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Widespread Decoding of Tactile Input Patterns Among Thalamic Neurons

Whereas, there is data to support that cuneothalamic projections predominantly reach a topographically confined volume of the rat thalamus, the ventroposterior lateral (VPL) nucleus, recent findings show that cortical neurons that process tactile inputs are widely distributed across the neocortex. Since cortical neurons project back to the thalamus, the latter observation would suggest that thalam

Potential drug target identification in porphyromonas gingivalis using in-silico subtractive metabolic pathway analysis

Introduction: Porphyromonas Gingivalis (P. gingivalis) a primary periodontal disease pathogen. This bacterium affects sub-gingival tissue and leads to loss of teeth and alveolar bone destruction in the acute stage. In recent years, P. gingivalis is often connected with other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease, though the aetiology is still unclear. Obje

Widely Different Correlation Patterns Between Pairs of Adjacent Thalamic Neurons In vivo

We have previously reported different spike firing correlation patterns among pairs of adjacent pyramidal neurons within the same layer of S1 cortex in vivo, which was argued to suggest that acquired synaptic weight modifications would tend to differentiate adjacent cortical neurons despite them having access to near-identical afferent inputs. Here we made simultaneous single-electrode loose patch

A novel pipe structure for geyser elimination in a vertical cryogenic pipe

In the present study, according to the recirculation concept, a new elimination structure for the geyser in a cryogenic pipe is proposed. An eccentric spacer plate is used to stimulate the recirculation inside the cryogenic pipe. The geyser-elimination effect of the proposed structure is then validated and the elimination physics is explored. It is found that the geyser is successfully eliminated

Epitaxial stabilization of thin films of the frustrated Ge-based spinels

Frustrated magnets can host numerous exotic many-body quantum and topological phenomena. GeNi2O4 is a three-dimensional S=1 frustrated magnet with an unusual two-stage transition to the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic ground state, while GeCu2O4 is a high-pressure phase with a strongly tetragonally elongated spinel structure and magnetic lattice formed by S=1/2 CuO2 linear chains with frustrated

Perspectives on Recruitment and Representativeness in Forensic Psychiatric Research

Participant representativeness and statistical power are crucial elements of robust research with human participants, both of which relate to the successful recruitment of research participants. Nevertheless, such core features may often not be fully reported or duly considered in psychiatric research. Building on our experiences of collecting data in the context of forensic mental health services

Daily School Physical Activity Is Associated with Higher Level of Physical Activity Independently of Other Socioecological Factors

Only one fifth of children aged 11–17 years are physically active for 60 min (min)/day. As physical activity (PA) levels track from childhood to adulthood, it is important to establish healthy PA behavior early in life. This study aims to evaluate whether daily school PA is associated with objectively measured PA independently of other socioecological factors. This study includes 209 children (120

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021 : Ethics of resuscitation and end of life decisions

These European Resuscitation Council Ethics guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the ethical, routine practice of resuscitation and end-of-life care of adults and children. The guideline primarily focus on major ethical practice interventions (i.e. advance directives, advance care planning, and shared decision making), decision making regarding resuscitation, education, and resear

Pre-deliquescent water uptake in deposited nanoparticles observed with in situ ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

We study the adsorption of water onto deposited inorganic sodium chloride and organic malonic acid and sucrose nanoparticles at ambient water pressures corresponding to relative humidities (RH) from 0 % to 16 %. To obtain information about water adsorption at conditions which are not accessible with typical aerosol instrumentation, we use surface-sensitive ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spec

Development of originality under inbreeding : A case of life science labs in Japan

Producing original knowledge is the foundation of scientific progress. Originality is associated with certain skills and practices that can be trained and socialised. This study investigates how inbreeding as a career practice influences the socialisation of originality. An analysis based on a sample of mid-career life scientists in Japan finds that originality and associated practices are transfe

The Similarity of Abundance Ratio Trends and Nucleosynthetic Patterns in the Milky Way Disk and Bulge

We compare abundance ratio trends in a sample of ∼11,000 Milky Way bulge stars (R GC < 3 kpc) from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) to those of APOGEE stars in the Galactic disk (5 kpc < R GC < 11 kpc). We divide each sample into low-Ia (high-[Mg/Fe]) and high-Ia (low-[Mg/Fe]) populations, and in each population, we examine the median trends of [X/Mg] versus [Mg/

Analysis of barley mutants ert-c.1 and ert-d.7 reveals two loci with additive effect on plant architecture

Main conclusion: Both mutant ert-c.1 and ert-d.7 carry T2-T3 translocations in the Ert-c gene. Principal coordinate analyses revealed the translocation types and translocation breakpoints. Mutant ert-d.7 is an Ert-cErt-d double mutant. Abstract: Mutations in the Ert-c and Ert-d loci are among the most common barley mutations affecting plant architecture. The mutants have various degrees of erect a

Breaks in persistence in fixed-T panel data

This paper considers an autoregressive panel data model in which the autoregressive coefficient has undergone a structural break. The object of interest is the unknown breakpoint. A least squares-based estimator is proposed that is shown to be consistent when only the number of cross-section units, N, is large and the number of time periods, T, is small, thereby enabling quick detection of the ons