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Indirect biotic interactions in the rhizosphere

The rhizosphere (the soil environment around plant roots) is characterized by complex direct and indirect interactions among its organisms. Studies of interactions among organisms in the rhizosphere are difficult to carry out due to a high diversity of inconspicuous organisms on a micro scale and the highly heterogeneous nature of the soil environment. In this thesis, grassland plant species and s

Optimized Integration of Test Compression and Sharing for SOC Testing

The increasing test data volume needed to test core-based System-on-Chip contributes to long test application times (TAT) and huge automatic test equipment (ATE) memory requirements. TAT and ATE memory requirement can be reduced by test architecture design, test scheduling, sharing the same tests among several cores, and test data compression. We propose, in contrast to previous work that addresse

Om att förstå ett hus : den dynamiska modellen : dokumentationsmetoder, vårdplan och restaureringsideologi

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens huvudsyfte är att försöka utreda hur man kommer till förståelse av det historiska huset och att diskutera vilken roll den historiska dokumentationen spelar i restaureringsprojekteringen. I restaurering som i allt annat arbete med arkitektur är förståelse ett nyckelord. Förståelse för de särskilda förutsättningar som ligger i uppgiften, i objektet, i skapanThe principal aim of the thesis is to evaluate the significance of the documentation of a building’s history for the work of restoring it and caring for it. Thus it may be said to address restoration as a hermeneutical problem, besides considering the relationships between the work of documentation; analyses of the resulting data; and the creative process in which the ideology of restoration is im

Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy - A new Treatment Modality in Poststernotomy Mediastinitis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vakuum-assisterad sårläkning (VAC) är en relativt ny metod för att påskynda sårläkning där primär läkning av ett eller annat skäl inte skett. Inom hjärtkirurgin anses mediastiniten, en sårinfektion som uppstår i operationsorådet kring bröstbenet efter kirurgi, vara en av de tre mest allvarliga postoperativa komplikationerna. Trots att hjärtkirurgi nu även erbjudes till Poststernotomy mediastinitis is a devastating complication associated with median sternotomy, which occurs mainly after cardiac surgery. The optimal treatment is still controversial. The aim was to develop, describe and evaluate a surgical procedure consisting of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) in combination with delayed primary closure in patients with mediastinitis. A porcine sternotomy wound mo

Att leva som utbränd - En etnologisk studie av långtidssjukskrivna

THIS STUDY IS CONCERNED with burnout and long-term sick leave, although instead of looking for several explanatory models and trying to answer the question as to why people are affected by this syndrome, the study is instead based on the idea of illness as experience. The methodology is traditionally ethnological, but with a phenomenological slant. The author makes use of an empirical material c

Regulation of neutrophil apoptosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Humana neutrofiler är vita blodkroppar med den kortaste livslängden. Varje dag frisätts det miljoner neutrofiler från benmärgen till blodet. Från blodbanan är neutrofiler de första celler som anländer och samlas i en infekterad vävnad. Neutrofiler är mest kända för deras anti-mikrobiella funktion. Dessa celler är rustade med olika proteiner för att kunna hitta och döda The human neutrophil is the most abundant granulocyte and the major type of cell involved in an acute inflammatory response. Neutrophils are armed with various systems of enzymes, that can find and kill pathogens, but unfortunately, these "weapons" cannot distinguish between the host tissues and the "invaders." Therefore, an extensive neutrophil reaction leads to continuous release of toxic metabo

Test Planning and Test Access Mechanism Design for 3D SICs

In this paper we propose a scheme for test planning and test access mechanism (TAM) design for stacked integrated circuits (SICs) that are designed in a core-based manner. Our scheme minimizes the test cost, which is given as the weighted sum of the test time and the TAM width. The test cost is evaluated for a test flow that consists of a wafer sort test of each individual chip and a package test

Human Fetal Hemoglobin : Biochemical Characterization and Recombinant Production

Popular Abstract in English Blood, a deep red fluid, circulates in vessels throughout our body. It consists of two main components, a liquid part and a cell part. The liquid portion, which is also called ‘plasma’, takes a main function in transporting water, nutrients, and immune substances. The cell components, which are suspended in the plasma, consist of three main cell types including plateletBlood transfusion is a common medical procedure when oxygen supply in the body is impaired. However, blood transfusion is not always without risks. The uncontrolled spreading of blood borne pathogens such as HIV or hepatitis B and C virus has urged researchers to look for “blood substitutes”. Many research groups have put their focuses on hemoglobin-based products (HBOCs). The major source of haem

Reception of multimodality: Applying eye tracking methodology in multimodal research

The chapter presents a new perspective that concerns reception of multimodality and emphasizes how multimodal messages are perceived by the users. This perspective is described in relation to three main production-oriented perspectives: social semiotic multimodal analysis, a systemic functional approach and multimodal interactional analysis. It is argued that eye tracking measurements, in combinat