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Impact of thermal processing on micronutrients and physical stability of milk and cream at dairy production scale

Micronutrients and physical stability of milk and cream were evaluated for different heat treatments at dairy production scale (HTST pasteurisation, high pasteurisation, ESL indirect and UHT direct and indirect). Changes caused due to heat treatments for macro and micro components (vitamins and minerals) as well as physical stability were investigated. Results show limited losses in macro componen

Six memos for a curious and imaginative future scholarship in entrepreneurship studies

In this introductory article, we explain the purpose of this special issue that is set up as a Festschrift in honour of the (editorial) work of BengtJohannisson. Inspired by Italo Calvino's Six Memos for the Next Millennium, the special issue is structured along six essays that are both commemorative and affirmative, that is we use the work of Johannisson to explore fresh waters and invent new pra

Utvärdering av olika farthinder på Lunds huvudgator utifrån bussarnas perspektiv - En jämförelsestudie

Varje år sker en ökande urbanisering och med fler människor i en stad så ökar trafikbelastning och därmed risken för olyckor. Därför är det viktigt att kommunerna arbetar med att skapa trafikmiljöer som är säkra för gående, cyklister, bilister och kollektivtrafiken. Trafiksäkerhet och komfort är två viktiga parametrar att arbeta med eftersom dessa de bidrar till de transportpolitiska målen och nolEvery year there is an increasing urbanization and traffic load, which means that we have to create traffic environments that are safe for pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles and public transport. Traffic safety and comfort are two important parameters that are worked with, and the aim is to increase traffic safety and comfort which contribute to the transport policy goals and the zero vision where no

Automated tight Lyapunov analysis for first-order methods

We present a methodology for establishing the existence of quadratic Lyapunov inequalities for a wide range of first-order methods used to solve convex optimization problems. In particular, we consider (i) classes of optimization problems of finite-sum form with (possibly strongly) convex and possibly smooth functional components, (ii) first-order methods that can be written as a linear system on

Lagen som ett retoriskt objekt - En analys av gamla och nya konsumentköplagen

Arbetet ämnar ge ett teoretiskt perspektiv på utformningen av det svenska lagspråket. Genom en retorisk argumentationsanalys, grundad i Chaïm Perelmans teori om föreställda publiker och Lloyd Bitzers teori om den retoriska situationen, utreds konsumentlagstiftningen i sin egenskap som meningsbärare mellan en retorisk avsändare och en retorisk mottagare. Den gamla och den nya konsumentköplagen jämfThe thesis aims to provide a theoretical perspective on the language used in the Swedish law. Through a rhetorical argumentation analysis, grounded in Chaïm Perelman’s theory of perceived audiences and Lloyd Bitzer’s theory of the rhetorical situation, the consumer sales act is investigated in its capacity as a carrier of meaning between a speaker and an audience. The old and the new consumer sale

Development and Evaluation of an Enzyme-Based Sunscreen

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR), specifically of UVA and UVB, has been associated with the development of both photoaging and photo-carcinogenesis, potentially leading to cancer. The use of sun protection in the form of UV filters is known to minimize these damages. By introducing an enzyme-based sunscreen for daily facial use these damages may be reduced while also providing exfoliation and hydration

Isocyanate-free polyurethane from cyclic carbonates : Synthesis, application and evaluation

Det pågår ständigt en utveckling för att minska både risker för miljö och hälsa inom den kemiska industrin. Oftast handlar det om att förbättra existerande processer eller att helt enkelt hitta nya vägar till samma produkt och i grunden ligger forskning bakom framgångarna.Polyurethane is a widely used polymer with a lot of different applications due to its versatility and often resilient properties. The polymeris often prepared as a two component system consisting of polyols and isocyanates and can be cured at relatively low temperatures. Even though the formed polymer is hazardless the isocyanate used in the manufacture is dangerous in itself, but even more so is

Composites of polylactic acid and nanofibrillar cellulose for the production of biodegradable foams

Under de senaste åren har stora resurser lagts på forskning kring utvecklingen av biomaterial för ersättning av fossil-baserade material. Förpackningsindustrin i synnerhet är en sektor känd för att generera enorma mängder fast avfall, med produkter som inte sällan har betydligt kortare livslängd än sina materialkomponenter. Polylaktid (PLA) är en mångsidig biopolymer som används kommersiellt föIn recent years, large efforts have been put into the research of biomaterial synthesis for the replacement of fossil-based materials. Particularly in the packaging industry, a sector responsible for generating enormous amount of solid waste in which products have a considerably shorter life span than their material components. Polylactic acid (PLA) is a versatile, commercial biopolymer used fo

Circulating leptin is associated with adverse vascular changes in young adult survivors of childhood cancer

