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New report on Resourse-light Business Models for a Circular Economy

Published 9 March 2020 Our Professor Nancy Bocken recently finished a collaborative report on the principles and strategies of 'resource-light' business models. Based on a significant body of research and real-life examples the report provides a useful resource for practitioners, academics, and entrepreneurs seeking to integrate proven resource-light strategies into their circular business innovat - 2025-02-10

IIIEE and the coronavirus

Published 16 March 2020 Photo by Shutterstock The coronavirus has been spreading fast internationally, in Sweden as well as in Skåne. At the IIIEE, we follow the development closely and take action based on the decisions by the Swedish authorities and Lund University. Update 17 MarchAt a press conference today, 17 March, the Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven announced that the Government recomm - 2025-02-10

Meet IIIEE researcher Carl Dalhammar

Published 2 September 2015 The potential of ecodesign:Increasing efficiency by requirement From a sustainability point of view, the EU Ecodesign Directive has been very successful in improving the environmental performance of products – but there is more work to do. IIIEE researcher Carl Dalhammar is currently searching for concrete suggestions as to how the Swedish Energy Agency can advance their - 2025-02-10

EMP student awarded first price by SYSAV

Published 20 March 2020 Our EMP student Maria Jäppinen was awarded first prize in SYSAV’s thesis award 2020 (Sysavstipendiet). Maria was awarded 20 000 SEK for her master’s thesis entitled “Exploring waste prevention possibilities through public procurement in public institutions – A case study from Bornholm, Denmark”.The motivation for the award was: "Using Bornholm as an example the thesis shows - 2025-02-10

PhD thesis defence

Published 30 March 2020 Leonidas Milios Phd cover Leonidas Milios defends his doctoral dissertation the 23rd of April, 13.15-16.15 On April 23rd Leonidas Milios will defend his doctoral dissertation entitled "Policy Framework for Material Resource Efficiency - Pathway towards a circular economy paradigm".The opponent will be Prof. Raimund Bleischwitz from University College London, United Kingdom. - 2025-02-10

Professor Lena Neij in Sydsvenskan

Published 1 April 2020 "Lund will be a lovely place to live in 2050!" In an interview in Sydsvenskan in March 2020, professor Lena Neij talked about the Climate Council of Lund Municipality, of which she is the Chair. The council is to annually evaluate the municipality’s work towards minimized climate impact and climate adaptation, and suggest improvements that can add to achieve the municipality - 2025-02-10

New MISTRA popular science report about plastics, showcasing IIIEE research from the MISTRA REES programme.

Published 3 April 2020 IIIEE Researcher Leonidas Milios contributed to the MISTRA summary report. The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (MISTRA) published a popular science report (only available in Swedish at the moment), summarising the research findings of several MISTRA funded projects related to plastics.Leonidas Milios contributed with research findings on plastic recyc - 2025-02-10

New publication - Learning through Renovations for Urban Sustainability

Published 8 September 2015 A new publication by IIIEE researchers Kes McCormick and Bernadett Kiss, published in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability on “Learning through Renovations for Urban Sustainability: The Case of the Malmö Innovation Platform”.This article investigates the relevant hands-on challenges creating a supportive learning environment when projects in the area of sustai - 2025-02-10

Report from "Sharing and the City" mobile research lab in Gothenburg

Published 6 April 2020 The “Sharing and the City” project aims to examine, test and advance knowledge on the role of city governments in the initiation, implementation and institutionalisation of the sharing organisations across cities in Europe. A report from a mobile research lab on sharing in Gothenburg is now available. It is based on the findings from the mobile research lab, which Sharing an - 2025-02-10

City Futures Online Summit! 8 October 2020

Published 15 April 2020 Register now! Welcome to the 2020 City Futures Online Summit! Thursday 8 October 2020, 10.00-12.00 CET Join the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics for an online summit connecting people around the world to advance sustainable solutions!We will explore missions for low-carbon and resource efficient development from the perspectives of government, - 2025-02-10

Leonidas Milios successfully defends his doctoral dissertation

Published 23 April 2020 Our first virtual phd-defence took place today  Today, Leonidas Milios successfully defended his doctoral dissertation "Policy Framework for Material Resource Efficiency - Pathway towards a circular Economy Paradigm". The opponent was Prof. Raimund Bleischwtz from University College London, UK.    Leonidas' dissertation can be downloaded here - 2025-02-10

IIIEE researchers on Green Growth Knowledge Platform front page

Published 28 April 2020 "Greening the economy in times of Covid-19: Lessons from the 2008 Financial Crisis" In an article published on the Green Growth Knowledge Platform Professors Luis Mundaca and Lena Neij, together with post-doctoral fellows Jessika Luth Richter and Lars Strupeit, and phd Jonas Sonnenschein discuss what lessons could be learnt from the 2008 financial crisis, in times of the Co - 2025-02-10

Katharina Reindl and Jenny Palm publish in Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management.

Published 30 April 2020 "The professionals in the middle as drivers for sustainable transformation in the building sector" Postdoctoral fellow Katharina Reindl and Professor Jenny Palm have published their article entitled "The professionals in the middle as drivers for sustainable transformation in the building sector" in Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. Abstract:The buildin - 2025-02-10

Launch of Sharing Cities MOOC – Massive Open Online Course

Published 7 May 2020 The sharing economy is booming! But what are the impacts on cities and sustainability? This course connects the sharing economy, cities, governance and urban sustainability to provide unique knowledge and insights into sharing cities. We utilize a diversity of leading examples of the emerging sharing economy in cities to bring this course to life. Join the online courseDownloa - 2025-02-10

Urban Experimentation - Unleashing the Creative Capacity of Cities

Published 8 September 2015 Photo: Speakers and participants of session 2.2: Urban Experimentation - Unleashing the Creative Capacity of Cities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - 2025-02-10

NEWCOMERS project first digital newsletter

Published 18 May 2020 In our project’s first digital newsletter we are opening the dialogue with our participating energy communities, our stakeholders, with you and everyone who is interested in exploring new clean energy communities with us. The NEWCOMERS team explores which types of communities within this spectrum have the greatest potential to stimulate a rapid decarbonisation while creating - 2025-02-10

New article on collaborative dialogues in the perspective of situated practices, transferability and the role of leadership

Published 19 May 2020 Professor Jenny Palm and Postdoctoral fellow Daniela Lazoroska publishes in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Palm, J & Lazoroska, D (2020): Collaborative planning through dialogue models: situated practices, the pursuit of transferability and the role of leadership, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. About the article:Sweden is considered an env - 2025-02-10

NEW PUBLICATION: Sharing economy business models for sustainability

Published 25 May 2020 PhD Researcher Steven Curtis and Prof. Oksana Mont publish a new article providing detailed description of sharing economy business model choices, with conditions for improved sustainability performance. About the article:The sharing economy is not sustainable by default. Therefore, there is a need to be strategic and deliberate in how to design sharing economy business model - 2025-02-10