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Visual attention during decision- making in natural environments KERSTIN GIDLÖF COGNITIVE SCIENCE | DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY | LUND UNIVERSITY Visual attention during decision- making in natural environments Kerstin Gidlöf DOCTORAL DISSERTATION by due permission of the Faculty of Humanities, Lund University, Sweden. To be defended at LUX, room B237, Lund, January 12, 2015 at 10:15. Faculty opponen - 2025-02-06

Pärnamets - PhD Thesis - Observing and manipulating preferences in real time [2015].pdf

Pärnamets - PhD Thesis - Observing and manipulating preferences in real time [2015].pdf Observing and influencing preferences in real time Gaze, morality and dynamic decision-making Philip Pärnamets DOCTORAL DISSERTATION by due permission of the Faculty of Humanities, Lund University, Sweden. To be defended at LUX, room C121, Lund, April 18, 2015, at 13:15. Faculty opponent Alan Kingstone Lund Uni - 2025-02-06


All_8 Intelligent, socially oriented technology II: Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering Editors Christian Balkenius Agneta Gulz Magnus Haake Mattias Wallergård Balkenius, C., Gulz, A., Haake, M. and Wallergård, M. (Eds.) Intelligent, socially oriented technology II: Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering. Lund Uni - 2025-02-06


Syntolkning Syntolkning Forskning och praktik MTM:S RAPPORTER4 REDAKTÖRER: JANA HOLSANOVA CECILIA WADENSJÖ MATS ANDRÉN REDAKTÖRER: JANA HOLSANOVA CECILIA WADENSJÖ MATS ANDRÉN Syntolkning Forskning och praktik Upplysningar om innehållet: © Lunds universitet, © Stockholms universitet, © Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier, 2016 Lund University Cognitive Studies nr 166 MTM:s rapportserie nr 4 Tillgän - 2025-02-06

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Postal address box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board’s working commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Licentiate in Art History and Visual Studies This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and The - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Book History This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 February - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Church History This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 Februa - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanitie - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in East and South-East Asian Studies This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Th - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Educational Sciences This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 14 - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in English Language and Linguistics This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and The - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in English Literature This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 Fe - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Film Studies This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 February - 2025-02-07

Microsoft Word - Franska ASP (klarD)_eng-GB_rev_.docx

Microsoft Word - Franska ASP (klarD)_eng-GB_rev_.docx Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board’s working commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in French Studies This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joi - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in German This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 February 2022 - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Greek This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 February 2022 t - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Hispanic Literatures This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in Historical Osteology This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in History This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 16 February 2022 - 2025-02-07

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Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, Bldg. B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email Website Facul ty Board ’s work ing commit tee General syllabus for third-cycle studies for the Degree of Doctor in History of Religions specialising in Islamic Studies This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties o - 2025-02-07