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Your search for "*" yielded 528455 hits

A novel bio-based water reducer for concrete application : Facile process and techno-economic analysis of xylonate bioproduction from lignocellulosic residues

The xylonate was bioproduced directly from lignocellulosic residues, and the application properties of crude xylonate powder were investigated with a promising potential as a bio-based concrete water reducer. The overall integrated process was evaluated on the view of mass balance and techno-economic analysis using Aspen Plus modeling. 56 g/L of calcium xylonate (XA-Ca) can be obtained within 8 h

Runnig Through Blurred Realities

Digital sports technologies, such as the Strava app, have become the norm rather than the exception in physical activities and are introducing new realities to human existence. This thesis in Media and Communication studies examines the experience of females using the fitness app Strava to track their running activities. It investigates their engagement with the platform’s affordances and features

Artificiell intelligens inom den offentliga sektorn : en intervjubaserad undersökning av framtidsvisioner, förhoppningar och farhågor om artificiell intelligens

Denna uppsats undersöker implementeringen av AI-verktyg inom den offentliga sektorn i Sverige, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med personer inom den offentliga sektorn. Begreppet AI imaginaries används i denna uppsats ur ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv där föreställningar om AI skapade av media är uppsatsens centrala del. Genom att analysera föreställningar, förväntningar och at

Femvertising i Röhnisch reklamkampanj “Sweat Like a Woman”

Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en semiotisk analys studera hur femvertisning används i Röhnischs reklamkampanj "Sweat Like a Woman". Målet är att skapa en förståelse för hur företaget porträtterar kvinnor och använder feministiska budskap i sin reklam. För att uppnå detta används en semiotisk analys, som undersöker tecken och teckensystem. Metoden inkluderar användning av denotati

High Temperature Oxidation: Stainless-Steel Alloys

To meet the future demands and growing challenges in operating heat-exchangers at temperatures greater than 600°C, it is crucial to understand the high-temperature oxidation performance of materials for their components. Namely, it is necessary to study oxidation kinetics and elemental composition of the oxide scale to understand how the materials behave and degrade in such extreme conditions. In

Föräldrar som digital natives och digital immigrants

Parents today have a responsibility to help navigate their children’s use of digital media to protect them from the risks that come with it. At the same time, digital media has an important role in today's society and can be a tool to help children grow and interact with the world around them. To regulate children's use of media, parents apply different mediation strategies according to pa

Assessing the Carbon Intensity of Hourly Electricity Mix in Sweden and Identifying Opportunities for Renewable Energy Integration (2018-2022)

The carbon intensity is an important metric that provides a clear measure of the environmental impact associated with the electricity use. Carbon intensity of electricity use is differentiated into CO₂ equivalents per kilowatt-hour, which standardises the measurement by expressing the emissions of various greenhouse gases in terms of the equivalent amount of CO₂ based on their global warming poten

Det skiftande förtroendet: En kvantitativ studie om studenterns mellanmänskliga och politiska förtroende

This paper presents a study about whether university student's political and interpersonal trust is affected by gender and educational field. A primary question was also to study whether there was a difference in students’ trust in how social problems are managed and prevented by Sweden's elected politicians. In this study, the theory about social capital is applied where political trust c

Anstiftan till mord - En uppsats om anstiftarens ansvar vid beställningsmord inom den kriminella miljön, med särskilt fokus på error in persona

Den organiserade brottsligheten står för en betydande andel av beställnings-morden som utförs i samhället. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda hur den krimi-nella miljöns struktur och hierarki påverkar möjligheten att identifiera och åtala personer för anstiftan till mord. Det finns ingen legaldefinition av begreppet organiserad brottslighet men Brå har tagit fram kännetecken. Organiserad brottsligOrganized crime accounts for a large share of the contract killings committed in the society. The essay aims to investigate how the structure and hierarchy of the criminal environments affects the possibility to identify and prosecute individuals for incitement of murder. There is no legal definition of the concept organized crime, but Brå has devel-oped characteristics. Organized crime concerns

“Kamp och seger på den svenska arbetsmarknaden” - En narrativ analys om de hinder och möjligheter som individer med utländsk bakgrund möter i sin strävan att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden.

