusted logistic regression, which compared the effect of titrating intravenous oxytocin post birth on the likelihood of PPH, relative to the 15 minute titration group. Read more at Spontane - 2025-03-05

Health locus of control and mortality: a population-based prospective cohort study

Published 4 January 2021 The public health survey in Scania 2008 was linked to the Swedish cause of death register. In this study of 10,757 men and 12,322 women aged 18–80 years, 421 men and 235 women died during the 5.3-year follow-up. Survival analyses were conducted. Read more at Health locus of control and mortality: a population-based prospective cohort study - ScienceDirect - 2025-03-05

Education, immigration and rising mental health inequality in Sweden

Published 4 January 2021 Educational and income gradients in health are well established in the literature but there is need for a better understanding of how mental health inequalities change over time, and what drives the development. We aim to study how psychiatric diagnosis and its income-related inequality have changed over time in Sweden and to make a first attempt at disentangling the devel - 2025-03-05

Longitudinal associations between adolescents' trajectory membership of depressive symptoms and suicidality in young adulthood: a 10-year cohort of Chinese Wenchuan earthquake survivors

Published 5 January 2021 Previous studies regarding associations between depressive symptoms and suicidality (suicidal ideation, plans and attempts) have usually employed a variable-centred approach, without considering the individual variance in time-varying changes of depressive symptoms. Through 10-year follow-up of a large cohort of Chinese adolescents exposed to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, - 2025-03-05