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Att med moderna medel bekämpa modernismen : Drottning Victoria (1862–1930) som exempel
Determining the Base Rate for Guilt
A Bayesian assessment of the probability that the defendant in a criminal trial is guilty depends on the presumed base rate for guilt and the estimated likelihoods of the evidence. This article explores how the base rate shall be determined. Bayesian scholars have recommended a base rate of 1/N, where N is the number of ‘possible perpetrators’, but it is unclear how the reference class of possibleA Bayesian assessment of the probability that the defendant in a criminal trial is guilty depends on the presumed base rate for guilt and the estimated likelihoods of the evidence. This article explores how the base rate shall be determined. Bayesian scholars have recommended a base rate of 1/N, where N is the number of ‘possible perpetrators’, but it is unclear how the reference class of possible
Sabellic Textile Terminology
Despite numerous recent studies of Italic textiles and textile production etc., no systematic study has so far been attempted regarding the textile terminology of Italic languages besides Latin. The present study seeks to remedy this, making a first step into the textile terminology of Sabellic languages, predominantly Oscan and Umbrian. There are two types of sources for Sabellic textile terminol
Similarities and differences in the functions of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and sex as self-injury (SASI)
Differences and similarities were studied in the functions of two differentself-injurious behaviors (SIB): nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and sex as selfinjury(SASI). Based on type of SIB reported, adolescents were classified in oneof three groups: NSSI only (n = 910), SASI only (n = 41), and both NSSI andSASI (n = 76). There was support for functional equivalence in the two formsof SIB, with auto
Search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates produced in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates produced in association with a leptonically decaying Z boson in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV is presented. This search uses 36.1 fb−1 of data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. No significant deviation from the expectation of the Standard Model backgrounds is observed. Assuming the Standar
The politics of afforestation and reforestation activities at COP-9 and SB-20
Forests post Kyoto: Global priorities and local realities
BRCAsearch : written pre-test information and BRCA1/2 germline mutation testing in unselected patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer
Purpose: To evaluate a simplified method of pre-test information and germline BRCA1/2 mutation testing. Methods: In a prospective, single-arm study, comprehensive BRCA1/2 testing was offered to unselected patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer at three hospitals in south Sweden (BRCAsearch, Identifier: NCT02557776). Pre-test information was provided by a standardized invita
Accuracy of self-reported family history of cancer, mutation status and tumor characteristics in patients with early onset breast cancer
Background: The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the concordance between self-reported and registry-reported information regarding family history of breast cancer (BC), ovarian cancer (OvC) and other types of cancer in first-degree relatives of patients with early onset BC, and to determine the frequency of mutation carriers and non-mutation carriers. The secondary objective was to d
Military spending as a coup-proofing strategy: opening the ‘black box’ for Spain (1850-1915)
Armies have recurrently intervened in politics by leading (or giving support to) coups d’état. Several authors suggest that civilian governments have used military spending to overcome armies’ grievances and avoid their insubordination. However, recent quantitative analyses do not reach conclusive results when exploring the impact of total military expenditure on the frequency and the success of c
Cardiophrenic lymph node resection in advanced ovarian cancer : surgical outcomes, pre- and postoperative imaging
Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of preoperative imaging in the diagnosis of cardiophrenic lymph node (CPLN) metastases and to report perioperative outcomes after resection of CPLN at the time of cytoreductive surgery for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Furthermore, to assess clearance of CPLN by postoperative imaging. Methods: All women with stage IIIC/IV EOC subjected to surgery at
Measuring childhood cancer late effects : evidence of a healthy survivor effect
Introduction: Given considerable focus on health outcomes among childhood cancer survivors, we aimed to explore whether survivor bias is apparent during long-term follow-up of childhood cancer survivors. Methods: We identified all 1-year survivors of cancer diagnosed before 20 years of age in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden. From the general population, we randomly sampled a comparison cohor
Hem, familj och arbete
Micro mass flow controller for a mini-HCCI-motor driven power generator
A piezoelectric micro mass flow controller (MMFC) for liquid fuel injection into a mini-HCCI-motor for power generation is introduced. Piezoelectric actuation ensures negligible power consumption for fuel injection allowing self-sustaining operation. A pressurized fuel tank is connected to the MMFC which is designed like a normally-closed, on-/off-operating valve. Integrated piezoresistors are use
Judehatet fanns i Sverige innan det fanns judar här
Risks of breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers
IMPORTANCE The clinical management of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers requires accurate, prospective cancer risk estimates. OBJECTIVES To estimate age-specific risks of breast, ovarian, and contralateral breast cancer for mutation carriers and to evaluate risk modification by family cancer history and mutation location. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Prospective cohort study of 6036 BRCA1 and
Utvärdering av utvecklingsstatus för fuktanalysmetoder : Utvärdering och uppföljning av projektet CONMOD del II
Rapporten avser följa upp och utvärdera de resultat som kom från projektet CONMOD rörande fuktanalyser. I de sju rapporterna som har utgjort underlag för denna undersökning har står det generellt sett väldigt lite om fukt med två undantag. De två rapporter där det står mest om fukt och fuktmodellering, är dels i bilaga A5.4, i rapporten ”Barsebäck NPP- Material testing project”, Materialanalyser a
Combining shock barometry with numerical modeling : Insights into complex crater formation—The example of the Siljan impact structure (Sweden)
Siljan, central Sweden, is the largest known impact structure in Europe. It was formed at about 380 Ma, in the late Devonian period. The structure has been heavily eroded to a level originally located underneath the crater floor, and to date, important questions about the original size and morphology of Siljan remain unanswered. Here we present the results of a shock barometry study of quartz-bear