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Social utsatthet som billighetsskäl – en konflikt mellan humanitet och rättssäkerhet? En rättskritisk analys av 29 kap. 5–5 a §§ brottsbalken

I samband med påföljdsreformen år 1989 infördes preciserade regler för påföljdsval och straffmätning i det svenska straffrättssystemet, med syftet att öka förutsägbarheten och möjliggöra en enhetlig rättstillämpning. Bland annat infördes billighetsskälen, ett antal skäl hänförliga gärningspersonen, dennes agerande eller sådant som inträffat efter begånget brott. I det fall omständigheten är av särIn connection with the Swedish penal reform of 1989, specific rules for sentencing and penalty assessment were introduced into the Swedish criminal justice system, with the aim of increasing predictability and enabling uniform application of the law. The grounds for equity were established, consisting of various factors related to the offender, his or her actions, or events occurred after the crim

Fara för brottets fullbordan - En analys av försöksbrott med utgångspunkt i NJA 2023 s. 393

Svenska samhället har på senare år drabbats hårt av organiserad brottslighet, med gängrelaterade konflikter som eskalerat och allt yngre individer som rekryteras till kriminella miljöer. Detta har lett till ett ökande gängvåld, inklusive skjutningar och sprängningar, vilket skapat oro bland allmänheten och myndigheterna. Polisen, som spelar en central roll i bekämpningen av denna brottslighet, harSwedish society has in recent years been severely affected by organized crime. Gang-related conflicts have been escalating and the recruitment to criminal environments goes further and further down the ages. As a result, this has led to an increasing amount of gang violence, including shootings and bombings, which has created a growing concern among the public and authorities. The police, who pla

How Do We Handle Imaginaries? Understanding Audiences and Users Engagement With Perceived Societal Impacts Of AI Technologies On Job Displacement

In the 21st century, technological advancements have profoundly influenced various aspects of human life, enhancing both quality and efficiency. The emergence of Facebook in 2004 marked the dawn of the social media era, while the launch of Apple’s iPhone in 2007 revolutionised the mobile phone industry. Entering the 2020s, the spotlight has shifted towards Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligen

A Second Life: Exploring Sustainable Fashion Through Value Creation Study Of Indian Instagram Thrift Stores

This thesis investigates the intricacies of sustainable fashion, focussing on value-creation business models within Instagram thrift stores in India. Fundamentally, it argues that sustainable fashion is a dynamic socio-ecological process, mediated by the changing communication and technological landscape. There is much debate about what sustainable fashion ought to be, thus making it a “concept in

Subordination, Kin Keeping, and Transgenerational Trauma: A (Post)Feminist Critique Of Blame Your Mama Trope In Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)

After having soared to success for inclusivity, editing, and storytelling at the Oscars 2023, the thesis aims at renditioning a postfeminist critique of the popular culture text, Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) by arguing for the existence and sustenance of, what I call, the Blame Your Mama trope in the film. This thesis examines the Blame Your Mama trope in the film as an underlying mech

‘Football as the Women’s Second Language’: An Audience Study of Transnational Female Football Fans Living in Lund.

The sport of football is commonly perceived as a domain traditionally associated with masculinity, thereby marginalizing women who, as female fans, constantly encounter societal expectations regarding their genuine passion for the game. To achieve the status of being perceived as authentic, they often are ‘forced’ to negotiate their gender identities so that their fandom identity becomes evident.

Analyzing Newspaper Coverage of Vigilantism To Understand American Elites, Media, and the State

The cellphone footage of Daniel Penny, a 24-year-old white man in his twenties, choking the life out of Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old Black man, in a New York City subway car during the summer of 2023 made headlines around the globe. The story took off in part because it was identified by the press as existing within the long history of American vigilantism, one that dates to the very founding of th

Självständiga artisters praktiker och socialt kapital i sociala medier

In this paper, we explore the practices independent artists use on social media. We address topics such as the democratization of the music industry and marketing on social media platforms. To gain a comprehensive understanding of these practices, we interviewed four independent artists. We also analyzed the artist's Instagram accounts using a lurking approach. Our focus will not lie on the co

Humans: trouble, or treasure in the eyes of EN 50126-1:2017 Railway Applications - The Specification and Demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS).

This research addresses human error and the process standard EN 50126 Railway Applications - The Specification and Demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS). In Norway, it is required by The Railway Infrastructure Regulations to use the standard for new construction or changes to subsystems in the infrastructure. The standard is a harmonized standard which mean

Svensk diplomati biter inte på den iranska regimen

Swedish media, using Mossad documents, revealed that criminal networks in Sweden collaborate with Iran's regime. Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer confirmed Iran's use of criminals for violent acts. Since 1979, Iran has destabilized regions via its intelligence and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Earlier this year, IRGC members plotted to kill Swedish Jews. The Security Police view Ir

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While the Japanese writer Murakami Ryūs earlier works are concerned with shock and boredom, his works from the 1990’s display an interest in apocalyptic fantasies in order to start society afresh. This article examines two of these novels – Popular Hits of the Showa Era (1994) and In the Miso Soup (1997) – and discusses this tendency in the context of Japan’s Lost Decade, the economic depression t

Möjligheter och utmaningar: en undersökning av GPT:s påverkan i högre utbildning

Denna studie syftar till att identifiera effekterna av GPT, som ChatGPT och Github Copilot, i högre utbildning, med fokus på studenternas lärandeprocess och prestationer samt utbildningens utformning. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med universitetslärare har möjligheter såsom förbättrad produktivitet och skräddarsydd inlärning identifierats, samtidigt som utmaningar som akademisk integritet och risk

Revisiting the medieval Scandiavian ceramic censers - new comparisons, new interpretations

In 2019, archaeologists carried out a large excavation of parts of the Dominican convent in the centre of Lund, in Scania, Sweden, which yielded a substantial medieval ceramic assemblage. This article aims to compare selected sherds from this assemblage with a collection of funerary pots, or censers, retrieved further south in the same town block during excavations in the convent church in 1906. Q

Study of nonstandard interactions mediated by a scalar field at the ESSnuSB experiment

In this paper, we study scalar mediator induced nonstandard interactions (SNSIs) in the context of the ESSnuSB experiment. In particular, we study the capability of ESSnuSB to put bounds on the SNSI parameters and also study the impact of SNSIs in the measurement of the leptonic CP phase δCP. Existence of SNSIs modifies the neutrino mass matrix and this modification can be expressed in terms of th

Lifestyle and cardiovascular risk factors in a Swedish primary care population with self-reported psychiatric symptoms

Objective: Individuals with psychiatric illness suffer from poorer physical health compared with the general population and have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. This cross-sectional study aims to describe the prevalence of lifestyle and cardiovascular risk factors and the association with self-reported psychiatric symptoms in a population of 40-year-old individua

Status of the fel test facility at MAX-LAB

An FEL test facility is built on the existing MAX-lab linac system in collaboration between MAX-lab and BESSY. The goal is to study and analyse seeding, harmonic generation, beam compression and diagnostic techniques with the focus of gaining knowledge and experience for the MAX IV FEL and the BESSY FEL projects. The test facility will in the first stage be using the 400 MeV linac beam to generate

Give us PID controllers and we can control the world

The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of PID control for our society in general and for the control engineering community in particular. To this end, we first equate the relevance of PID controllers with other inventions in history to remark how PID control has contributed to revolutionizing our world as the main ambassador of the automatic control field. Afterwards, the PID control