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Environmental challenges must be addressed simultaneously

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 11 January 2019 Global environmental problems can be addressed by means of policy instruments such as carbon dioxide taxes, building and technology standards and support for new technology, but the issues are complex and several environmental challenges must be addressed simultaneously in order to achieve optimal effect. This - 2025-01-27

Well managed forests can limit climate change

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 1 February 2019 Professor Natascha Kljun and Station Manager Anders Båth in the Norunda forest. Photo: Irene Lehner. Growing forests can limit climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon in their biomass as they grow. How much carbon a forest stores varies between tree species, the fores - 2025-01-27

CEC Annual report 2018

Published 15 February 2019 CEC is in an expansive phase and the number of doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and administrative staff increased during 2018. 2018 was the year for celebrating 20 successful years, with more than 1,000 graduates from the study programme in Environmental Science. In October, CEC arranged a jubilee for current and former students and employees. CEC also started an - 2025-01-27

Land use for a sustainable future

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 20 March 2019 CEC has been granted funding for a so-called collaborative initiative to find solutions for sustainable land use in Sweden, with emphasis on Skåne. The collaborative initiative called LU Land is to be a platform where different sectors, interests and research topics jointly address the challenges that an increasi - 2025-01-27

Lack of settlements threatens biodiversity

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 25 March 2019 Johan Ekroos, Sara Sällström and Lina Herbertsson. The national Swedish radio visited Lund to talk about pollinating insects and study their wintering sites. Pollinating insects are threatened by food shortages, by toxins, by climate change and because environments where insects can seek protection are disappeari - 2025-01-27

CEC during the Sustainability week

Published 24 April 2019 The seminar on urban nature attracted a lot of people An exhibition, a seminar on urban nature and a climate crash course – that's how CEC contributed to the Sustainability week 2019. Markku Rummukainen and Maria von Post gave a crash course in climate change and biological diversity together with colleagues at Lund University. A summary is published (in Swedish) on Faceboo - 2025-01-27

New knowledge makers focus on environmental and climate effects

By stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - published 8 May 2019 The CEC PhD students and some of the supervisors at the spring meeting. How do micro-plastics affect our soil? What's the impact of urbanization on biodiversity? And how can drones be used for measuring carbon fluxes from Swedish peatlands? These were a few of the questions raised at the initial PhD st - 2025-01-27

Gardening tips: Five easy ways to contribute to biodiversity

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 29 May 2019 Photo: Anna Maria Erling The greatest threat to biodiversity today is different species losing their habitats. To reverse this trend will require action on many societal levels, and there are simple things you can do in your own garden to help, according to Lund University researchers Anna Persson and - 2025-01-27

Unique climate modeling with vegetation in focus

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 2 July 2019 The researchers in Lund are investigating the interaction between a vegetation in change and the climate. For example, what will happen to tundra when it gets warmer? In the picture: volcano Korjakskaja Sopka in northeastern Russia. Researchers at Lund University have contributed to creating a new, up - 2025-01-27

How is the life of the urban birds?

By stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - published 26 June 2019 Summer days bring relaxing breaks in parks for many city dwellers. But how often do you look up from your picnic blanket and reflect on the surrounding wildlife and on how it would affect you if the birds went silent for good? Johan K. Jensen’s doctoral studies compares the wellbeing of some of our m - 2025-01-27

Researchers reject the EU reform plans for CAP – “not viable for the future”

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 15 August 2019 When it comes to meeting sustainability goals, the current reform proposal of the EU Commission on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) falls well short at the mark, accordning to a group of international researchers writing in the journal Science. The proposed amendments to the CAP will not improv - 2025-01-27

Green infrastructure – planning and designing a functioning nature

By pia [dot] romare [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Romare) - published 28 April 2020 After climate change, biodiversity loss is the biggest environmental challenge facing the world today. The loss of plant and animal species also means a loss of the resources that humans obtain from well-functioning ecosystems. At Lund University, a project is underway in which researchers are studying how work t - 2025-01-27

Profitability, not more cattle, is needed to save natural grazing land

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 30 April 2020 The researchers think support should be directed towards grazing land that needs protection the most. Photo: Lovisa Nilsson. Sweden does not need more cattle to save natural grazing land with high biodiversity. This is the conclusion of a new report by researchers at Lund University in Sweden. What - 2025-01-27

An unusually early spring – how nature in Sweden is responding to an increasingly warm climate

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 2 May 2020 Wood anemones may get new competitors. Photo: Hanna Gamdrup. In recent decades, the climate in Sweden has become about two degrees warmer on average and this year we have seen an unprecedentedly mild winter and early spring. How is nature responding – animals, insects, plants – to an increasingly mild - 2025-01-27

High human population density negative for pollinators

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 27 August 2020 Image: Jorchr, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikipedia Population density, and not the proportion of green spaces, has the biggest impact on species richness of pollinators in residential areas. This is the result of a study from Lund University in Sweden of gardens and residential courtyards in and around Malmö, - 2025-01-27

Odlingstävling 21 maj

Publicerad 9 maj 2017 Illustration: Kirsten Tind, ur boken Nyttoväxter från hela världen Högst solros vinner! Söndag den 21 maj, klockan 12-15, kan barn komma till Botaniska trädgården och hämta en liten solrosplanta att ta med sig hem. Odlingstävlingen avgörs den 16 september på kulturnatten. Högst solros på plats vinner! - 2025-01-27

Donera till Botan – läs om de projekt som är på gång som du kan stödja

Publicerad 13 juni 2017 Botaniska trädgården har flera saker på gång under 2017, där vi behöver din hjälp. Bland annat vill vi anlägga en undervisningsträdgård för barn och en skugghall där perenner kan vänja sig vid att stå utomhus. En nyhet är att du nu kan göra mikrodonationer genom att SMS:a med din telefon. SkugghallBotaniska trädgården fylls varje sommar av krukor med blommande perenner som - 2025-01-27