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24365879:<;<5>=@?BADCFE AHGI<58J K*LNMPORQTS"UVLNMWLXZY\[ML]^[_X`LN]bacdeSfLN]`gOh[jilkPmnX^OoX^pqX`SL_r+s - 2025-01-19
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24365879:<;<5>=@?BADCFE AHGI<58J K*LNMPORQTS"UVLNMWLXZY\[ML]^[_X`LN]bacdeSfLN]`gOh[jilkPmnX^OoX^pqX`SL_r+s - 2025-01-19
A Sparse Coding Network Extracts Visual Features For Sensorimotor Control Sparse visual models for biologically inspired sensorimotor control Li Yang and Marwan Jabri OGI School of Science & Engineering Oregon Health and Science University 20000 N.W. Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 97006 {lilyzhou, marwan} Abstract Given the importance of using resources efficiently in the competition for s - 2025-01-19
Grounding Symbols in Perception with two Interacting Autonomous Robots Jean-Christophe Baillie ENSTA / Electronics and Computer Engineering Lab. Paris 75015 France Abstract Grounding symbolic representations in percep- tion is a key and difficult issue for artificial intelligence. The ”Talking Heads” experiment (Steels and Kaplan, 2002) explores an interesting coupling between gro - 2025-01-19
First Steps Toward a Computational Theory of Autism Christian Balkenius Petra Björne Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundag̊ard S-222 22 Lund, Sweden Abstract A computational model with three inter- acting components for context sensitive re- inforcement learning, context processing and automation can autonomously learn a focus - 2025-01-19
Introduction: The Fourth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics Luc Berthouze Neuroscience Research Institute Tsukuba AIST Central 2, Umezono 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8568 Japan Giorgio Metta LIRA-Lab, DIST, University of Genova Viale Causa, 13 16145 Genova, Italy 1. Introduction As in the previous editions, this workshop is trying to be a forum for multi-d - 2025-01-19
Developmental Learning: A Case Study in Understanding “Object Permanence” Yi Chen and Juyang Weng Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University East Lansing, MI, 48824 {chenyi1,weng} Abstract The concepts of muddy environment and muddy tasks set the ground for us to understand the essence of intelligence, both artificial and nat- ural, which further motivates - 2025-01-19
Simulating development in a real robot: on the concurrent increase of sensory, motor, and neural complexity Gabriel Gómez∗ Max Lungarella∗∗ Peter Eggenberger Hotz∗ Kojiro Matsushita∗ Rolf Pfeifer∗ ∗Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland ∗∗Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Informatics University of Tokyo, Japan maxl@i - 2025-01-19
Ecological Theory of Language Acquisition Francisco Lacerda*, Eeva Klintfors, Lisa Gustavsson, Lisa Lagerkvist, Ellen Marklund and Ulla Sundberg Department of Linguistics Stockholm University SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden * Abstract This poster outlines an Ecological Theory of Language Acquisition (ETLA). The theory views the early phases of the language acquisition process as an em - 2025-01-19
On the linguistic implications of context-bound adult-infant interactions Francisco Lacerda*, Ellen Marklund, Lisa Lagerkvist, Lisa Gustavsson, Eeva Klintfors and Ulla Sundberg Department of Linguistics Stockholm University SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden * Abstract This poster presents a study of the linguistic in- formation potentially available in adult speech di- rected to 3-month - 2025-01-19
Protosymbols that integrate recognition and response Karl F. MacDorman ∗† Rawichote Chalodhorn† Hiroshi Ishiguro † Minoru Asada∗† ∗Frontier Research Center †Department of Adaptive Machine Systems Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan Abstract We explore two controversial hypotheses through robotic implementation:(1) Processes invol - 2025-01-19
!" #$$ $ " % % &' () * # $$$ + ! " Æ Æ # Æ $ - 2025-01-19
Early imitation and the emergence of a sense of agency Jacqueline Nadel CNRS UMR7593, Hôpital La Salpêtrière Paris, France e-mail: In this paper, I would like to emphasize the de- velopmental role of imitation as a foundation for the emergence of a sense of agency (i.e. a sense of being the owner of one’s own action). There is a large body of psychological and neuroimaging - 2025-01-19
The Effects on Visual Information in a Robot in Environments with Oriented Contours Lars Olsson, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Daniel Polani Adaptive Systems Research Group Department of Computer Science University of Hertfordshire College Lane, Hatfield Herts AL10 9AB United Kingdom {L.A.Olsson, C.L.Nehaniv, D.Polani} Abstract For several decades experiments have been performed where animal - 2025-01-19
Binding tactile and visual sensations via unique association by cross-anchoring between double-touching and self-occlusion Yuichiro Yoshikawa Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University Yamada-Oka 2-1, Suita, Osaka Japan Koh Hosoda and Minoru Asada 1)Graduate School of Engineering, 2)HANDAI Frontier Research Center, Osaka University Yamada-Oka 2-1, Suita, Os - 2025-01-19
LUCS in LUCRIS | LUCS : Lund University Cognitive Science - 2025-01-19
LUCS in LUCRIS | LUCS : Lund University Cognitive Science - 2025-01-19
LUCS in LUCRIS | LUCS : Lund University Cognitive Science - 2025-01-19
LUCS in LUCRIS | LUCS : Lund University Cognitive Science - 2025-01-19
LUCS in LUCRIS | LUCS : Lund University Cognitive Science - 2025-01-19
LUCS in LUCRIS | LUCS : Lund University Cognitive Science - 2025-01-19