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The Johannine Community Hypothesis (1968–Present) : Past and Present Approaches and a New Way Forward

This article surveys and evaluates the most influential approaches to the Johannine community debate, beginning with Martyn’s 1968 study to the more recent work of Bauckham and Klink. The survey divides these approaches into three main categories: (1) studies in the historical-critical stream (mostly from the late 1960s–1970s), (2) sociological studies and (3) studies that have departed from the c

The pre-mRNA retention and splicing complex controls expression of the Mediator subunit Med20

The heterotrimeric pre-mRNA retention and splicing (RES) complex, consisting of Bud13p, Snu17p and Pml1p, promotes splicing and nuclear retention of a subset of intron-containing pre-mRNAs. Yeast cells deleted for individual RES genes show growth defects that are exacerbated at elevated temperatures. Although the growth phenotypes correlate to the splicing defects in the individual mutants, the un

The politics and aesthetics of entrepreneurship : A fourth movements in entrepreneurship book

Daniel Hjorth and Chris Steyaert make a unique contribution to management education. Their ability to illustrate complex ideas through theatre and visual media is outstanding and much appreciated by a wide audience. This book is no exception. Their insights into the nature of entrepreneurship are fresh and original. Their style of presentation is both rich and rewarding. This is a book to surprise

Hippocampal disconnection in early Alzheimer's disease : a 7 tesla MRI study

BACKGROUND: In patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), atrophy of the entorhinal cortex (ERC) and hippocampal formation may induce degeneration of connecting white matter tracts.OBJECTIVE: We examined the association of hippocampal subfield and ERC atrophy at 7 tesla MRI with fornix and parahippocampal cingulum (PHC) microstructure in patients with early AD.METHODS: Twenty-five patients with amnes

Potential interplay between tumor size and vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms in breast cancer prognosis : a prospective cohort study

Purpose: Vitamin D has some anticancer properties that may decrease breast cancer risk and improve prognosis. The aim was to investigate associations between four previously studied VDR SNPs (Taq1, Tru91, Bsm1, and Fok1) and prognosis in different groups of breast cancer patients. Methods: VDR genotyping of 1,017 breast cancer patients included 2002–2012 in Lund, Sweden, was performed using Oncoar


Let H be a space of analytic functions on the unit ball Bd in Cd with multiplier algebra Mult(H). A function f ∈ H is called cyclic if the set [f], the closure of {ϕf : ϕ ∈ Mult(H)}, equals H. For multipliers we also consider a weakened form of the cyclicity concept. Namely for n ∈ N0 we consider the classes Cn(H) = {ϕ ∈ Mult(H): ϕ /= 0, [ϕn] = [ϕn+1]}. Many of our results hold for N:th order radi

Meningsfulla aktiviteter bland äldre personer på äldreboenden

Bakgrund: Meningsfulla aktiviteter är sammankopplade med hälsa och välbefinnande. När människor åldras eller deras förutsättningar för aktivitet förändras kan förlusten av meningsfulla aktiviteter leda till ohälsa. Äldre personer kan både förlora förmågan att utföra aktiviteter, men också finna att förutsättningar till aktivitetsutförande förändras när hemmiljö och äldreboende blir ett. Syfte: SyfBackground: Meaningful activities are interconnected with health and well-being. When people age or their circumstances for engaging in occupations change, a loss of meaningful activities can occur, leading to illness. Older people may not only lose the ability to perform occupations but may also find that their circumstances for engaging in occupations change when the home environment and nursing

Simultaneous multicolour transit photometry of hot Jupiters HAT-P-19b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-55b, and HAT-P-65b

Accurate physical parameters of exoplanet systems are essential for further exploration of planetary internal structure, atmospheres, and formation history. We aim to use simultaneous multicolour transit photometry to improve the estimation of transit parameters, to search for transit timing variations (TTVs), and to establish which of our targets should be prioritized for follow-up transmission s

‘They all of a sudden became new people’ : Using reproductive justice to explore narratives of hormonal contraceptive experience in Sweden

This study explores how Swedish women narrate experiences of hormonal contraceptives through utilizing the frameworks of biomedicalization and reproductive justice, adding a social justice perspective previously lacking. Ten in-depth interviews were conducted with women who had experience of using hormonal contraception. Political narrative analysis illuminated how these women moved narratively bo

Supervisors’ competences from doctoral students’ perspectives–a systematic review

This systematic review captures research on doctoral students’ perspectives of supervision. The aim was to capture research on aspects of importance to enhance professional development for supervisors in a global perspective, as well as describe the characteristics of the body of research. Five aspects of supervisors’ competences, which have previously been found to be important for successful sup

Probing cosmology via the clustering of critical points

Exclusion zones in the cross-correlations between critical points (peak-void, peak-wall, filament-wall, and filament-void) of the density field define quasi-standard rulers that can be used to constrain dark matter and dark energy cosmological parameters. The average size of the exclusion zone is found to scale linearly with the typical distance between extrema. The latter changes as a function of

Host Plant Effects on Sexual Selection Dynamics in Phytophagous Insects

Natural selection is notoriously dynamic in nature, and so, too, is sexual selection. The interactions between phytophagous insects and their host plants have provided valuable insights into the many ways in which ecological factors can influence sexual selection. In this review, we highlight recent discoveries and provide guidance for future work in this area. Importantly, host plants can affect


There are apparent similarities between the parables contained in the Gospels and those found in the Qurʾān, which provide their audiences with illustrations of complex religious concepts and moral teachings through the imagery of everyday life. Based on the form-critical analysis of the Gospel Parable of the Sower and some Qurʾānic parables, this article aims to detect defining similarities and d

Nanoplastics in aquatic environments—Sources, sampling techniques, and identification methods

Since the industrial revolution, humans have extensively been contributing to the accumulation of rubble in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Because the buildup of trash in water bodies was previously considered miniscule owing to its capacity to drift away from vantage points, the growing impact of plastic pollutants has historically been neglected. Today, however, pollution of aquatic systems i

Probing phrases, pronouns and binding

This chapter makes use of Pesetsky and Torrego's feature chains to account for the distribution of reflexive and personal pronouns. Under the assumption that all unvalued features probe when merged, it is possible to form chains between reflexives and their antecedents. In line with Reuland (2001), the assumption is that these chains force the reflexives to be interpreted as bound variables at LF.

The Artificial Recruiter: Risks of Discrimination in Employers’ Use of AI and Automated Decision-Making

Extant literature points to how the risk of discrimination is intrinsic to AI systems owing to the dependence on training data and the difficulty of post hoc algorithmic auditing. Transparency and auditability limitations are problematic both for companies’ prevention efforts and for government oversight, both in terms of how artificial intelligence (AI) systems function and how large-scale digita

Validation of the Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI) among Swedish adolescents

This study examines the psychometric structure and properties of the Swedish version of the Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI) among adolescents. In order to ensure the validity and feasibility of the measure, we examined the factor structure, measurement invariance across gender, age and ethnicity, and construct validity in relation to a number of correlates of narcissism in a