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Jens Månsson Occluding Contours: A Computational Model of Suppressive Mechanisms in Human Contour Perception Lund University Cognitive Studies, 81 2000 OCCLUDING CONTOURS: A COMPUTATIONAL MODEL OF SUPPRESSIVE MECHANISMS IN HUMAN CONTOUR PERCEPTION Jens Månsson Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård S–222 22 Lund Sweden Abstract:A fundamental problem in v - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - Lucs87

Microsoft Word - Lucs87 Lund University Cognitive Studies — LUCS 87 ISSN 1101 — 8453 © 2001 by the author THE PROBLEM OF COMBINING INTEGRAL AND SEPARABLE DIMENSIONS Mikael Johannesson Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset Lundagård S-222 22, LUND, Sweden and Department of Computer Science University College of Skövde, Box 408 S-541 28 SKÖVDE, Sweden Abstract: F - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - koppg−rdenfors3

Microsoft Word - koppg−rdenfors3 Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 89 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2001 by the authors ATTENTION AS A MINIMAL CRITERION OF INTENTIONALITY IN ROBOTS Lars Kopp and Peter Gärdenfors Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset S-222 22 Lund, Sweden, Abstract: It is proposed that the capacity of attention is a minimal criter - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - Lucs92

Microsoft Word - Lucs92 Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 91 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2002 by the author ATT SKAPA GEMENSAMMA VISIONER OM SPRÅKETS ROLL I MÄNNISKANS UTVECKLING Peter Gärdenfors Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund, Sweden E-mail: Peter.Gä FYRA TEORIER OM SPRÅKETS EVOLUTIONÄRA FUNKTION Människan är den enda djurart som har ett spr - 2025-02-06

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COLOR CONSTANCY IN VISUAL SCENE PERCEPTION Christian Balkenius Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund, Sweden Anders J Johansson Electroscience Lund University Anna Balkenius Cell and Organism Biology Vision Group Lund University ABSTRACT In RoboCup, all objects in the game are color coded to allow easy segmentation and identification. However, color vision is very - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - LUCS102.doc

Microsoft Word - LUCS102.doc Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 102 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2003 by the author THINKING STYLES AND SOCIALLY ENRICHED LEARNING MATERIAL: DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS ON MOTIVATION AND MEMORY PERFORMANCE Agneta Gulz Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund, Sweden E-mail: In this study, we examined how learners are influence - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - LUCS104.doc

Microsoft Word - LUCS104.doc Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 104 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2003 by the author ACTIONS, ARTEFACTS AND COGNITION: AN ETHNOGRAPHY OF COOKING David de Léon Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård 222 22 Lund E-mail: Abstract: This paper details a number of observations from an ethnographic study of ten people preparing a meal i - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - Lucs 106.doc

Microsoft Word - Lucs 106.doc Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 106 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2003 by the author THE NATURE OF EXPLANATION IN A THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS David Bengtsson Kungshuset, Lundagård 222 22 Lund INTRODUCTION In his novel “Thinks”, David Lodge lets the female protagonist, the novelist Helen Reed, close a conference in Cognitive Science with the words - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - LUCS115.doc

Microsoft Word - LUCS115.doc Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 115 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2004 by the author LEK, LÄRANDE OCH MOTORIK DELRAPPORT TILL ”THE LEARNING BRAIN, THE LEARNING INDIVIDUAL, THE LEARNING ORGANISATION” Åsa Harvard Epost: INLEDNING  Syftet med den här rapporten är att ge en överblick om forskning kring lek, lärande och motorik – främst i Sverige men ock - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - LUCS_122.doc

Microsoft Word - LUCS_122.doc Mathias Osvath and Peter Gärdenfors, Lund University Cognitive Science, 122, (2005). Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 122 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2005 by the authors OLDOWAN CULTURE AND THE EVOLUTION OF ANTICIPATORY COGNITION Mathias Osvath and Peter Gärdenfors; Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lund - 2025-02-06

