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The Many Functions of International Legal Concepts, Part One
According to the ontological stance adopted in this essay, a concept is a mental representation. It is the generalized idea of an empirical or normative phenomenon or state of affairs or a class of such phenomena or state of affairs. This essay is concerned with a specific category of concepts typically referred to as “concepts of international or international law” or “international legal concept
Tid för reflektion : perspektiv på socialtjänsten som verksamhet och arbetsplats
Knowledge Sharing in ICT-Outsourcing Relationships
Emerging Welfare States: Comparing East Asian and Scandinavian Redistribution Models in a Global Context
In this paper we discuss social policy in relation to different development contexts, where characteristics and outcomes of social policies in different sectors ( e.g.,housing, care, education, social security) are compared. The paper relates to the discussion on the causes and outcomes of welfare state management in different contexts. However, existing analytical models do not fit the mixtures
Ambiguity work: Narratives of closeness and distance in the commercial home
Wave Properties of Long AC Distribution Cables
Game Based Learning in Medical Education: Promoting clinical reasoning skills?
Sätt och apparat för provtagning av reaktiva föreningar i en aerosol
Submikrona partiklar som innehåller reaktiva föreningar i en provaerosol uppsamlas för kemisk bestämning av partiklarna, utan oönskade förändringar i den kemiska sammansättningen hos partiklarna. En känd reagensvätska levereras till ett poröst material i fluidkommunikation med provaerosolen, och reagensvätskan bringas att förångas till en ånga med tillhanddahållna uppvärmningsorgan. Reagensångan b
Economic Downturns and Political Competition Since the 1870s
Tacit Dimensions of Learning and Teaching
The Arab Spring: the hopes and the backlashes, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University, November 10, 2011
Physical and Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Aerosol
Time alone or time together? The impact of family life cycle and education...
Self-rated health among very old people in European countries : An explorative study in Latvia and Sweden
Objectives: To explore and gain insight into factors related to self-rated health (SRH) among very old people in two European countries. Methods: The study was based on Latvian (n = 301) and Swedish (n = 397) data from the baseline of the Enabling Autonomy, Participation, and Well-Being in Old Age: The Home Environment as a Determinant for Healthy Ageing Survey Study. Besides descriptive statistic
Antigenic relationships between human and cobra complement factors C3 and cobra venom factor (CVF) from the Indian cobra (Naja naja)
The presence of a factor immunologically related to cobra venom factor (CVF) was demonstrated in serum and plasma from the Indian cobra (Naja naja kaoutia). The factor was purified from cobra plasma by affinity chromatography on an anti-CVF gel and was found to consist of a protein composed of two polypeptide chains similar in size to those of human C3. With use of immunoblotting technique, common
Sixty Years of China’s Intellectual Property Rights Protection
Plato and the pedagogical dimension of eros
Ingmar Bergman as Political Commentator: Scenes from a Marriage and Feminism
The logic of isomorphism and its uses
We present a class of first-order modal logics, called transformational logics, which are designed for working with sentences that hold up to a certain type of transformation. An inference system is given, and com- pleteness for the basic transformational logic HOS is proved. In order to capture ‘up to isomorphism’, we express a very weak version of higher category theory in terms of first-order m