In Sweden, a prevalent topic of discussion revolves around the challenges faced by immigrants when attempting to integrate into the Swedish labor market. The aim of this study was therefore to examine obstacles and opportunities that individuals with a foreign background face and how their actual identity is affected by the establishment and making a career. Employing a qualitative approach with a

Conventional and novel anti-seizure medications reveal a particular role for GABAA in a North Sea progressive myoclonus Epilepsy Drosophila model

Objective: North Sea Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy (NS-PME) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by ataxia, myoclonus and seizures with a progressive course. Although the cause of NS-PME is known, namely a homozygous mutation in the GOSR2 gene (c.430 G>T; p. Gly144Trp), sufficient treatment is lacking. Despite combinations of on average 3–5 anti-seizure medications (ASMs), debilitating myoclo

Endokrin oftalmopati ur fyra olika perspektiv

Graves' orbitopathy is a common complication of Graves' disease. The mild form dominates, whereas moderate to severe and sight threatening forms are rarer. They require quick, adequate care, involving cooperation between county hospitals and the regional hospital, and adequate diagnostics and choice of treatments of treatments. A new national guideline for hyperthyroidism has been published in Swe

Soil microbial functions are affected by organic matter removal in temperate deciduous forest

A growing demand for renewable carbon (C) has led to intensified forest management resulting in the use of forest residues (e.g. canopy, bark or litter layer) as energy sources with potential modifications of soil properties and tree productivity. Because microbes mediate the recycling of C and nutrients sequestered in organic matter, we investigated the effects of organic matter (OM) removal on s

Stem-inhabiting fungal communities differ between intact and snapped trees after hurricane Maria in a Puerto Rican tropical dry forest

Hurricanes impact forests by damaging trees and altering multiple ecosystem functions. As such, predicting which individuals are likely to be most affected has crucial economic importance as well as conservation value. Tree stem-inhabiting fungal communities, notably rot-causing agents, have been mentioned as a potential factor of tree predisposition to hurricane damage, but this assumption remain

Det svenska offret – En diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas användning av begreppet svenskfientlighet och dess högerpopulistiska innebörd

Högerpopulismens framväxt under de senaste decennierna är idag ett faktum. Även i Sverige har denna ideologiska familj nått nya höjder på grund av Sverigedemokraternas historiskt snabba valframgångar och med SDs intåg i riksdagen 2010 introducerades även ett nytt begrepp i den svenska politiken, nämligen svenskfientlighet. Denna uppsats har, genom en kritisk diskursanalys, studerat SDs användning

Den brottsförebyggande skolan: Högstadielärares syn på deras och skolans roll som brottsförebyggande aktör

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur högstadielärare upplever sin brottsförebyggande roll samt vad de anser kan förändras inom skolans brottsförebyggande arbete. För att samla in information har studien använt sig av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex stycken högstadielärare. Resultatet från intervjuerna analyserades därefter med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket, nämligen Travis Hirsc

Among Cobbled streets and Magnolia trees: Exploring perceptions of drugs and drug use within the student community of Lund

Due to recent law changes, many municipalities are reviewing their crime prevention strategies. In Lund, narcotics is an area that requires further investigation. Contact with and information from the population is vital to plan effective preventative measures. This study contributes to filling a knowledge gap by bringing forward the perspectives of university students, who constitute a large part

Ultrasonic measurement of the longitudinal motion of the arterial wall - a novel parameter for improved analysis of the motion at late systole

Increasing interest and research is directed towards longitudinal arterial wall motion (LMov) identified by ultrasonography, most often of the common carotid artery (CCA). LMov comprises of both antegrade and retrograde motion phases that create motion patterns specific to an individual. Preliminary data from several independent groups strongly suggest correlation between LMov parameters and cardi

Warming drives a ‘hummockification’ of microbial communities associated with decomposing mycorrhizal fungal necromass in peatlands

Dead fungal mycelium (necromass) represents a critical component of soil carbon (C) and nutrient cycles. Assessing how the microbial communities associated with decomposing fungal necromass change as global temperatures rise will help in determining how these belowground organic matter inputs contribute to ecosystem responses. In this study, we characterized the structure of bacterial and fungal c