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ΦΦΨΨ ESPPESPP Lund UniversityLund University 11- 14 August, 200511- 14 August, 2005 AbstractsAbstracts European SocietyEuropean Society forfor Philosophy and PsychologyPhilosophy and Psychology ConferenceConference LUCS 123 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Framsida low.pdf 2005-08-05 10:39:01Framsida low.pdf 2005-08-05 10:39:01 LUCS 123 ISSN 1101-8453 © 2005 by authors 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INVITED SPEAKERS ... - 2025-02-06

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Constanze Wartenberg and Kenneth Holmqvist, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 126, 2005 Lund University Cognitive Studies- LUCS 126 ISSN 1101-8453 © 2005 by authors 1 Daily newspaper layout – designers’ predictions of readers' visual behaviour - a case study Constanze Wartenberg and Kenneth Holmqvist Lund University Cognitive Science Kunsghuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund Sweden A - 2025-02-06

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Paulina Lindström, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 131, 2006 Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 131 ISSN 1101-8453, 2006 © by authors Understanding is identifying a structure Paulina Lindström Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård SE-222 22 Lund Sweden ( Abstract Understanding means identifying and using a structure. The core of understanding - 2025-02-06


IkarosArticle.3.dvi System-Level Cognitive Modeling with Ikaros Christian Balkenius Jan Morén Birger Johansson December 3, 2006 Abstract The Ikaros project started in 2001 with the aim at de- veloping an open infrastructure for system-level brain modeling. The system has developed into a general tool for cognitive modeling as well as robot control. This report describes the main parts of the Ikar - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - GLIT-LUCS_080116-2 _MHAG_.doc

Microsoft Word - GLIT-LUCS_080116-2 _MHAG_.doc Agneta Gulz, Magnus Haake & Betty Tärning, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 137, 2007    Lund University Cognitive Studies – LUCS 137 ISSN 1101 – 8453 © 2007 by the authors  1 VISUAL GENDER AND ITS MOTIVATIONAL AND COGNITIVE EFFECTS – A USER STUDY Agneta Gulz Lund University Cognitive Science Kunsghuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund Sweden agneta.gulz@lu - 2025-02-06

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Automatically Detecting Reading in Eye Tracking Data Sepp Kollmorgen and Kenneth Holmqvist June 8, 2007 Abstract To date, more and more eye tracking based studies are conducted to investigate reading under natural conditions (e.g. long texts, texts embedded with pic- tures etc.) and to investigate the perception of every day stimuli containing text (e.g. web pages, newspa- pers). When the data of - 2025-02-06


OsvathTHESIS Planning primates: A search for episodic foresight PLANNING PRIMATES A search for episodic foresight MATHIAS OSVATH Lund University Cognitive Studies 148 Mathias Osvath (2010) Planning Primates: A search for episodic foresight Lund University Cognitive Studies 148 Copyright © Mathias Osvath 2010 Cover: Linda in episodic contemplation. Photo: Tomas Persson ISBN 978-91-977-380-8-8 ISSN - 2025-02-06

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Andersson, R., Bååth, R. & Sikström, S. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 151, 2012. Visually mediated valence effects in dialogue: an explorative study Richard Andersson1 Rasmus Bååth1 Sverker Sikström2 1 Lund University Cognitive Science 2 Department of Psychology, Lund University Abstract This is an exploratory study investigating potential effects of emotional valence in images and their infl - 2025-02-06

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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Tracking the Mind's Eye : Eye movements during mental imagery and memory retrieval Johansson, Roger 2013 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Johansson, R. (2013). Tracking the Mind's Eye : Eye movements during mental imagery and memory retrieval. - 2025-02-06

Microsoft Word - Rook brain report final LUCS 21.05.docx

Microsoft Word - Rook brain report final LUCS 21.05.docx ASSOCIATIVE  BRAIN  REGIONS  ARE   RELATIVELY  ENLARGED  IN  ROOK   (Corvus  frugilegus)   Can Kabadayi1, Lina Petersson2, Mathias Osvath1, Per Petersson3 1  Department of Cognitive Science, Lund University, Kungshuset, Lundagård, S- 222 22 Lund, Sweden. 2 Neuronano Research Center, Department of Experimental Medical Sciences, Lund Universit - 2025-02-06