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Verifiering av struktur och fuktmekaniska beräkningsverktyg : Tillämpning på reaktorinneslutningars betongkonstruktioner, Vercors Fas 1

Électricité de France har utanför Paris byggt en 1/3 skalmodell av en reaktorinneslutning motsvarande en fransk fullskalereaktor modell P4. Anläggningen möjliggör studier av hur åldringsprocesser påverkar förspända reaktorinneslutningar. Syftet är att efter de 7 år som ett övergripande forskningsprojektet vid på anläggningen pågår, uppnå påverkan motsvarande den åldring som en fullskalereaktor har

Long-term safety and survival outcomes from the Scandinavian Breast Group 2004-1 randomized phase II trial of tailored dose-dense adjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer

Purpose: Although adjuvant polychemotherapy improves outcomes for early breast cancer, the significant variability in terms of pharmacokinetics results in differences in efficacy and both short and long-term toxicities. Retrospective studies support the use of dose tailoring according to the hematologic nadirs. Methods: The SBG 2004-1 trial was a randomized feasibility phase II study which assesse

Polyamine concentration is increased in thoracic ascending aorta of patients with bicuspid aortic valve

Polyamines are cationic molecules synthesized via a highly regulated pathway, obtained from the diet or produced by the gut microbiota. They are involved in general molecular and cellular phenomena that play a role also in vascular disease. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a congenital malformation associated to a greater risk of thoracic ascending aorta (TAA) aneurysm, whose pathogenesis is not yet

Thermodynamic modeling and control of a negative valve overlap turbo HCCI engine

It is tractable to increase the torque for an HCCI engine and one way is to add a turbocharger. Operating in HCCI mode requires accurate control of the combustion phasing, CA50. The higher the engine torque, the narrower the CA50 window becomes where HCCI operation is maintained. As the CA50 varies stochastically between cycles this requires improved CA50 control for turbo HCCI engines. The main f

International Import Competition and the Decision to Migrate : Evidence from Mexico

We analyze the effects of the increase in China’s import competition on Mexican domestic and international migration. We exploit the variation in exposure to competition from China, following its accession to the WTO in 2001, across Mexican municipalities and estimate the effect of international competition on the individual decision to migrate. Controlling for individual and municipality features

‘A forest of urbanization’: Camp Metropolis in the edge areas

This article examines two issues located at the core of thePalestinian struggle: Jerusalem and the refugee camps. I aim totrace the forced encounter staged at these two crucial sites ofcontestation, while looking at the collisions/interactions that occurbetween them, and the types of geographies that are producedwithin an experience of abandonment. This is done by exploringhow the colonized re-pro

The role of circulating biomarkers, genetics, and diet in kidney function

Today, between 8% and 16% of all individuals worldwide suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is becoming a growing public health issue. Creatinine and cystatin C are commonly used markers for kidney function, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albuminuria are used to stage CKD. However, creatinine and eGFR are rather insensitive in identifying individuals at high risk of

Influence of inlet pressure, EGR, combustion phasing, speed and pilot ratio on high load gasoline partially premixed combustion

The current research focuses in understanding how inlet pressure, EGR, combustion phasing, engine speed and pilot main ratio are affecting the main parameters of the combustion (e.g. efficiency, NOx, soot, maximum pressure rise rate) in the novel concept of injecting high octane number fuels in partially premixed combustion. The influence of the above mentioned parameters was studied by performing

Improving ion current feedback for HCCI engine control

In HCCI you do not have the same control of the combustion like in SI and Diesel engines. Controlling the start of a combustion event is a difficult task and requires feedback from previous cycles. This feedback can be retrieved from ion current measurements. By applying a voltage over the spark gap, ions will lead a current and a signal that represents the combustion in the cylinder will be retri

Revenue Nodes in South India and Central Java

Studies of relations binding ruled and ruler over the form and content of revenue assessment during the colonial era are not lacking. Rather, the intellectual challenge lies in ascertaining the degree to which the relevant economic institutions of the subjected regions in southern Asia constituted continuity of tradition, modifications thereof, or completely alien constructs. Meeting that challeng

Epistemic Attitudes and Source Critique in Qualitative Research

In this essay, we explore and discuss current practices of source critique. In our empirical analysis of a sample of interview-based studies, we find that few studies show a careful and reflective stance toward their sources. In the majority of cases, we discern a tendency to either ignore basic issues of the trustworthiness of interview material or produce technical descriptions which seem to hav