Introduction: Proteomics may help discover novel biomarkers and underlying mechanisms for cardiovascular disease. This could be useful for childhood cancer survivors as they show an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to investigate circulating cardiovascular proteins in young adult survivors of childhood cancer and their relationship to previously reported subclini

Cholecystectomy and ERCP in pregnancy : a nationwide register-based study

OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine the outcomes of cholecystectomy and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) during pregnancy and compare these outcomes with those in nonpregnant women of fertile age. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Although both laparoscopic cholecystectomy and ERCP are considered safe and feasible in pregnant patients, there is still concern and uncertainty regardi

Tryptophan and kynurenine stimulate human decidualization via activating Aryl hydrocarbon receptor : Short title: Kynurenine action on human decidualization

Decidualization is essential for successful pregnancy in rodents and primates. Although L-Tryptophan and its metabolites are essential for mammalian pregnancy, the underlying mechanism is poorly defined. We explored effects of tryptophan and kynurenine on human in vitro decidualization in human endometrial stromal cell line and primary endometrial stromal cells. Tryptophan significantly stimulates

Emergence and cosmic evolution of the Kennicutt- Schmidt relation driven by interstellar turbulence

The scaling relations between the gas content and star formation rate of galaxies provide useful insights into the processes governing their formation and evolution. We investigated the emergence and the physical drivers of the global Kennicutt-Schmidt (KS) relation at 0:25 ≤ z ≤ 4 in the cosmological hydrodynamic simulation NewHorizon, capturing the evolution of a few hundred galaxies with a reso

Aldosterone from endometrial glands is benefit for human decidualization

Local renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in female reproductive system is involved in many physiological and pathological processes, such as follicular development, ovarian angiogenesis, ovarian, and endometrial cancer progress. However, studies on the functional relevance of RAS in human endometrium are limited, especially for renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). In this study, we defined the

It's entrepreneurship, not enterprise : Ai Weiwei as entrepreneur

We challenge the obvious and easy association of enterprise and entrepreneurship. We do so by arguing that entrepreneurship is inherently social and collective, something that is concealed when held up as example of enterprising behaviour. We use as an illustrative case the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, an example of entrepreneurship that has little to do with commerce and everything to do with the so

Are Entrepreneurship, Communities, and Social Transformation Related?

This article explores new forms of organizing (and organization creation) in relation to entrepreneurship and social transformation. In particular, in the dialogue that follows in this issue, we initiate a discussion regarding the ways through which social transformation is or can be related to community action and public and/or social entrepreneurship. By focusing on socioeconomic environments in

Comparison of In Vivo and Ex Vivo MRI of the Human Hippocampal Formation in the Same Subjects

Multiple techniques for quantification of hippocampal subfields from in vivo MRI have been proposed. Linking in vivo MRI to the underlying histology can help validate and improve these techniques. High-resolution ex vivo MRI can provide an intermediate modality to map information between these very different imaging modalities. This article evaluates the ability to match information between in viv

Automated Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation at 7T MRI

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: High resolution 7T MRI is increasingly used to investigate hippocampal subfields in vivo, but most studies rely on manual segmentation which is labor intensive. We aimed to evaluate an automated technique to segment hippocampal subfields and the entorhinal cortex at 7T MRI.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cornu ammonis (CA)1, CA2, CA3, dentate gyrus, subiculum, and entorhinal cor

SSD1 suppresses phenotypes induced by the lack of Elongator-dependent tRNA modifications

The Elongator complex promotes formation of 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl (mcm5) and 5-carbamoylmethyl (ncm5) side-chains on uridines at the wobble position of cytosolic eukaryotic tRNAs. In all eukaryotic organisms tested to date, the inactivation of Elongator not only leads to the lack of mcm5/ncm5 groups in tRNAs, but also a wide variety of additional phenotypes. Although the phenotypes are most like

Identification of factors that promote biogenesis of tRNACGASer

A wide variety of factors are required for the conversion of pre-tRNA molecules into the mature tRNAs that function in translation. To identify factors influencing tRNA biogenesis, we previously performed a screen for strains carrying mutations that induce lethality when combined with a sup61-T47:2C allele, encoding a mutant form of [Formula: see text]. Analyzes of two complementation groups led t

CCR3 deficiency is associated with increased osteoclast activity and reduced cortical bone volume in adult male mice

Increasing evidence emphasizes the importance of chemokines and chemokine receptors as regulators of bone remodeling. The C-C chemokine receptor 3 (CCR3) is dramatically upregulated during osteoclastogenesis, but the role of CCR3 in osteoclast formation and bone remodeling in adult mice is unknown. Herein, we used bone marrow macrophages derived from adult male CCR3-proficient and CCR3-deficient m