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Vad spelar kulturen för roll för innovativa platser?

Publicerad 31 maj 2024 Ett samtal med Patrik Andersson (Odeum) och Daniel Löfgren (Science Village Hall) – The Loop Podcast #4. Som tidigare nämnts kommer Odeums kör- och orkesterkonserter från och med våren 2025 att äga rum vid Lunds nya konsert- och kongresscenter Science Village Hall. Lyssna på Patrik Andersson, director musices på Odeum, som tillsammans med Daniel Löfgren, teknik- och produkti - 2025-01-27

Välkomna till höstterminens konsert- och evenemangsserie!

Publicerad 26 juni 2024 Bundesjugendchor. Foto: Jakob Tillmann & Illustration Se fram emot höstens program med spännande konserter och samtal om musik! Under årets sista månader avslutar Odeum sin verksamhet i Universitetsaulan för ett antal år då Universitetshuset står inför en omfattande renovering. Våra kör- och orkesterkonserter kommer i stället att från våren 2025 äga rum vid Lunds nya konser - 2025-01-27

JOBB: Är du Odeums nya inspicient?

Publicerad 9 augusti 2024 Odeum söker en ny inspicient med en omfattning på 20% och med start 2024-09-16 eller enligt överenskommelse. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan! Odeums evenemangsserie, innehållande konserter, föreläsningar, panelsamtal samt festivaler förlagda till bland annat Universitetsaulan och Kapellsalen på Palaestra et Odeum, spänner ett 40-tal evenemang årligen där, förutom Odeums e - 2025-01-27

Välkomna till Odeums alla evenemang under våren!

Publicerad 20 december 2024 Foto: LAK, foto: Kennet Ruona / Science Village Hall: WalkTheRoom / Vectura. Se fram emot vårens program med unika konserter och samtal om musik! Festivalen Lund Contemporary, där nyskriven musik samsas med moderna klassiker, ges i början av februari för femte gången. En festival som hunnit bli en etablerad del av Odeums evenemangsutbud men också i regionen när det gäll - 2025-01-27

OBS! Evenemanget En musikalisk vernissage – med festivalillustratör Jenny Soep äger rum 9 februari, inom festivalen Lund Contemporary!

Publicerad 9 januari 2025 Jenny Soep. Foto: Mattias Bengtsson Det hart stått fel datum i vissa kalendrar. Vi ber om ursäkt för förvirringen. OBS! Evenemanget En musikalisk vernissage – med festivalillustratör Jenny Soep äger rum 9 februari, inom festivalen Lund Contemporary! Det hart stått fel datum i vissa kalendrar. Vi ber om ursäkt för förvirringen. - 2025-01-27

Alexandra Franzén has defended her thesis

Published 7 October 2021 Alexandra Franzén outside of the AF-building in Lund where Jan Guillou and Peter Bratt gave a speech about the IB-scandal the evening before they were imprisoned for their publication. Spy scandals as a power struggle between three actors: whistleblowers, journalists and the intelligence service. On Friday 1 October Alexandra Franzén at the Department of Sociology defended - 2025-01-27

Three years of funding for large Nordic collaboration on insecure and informal work

Published 18 January 2022 The Department of Sociology in Lund will receive three years of funding for a large collaboration project looking at insecure and informal work in the Nordic countries. Researchers Rasmus Ahlstrand and Sara Eldén, here at the Department of Sociology in Lund are part of the project "Tackling Precarious and Informal Work in the Nordic Countries (PrecaNord)" which has been g - 2025-01-27

Hanna Sahlin Lilja has defended her thesis on fear of crime research in Sweden

Published 17 January 2022 When the American research field "Fear of Crime" was introduced in Sweden in the 1980s, it was translated "otrygghet", a word with a previously established meaning in Swedish. The meaning of the word "otrygghet" has since then changed significantly in Sweden. From being used to signify economic and materialist unpredictability, "otrygghet" has come to be used almost exclu - 2025-01-27

Vibeke Klitgaard has defended her thesis

Published 4 January 2022 The everyday life in two day-care centres of psychiatry in the municipality of Copenhagen is examined in a new sociology thesis from Vibeke Klitgaard. Focus lies on the patients' communication and behavior as well as the stigmatization they experience from the social environment. Vibeke Klitgaard defended her thesis "Social (dis) order in district psychiatry: A systems the - 2025-01-27

