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Weichselian geology and palaeo-environmental history of the central Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia, indicating no glaciation during the last global glacial maximum

The Taymyr Peninsula constitutes the eastern delimitation of a possible Kara Sea basin ice sheet. The existence of such an ice sheet during the last global glacial maximum (LGM), i.e. during the Late Weichselian/Upper Zyryansk, is favoured by some Russian scientists. However, a growing number of studies point towards a more minimalistic view concerning the areal extent of Late Weichselian/Upper Zy

Does Self-isolation Violate the Right to Liberty? An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights’ Practice in Light of the Ukrainian Experience

COVID-19 became a stress-test for many legal systems because it required that a balance be found between rapid action to prevent the spread of the disease and a continued respect for human rights. Many states in Europe, including Ukraine, chose to enforce an obligation to self-isolate. In this article we review what the obligation to self-isolate entails in the case of Ukraine. We also analyse whe

Genetic parameters for noncoagulating milk, milk coagulation properties, and detailed milk composition in Swedish Red Dairy Cattle

The rennet-induced coagulation ability of milk is important in cheese production. For Swedish Red Dairy Cattle (RDC), this ability is reduced because of a high prevalence of noncoagulating (NC) milk. In this study, we simultaneously combined genetic parameters for NC milk, milk coagulation properties, milk composition, physical traits, and milk protein composition. Our aim was to estimate heritabi

HEARTBiT : A Transcriptomic Signature for Excluding Acute Cellular Rejection in Adult Heart Allograft Patients

Background: Nine mRNA transcripts associated with acute cellular rejection (ACR) in previous microarray studies were ported to the clinically amenable NanoString nCounter platform. Here we report the diagnostic performance of the resulting blood test to exclude ACR in heart allograft recipients: HEARTBiT. Methods: Blood samples for transcriptomic profiling were collected during routine post-transp

Body surface rewarming in fully and partially hypothermic king penguins

Penguins face a major thermal transition when returning to land in a hypothermic state after a foraging trip. Uninsulated appendages (flippers and feet) could provide flexible heat exchange during subsequent rewarming. Here, we tested the hypothesis that peripheral vasodilation could be delayed during this recovery stage. To this end, we designed an experiment to examine patterns of surface rewarmPenguins face a major thermal transition when returning to land in a hypothermic state after a foraging trip. Uninsulated appendages (flippers and feet) could provide flexible heat exchange during subsequent rewarming. Here, we tested the hypothesis that peripheral vasodilation could be delayed during this recovery stage. To this end, we designed an experiment to examine patterns of surface rewarm

Gradient-enhanced modelling of damage for rate-dependent material behaviour-a parameter identification framework

The simulation of complex engineering components and structures under loads requires the formulation and adequate calibration of appropriate material models. This work introduces an optimisation-based scheme for the calibration of viscoelastic material models that are coupled to gradient-enhanced damage in a finite strain setting. The parameter identification scheme is applied to a self-diagnostic

Developing a mobile activity game for stroke survivors—lessons learned

Persons who have survived a stroke might lower the risk of having recurrent strokes by adopting a healthier lifestyle with more exercise. One way to promote exercising is by fitness or exergame apps for mobile phones. Health and fitness apps are used by a significant portion of the consumers, but these apps are not targeted to stroke survivors, who may experience cognitive limitations (like fatigu

The Latin and the Swedish Versions of J. Widekindi’s Historia Belli Sveco-Moscovitici Decennalis: the Nature of the Differences

Johannes Widekindi (c. 1620–78) was a Swedish historiographer of the Realm. His main work Historia Belli Sveco-Moscovitici Decennalis was published both in Latin and in Swedish (as Thet Swenska i Ryssland Tijo åhrs Krijgz-Historie). Although the Swedish edition appeared one year earlier than the Latin one, the latter is in no way a translation of the former. The textological relationship between t

Polymer electrolyte fuel cell modeling - A comparison of two models with different levels of complexity

The modeling of fuel cells requires the coupling of fluid transport with electro-chemical reactions. There are two approaches commonly used. Firstly, the electrodes can be treated as two planes, where the potential gradient can be considered as being locally one-dimensional. In this case a two dimensional current density distribution is obtained. Secondly, the two electrode layers can be spatially

Word length effects on pictorial memory encoding in 5- to 7-year-old children: An eye-tracking study

How speech coding is used for visual material is critical to understanding the link between language and memory development. Using eye-tracking, the present study examined whether the number of syllables of pictured objects’ names, monosyllabic versus multisyllabic, predicts looking time at the stimuli-objects in the context of a memory task, thereby indicating verbal recoding. The children’s (N =

Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project: The untold stories

What does a sustainability project look like in the 21st century? Not the glossy version, but the naked truth? Tired of manicured, over-theorised accounts of the ‘musts’ and ‘shoulds’ of sustainability transitions, we got to the bottom of things; actually, to the very bottom of the project hierarchy: the individual. Our point of departure is that projects are nothing but temporarily interconnected

Non-Ischemic Heart Preservation versus Static Cold Storage in Human Heart Transplantation

PURPOSE: Pre-clinical studies have shown that ex vivo non-ischemic heart preservation (NIHP) method can be safely used for 24 hours. This state-of-the-art method has never been applied on humans. ໿໿The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the NIHP method on early and late human heart allograft function compared with static cold storage (SCS). METHODS: We perfor

Longitudinal Changes in Kidney Function Estimated from Cystatin C and Its Association with Mortality in Elderly Women

Background/Aims: Prospective data on age-related changes in kidney function are required, especially since the current Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) definition has been suggested to classify a large number of elderly people with CKD. Objective: This study, a complement to our previous Cr-based study in the same cohort, is aimed at evaluating cystatin C (cysC)-based changes in ki