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Stability assessment of railway trackwork scheduling in Sweden

Ensuring the reliability of railway transportation is heavily dependent on the quality of its infrastructure. In this regard, renewal and maintenance of the railway track infrastructure, referred to as trackwork, play a vital role. However, trackwork execution requires temporary capacity restrictions for train traffic. Therefore, harmonising the train and maintenance schedules is critical but chal

The timing of wood formation in peatland trees as obtained with different approaches

Dendrometers offer valuable insights into how tree growth responds to climatic variables and physiological processes over the course of a year. Yet, their applicability to extremely slow-growing trees, such as those in peatlands, has been limited due to the intricate and slow nature of growth, therefore rendering interpretation of results complex. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive monito

Bulk cloud microphysical properties as seen from numerical simulation and remote sensing products : Case study of a hailstorm event over the la Plata Basin

Hailstorms develop over the La Plata Basin, in south-eastern South America, more often during later winter and early austral spring, between September and October. These systems have significant socioeconomic impacts over the region. Thus, a better understanding of how atmospheric drivers modulate the formation of hailstorms is important to improve the forecast of such phenomena. In this study, we

Convergence criteria for single-step free-energy calculations : the relation between the Π bias measure and the sample variance

Free energy calculations play a crucial role in simulating chemical processes, enzymatic reactions, and drug design. However, assessing the reliability and convergence of these calculations remains a challenge. This study focuses on single-step free-energy calculations using thermodynamic perturbation. It explores how the sample distributions influence the estimated results and evaluates the relia

Active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden

As it is the case in many European countries, psychosocial disabil-ities have become an important concern in Sweden. Persons withpsychosocial disabilities’ experiences of various societal domainssuch as school, work, family life, leisure activities and contactwith welfare agencies need a complex analysis which takes intoaccount both personal and contextual factors. This article draws on15 intervie

Drag story hour at public libraries : the reading child and the construction of fear and othering in Swedish cultural policy debate

The purpose of the paper is to produce new knowledge about the positions that public libraries both take and are given in the conflicts over politics and identity that play out in contemporary cultural and library policy debates. Using conflicts over drag story hour at public libraries as case, the study seeks to contribute to an emerging body of research that delves into the challenges that publi

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Den femtonde nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning hölls vid Lunds universitet den 23-24 november 2022. Temat var Språk och litteratur - en omöjlig eller skön förening? I denna volym presenteras dom tre plenarföreläsarna samt ett urval av sektionsbidragen. Texterna är på svenska, danska och norska, och inbegriper nära nog hela forskningsfältet svenska med didaktisk inriktning.

Disability and Citizenship Studies

Focusing on the case of disability, this book examines what happens when previously marginalised individuals obtain the legal recognition of their equal citizenship rights but cannot fully enjoy these rights because of structural inequality.Bringing together disability and citizenship studies, it explores an original conceptualisation of disability as a distinct social division and approaches citi

The Taya Dike, Design beyond protection - A Resilient urban approach to mitigate the risks of riverine floods

The Nile, a significant river flowing northward for 4,132 miles and spanning eleven countries in northeastern Africa, holds immense importance. A key focal point is Tuti Island in Sudan, where the convergence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile forms the mighty Nile River, presenting both blessings and challenges for the local community. These rivers provide fertile soil, turning the island into a

Center of Interactions as the answer to issue of loneliness

Loneliness is something that impacts many of us. Being away from my home country and surrounded by people in a similar situation, I witness the issue of loneliness quite regularly. The challenge of making new friends arises due to cultural differences, a multitude of unfamiliar experiences and language barriers. The project is located in Malmö, which is home to 186 nations making it a very divers

Implementering av generativ AI för bildgenerering inom arkitekt- och hemdesignsbranschen

Denna uppsats undersöker hur implementeringen av generativ AI för bildgenerering påverkar arbetsprocesser och kundrelationer inom arkitektur- och hemdesignbranschen. Arbetet analyserar hur företag använder denna teknik för att effektivisera arbetet och skapa personaliserat innehåll för kunderna. Studien belyser både fördelar som ökad effektivitet och kreativitet, samt utmaningar som standardiserin

Mödrars upplevelser kring behovet av stöd och dess betydelse vid förlusten av ett spädbarn genom intrauterin fosterdöd.

Intrauterine fetal death, where nearly 400 infants die in utero each year in Sweden, has a profound impact on the mother and her life. It is difficult for her to return to everyday life after the loss, and how she is received in her role as a mother to a stillborn child is complex. Although healthcare has good research, further studies are needed to understand the extent of needs and experiences o

Goniometric investigation of scattering from insect wings in near infrared

In recent decades, there has been significant attention on the decline in insect populations, including moths and hover flies. To tackle this issue, innovative methods such as entomological LiDAR technology have revolutionized the remote identification of free-flying insects. The distinct spectral reflection from moth and hover fly wings enables precise differentiation between species and sexes. W

Osäker men motiverad

Att arbeta med motivation kan förstås ha en påverkan på både medarbetarnas produktivitet och mående. Trots de fördelar motivation kan ge har forskningen framför allt fokuserat på hur man arbetar med motivation inom kunskapsintensiva yrken och ett underskott av kunskap har skapats kring arbetsintensiva yrken. Att arbeta inom ett arbetsintensivt yrke kan ur många aspekter förstås som utmanande. Utöv

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This essay investigates the theme of lack of communication in personal relationships in the short stories “Esbjerg, en la costa” by Juan Carlos Onetti and “GPS” by Isaac Rosa. The purpose is to make a comparison of the two stories, analyzing them to decide how the same theme, that of lack of communication in personal relationships, can be narrated so differently. In both stories the men suspec

Balansen mellan struktur och ostruktur- En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fritidsgårdars brottsförebyggande potential

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka fritidsgårdars brottsförebyggande potential i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex fritidsledare från tre olika fritidsgårdar i Malmö. För att analysera det empiriska materialet har vi använt Hirschis teori om sociala band, som säger att nära och varma relationer till andra binder ungd

Socialtjänstens mellanchefer: Uttryck av ledarskapsstilar i en gräsrotsbyråkrati

Leadership has long been a major interest worldwide and the subject has been studied and defined in different areas. Leadership styles have emerged, and leadership styles in social work have been highlighted as having altruistic traits, which are central in a street-level bureaucracy. Being the closest manager to social workers means being the first-line manager. This middle management position an