New editors of the Nordic Journal of Criminology

Published 16 February 2022 Associate Professor Sébastien Tutenges and Researcher Susanne Boethius of the Department of Sociology at Lund University are Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editor of the Nordic Journal of Criminology since the turn of the year. Looking forward to the new job! In an interview for The Nordic Research Council for Criminology (NSfK), the new Editor-in-Chief Sébastien Tutenges says h - 2025-01-27

Rasmus Ahlstrand has defended his thesis on the changing Swedish building sector

Published 11 February 2022 In his doctoral thesis in sociology "Structures of subcontracting: Work organisation, control, and labour in the Swedish building sector", Rasmus Ahlstrand analyses the increased use of subcontractors and explores new forms of work organisation in the Swedish building sector. A key contribution of his study is the concept of masked staffing, which refers to unauthorised - 2025-01-27

Does remote work weaken trade unions?

Published 9 February 2022 In his article "Does remote work weaken trade unions?*" Anders Kjellberg, Professor of sociology, discusses how the balance of power in the labour market is changed when working from home increases in society. He also writes about the new trade union issues that distance working raises in industries where it is widespread. Those affected are primarily white-collar workers - 2025-01-27

Collective intoxication can give religious experience and more solidarity

Published 11 October 2022 Photo: Lea Trier Krøll Why do people across cultures gather in groups to get intoxicated? Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology in Lund Sébastien Tutenges has been researching nightclubs and festivals for two decades to answer this question. His new book "Intoxication" offers valuable new insights into a wide variety of experiences. This book takes us to bars - 2025-01-27

Sociologist one of six new, prominent researchers selected for the Young Academy of Sweden

Published 26 May 2022 Alison Gerber, Senior lecturer at the Department of Sociology. Photo: Sindre Lo Gerber. On 21 May the Young Academy of Sweden elected six new, prominent researchers representing fields ranging from brain surgery, analytical sociologoy and energy transformation. One of them is Alison Gerber, senior lecturer in sociology here at the Department of Sociology at Lund University. W - 2025-01-27

Turning refugees into politics impedes their social integration

Published 7 June 2022 Associate Professor Dalia Abdelhady has studied how a Turkish newspaper's attempts to write inclusive portrayals of Syrian refugees still contributed to politicising and "othering" them as a group. In a paper published in Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, Dalia Abdelhady studies portrayals of Syrian refugees in the Turkish newspaper - 2025-01-27

Welcome to doctorhood, Colm Flaherty

Published 16 June 2022 Colm Flaherty and his supervisors Charalambos Demetriou (left) and Bo Isenberg (right). Photo: Theo Hagman-Rogowski On Thursday, June 16, Colm Flaherty successfully defended his thesis A Politics of Community: Identity, Stigma, and Meaning in the Extra-Parliamentary Left, and is from here on out a doctor of sociology. Flaherty spent his doctoral studies exploring changing fo - 2025-01-27

The other side of the story – how children of immigrants experience life

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 20 June 2022 Children of immigrants are sorted on the basis of preconceived notions with measures that do not take into account their own perspectives. Photo: iStockphoto. How does migration and globalisation shape the lives of individuals in various countries and how does it affect the children of immigrants in terms of - 2025-01-27

Immigrant organizations in Sweden can play a more important role in aid and development

By emma [dot] lord [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Lord) - published 12 September 2022 How do immigrant organizations in Sweden work with aid and development in their home countries? Other European countries work more actively than Sweden to use the knowledge about home countries that exists within these organizations. Sociologists from Lund Axel Fredholm, Johan Sandberg and Olle Frödin write abo - 2025-01-27

Sociology Conference ARTS IN MOVEMENT Opens Today in our House

Published 14 September 2022 The Conference starts today with a PhD Student day including paper presentations, workshops and publishing advice. Chris Mathieu and PhD-students gathered on the steps on The Department of Sociology, Lund. Details below*. Photo: Theo Hagman Rogowski. Today the volume in our building will rise with the chatter of about 70 visiting sociologists of the arts from Japan to C - 2025-01-27

Aggressively patriarchal worldviews attracted Swedish women to the Islamic State

By theo [dot] hagman-rogowski [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (Theo Hagman-Rogowski) - published 13 October 2022 Contrary to popular belief, women played a prominent role in IS recruitment - especially in bringing in other women. A new study from Lund University shows that Swedish women joined the Islamic State as part of a religiously motivated gendered counterculture against Swedish values of gend - 2025-01-27