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Vowel-related tongue movements in speech: Straight or curved paths? (L).

This paper examines tongue movements between the two vowels in sequences of vowel-labial consonant-vowel, addressing the question whether the movement is a straight line or a curved path. Native speakers of Japanese and Italian served as subjects. The linguistic material consisted of words where the bilabial consonant was either long or short. The inclusion of words with different consonant length

Rejuvenation and Networking Motivates Librarians to Attend Conferences

A Review of: Vega, Robert D. and Ruth S. Connell. “Librarians’ Attitudes Toward Conferences: A Study.” College & Research Libraries 68.6 (2007): 503-15. Objectives – To determine why professional librarians attend or do not attend conferences and to consider their attitudes toward the various conference offerings and whether conference attendance is important to their careers. Design – An e

Antigenicity and epitope specificity of ZnT8 autoantibodies in type 1 diabetes.

The SNP rs13266634 encodes either an Arginine (R) or a Tryptophan (W) (R325W) at the amino acid position 325 in the Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8) protein. Autoantibodies (Ab) that recognize ZnT8R, ZnT8W or both at the polymorphic site are common in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients. The epitope specificity and affinity of ZnT8Ab are poorly understood, but may be of importance for the pred

Vena cava-filter vid komplicerad venos tromboembolisk sjukdom. Tio ars erfarenheter fran Universitetssjukhuset MAS

All 74 patients treated with vena cava filter insertion during 1991-2000 at Malmo University Hospital were reviewed. Thirty-nine patients (53%) died during follow-up. Indications for permanent filter insertion (n = 63, age 25-89 years, 35 men) were contraindication for or side effects of anticoagulant treatment, or pulmonary embolism during anticoagulant treatment. Temporary vena cava filters (n =

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Churches and population in the Ystad area: A study of the relationship between church architecture and population size from around 1100 to the present day.

Maternal morbidity and mortality in in-vitro fertilization.

Pregnancies following in-vitro fertilization (IVF) are known to be at increased risk of a number of pregnancy- and delivery-related complications when compared with non-IVF pregnancies. Most of these complications seem to be due to underlying fertility problems. Ovarian stimulation carries a marked risk for two serious conditions - ovarian torsion and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - both of wh

A product-process dependency definition method

The success of most software companies depends largely on software product quality. High product quality is usually a result of advanced software development processes. Hence, improvement actions should be selected based on sound knowledge about the dependencies between software product quality attributes and software development processes. This article describes a method for developing product/pr

Organization of the human embryonic ventral mesencephalon.

The neurons in the ventral mesencephalon (VM) are organized into several nuclei consisting of distinct neuronal populations. These include the dopaminergic (DA) neurons of the substania nigra and ventral tegmental area, the oculomotor (OM) neurons that innervate the muscles controlling eye movement, and the reticular neurons of the red nucleus (RN) involved in motor control and coordination review

Pharmacogenetic implications for eight common blood pressure-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms.

OBJECTIVE:: We aimed to test whether eight common recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), strongly associated with blood pressure (BP) in the population, also have impact on the degree of BP reduction by antihypertensive agents with different mechanisms. METHODS:: In 3863 Swedish hypertensive patients, we related number of unfavorable alleles of each SNP (i.e. alleles associa