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PR interval associated genes, atrial remodeling and rhythm outcome of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation-A gene-based analysis of GWAS data

Background: PR interval prolongation has recently been shown to associate with advanced left atrial remodeling and atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence after catheter ablation. While different genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have implicated 13 loci to associate with the PR interval as an AF endophenotype their subsequent associations with AF remodeling and response to catheter ablation are u

Lunglav Lobaria pulmonaria i sydöstra Sverige

Inventeringen av lunglav Lobaria pulmonaria vid Östersjön fortsatte under våren 2017. I år besöktes nordöstra Skåne, Blekinges och sydöstra Smålands kusttrakter och södra Öland. Jämfört med fjorårets inventering i Skåne blev årets resultat betydligt mer glädjande. Lunglaven fanns kvar på 60% av de gamla lokalerna jämfört med 25% i den nemorala delen av Skåne.

First Person Readings of MAN : On semantic and pragmatic restrictions on an impersonal pronoun

Cinque (1988) notices that Italian impersonal si can be interpreted so as to include the speaker and that such a reading is actually mandatory in certain contexts. A similar conclusion holds for impersonal man in a language such as Swedish, with the difference that, in the relevant contexts, man takes on the reading of 1st person singular, hence ‘I’ and not ‘we’. In this paper, I argue that Cinque

Exploring the collaborative toolbox for the public transport sector – guidelines and living labs as informal methods for achieving efficient collaboration

The purpose of the paper is to analyse informal collaboration in the public transport sector. Two Swedish case studies Living lab Uddevalla and Guidelines for Regional BRT are analysed and compared concerning what kind of learning occurred and what lessons regarding informal collaboration to draw from the two cases. For both cases the analysis indicates that individual, single loop learning is the

Selection of floral resources to optimise conservation of agriculturally-functional insect groups

Non-crop vegetation in agricultural landscapes can provide a means of conserving insects in farmed landscapes and optimising on-farm ecosystem services as a result. Inclusion of floral resources may be particularly useful in conserving many beneficial insects, where groups including pollinators and pest natural enemies often rely on nectar and pollen during (at least part of) their life-cycle. As

Samverkansbegreppets skiftande betydelse

Det här kapitlet fokuserar på samverkan som begrepp och kulturell företeelse. Även om begreppet samverkan kan ha en lika kortvarig popularitet som sina föregångare kan en kulturhistorisk förståelse för denna företeelse och begrepp bidra till att förstå dess betydelse, möjligheter och begränsningar. En sådan kontextualisering görs i detta kapitel med utgångspunkt i den humanistiska forskningstradit

Borderlands matter in the Museum

In the last decade, many museums that were established in the 20th century in the United States by immigrants from Scandinavian and Nordic countries have become increasingly concerned with broadening their audiences. In cities such as Seattle and Minneapolis, efforts to do this have varied from offering cocktail hours and culinary conferences in striving to appeal to people who may not identify as

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La reconnaissance de Jérusalem comme capitale de l’État d’Israël par Donald Trump, et l’annonce de la préparation du transfert de l’ambassade américaine de Tel-Aviv dans la Ville sainte sont potentiellement explosifs pour l’ensemble du Proche-Orient.

Reduced Long-Term Risk of Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection Among Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : A Nationwide Observational Study

BACKGROUND: No studies have examined long-term risks for aortic aneurysm (AA) and aortic dissection (AD) or mortality after AA or AD hospitalization among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).METHODS AND RESULTS: In this observational cohort study, we linked data for patients with T2DM in the Swedish National Diabetes Register, and 5 individually matched population-based control subjects

Qigong and exercise therapy in patients with long-term neck pain : a prospective randomized trial

STUDY DESIGN: A randomized, controlled, multicenter trial: 1-year follow-up.OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of qigong and exercise therapy in subjects with long-term nonspecific neck pain.SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The evidence for the benefit of treatment programs focusing on persons with long-term, nonspecific neck pain is conflicting. Several studies have shown support for exercise the

Preparing for War: Democratic Threat Responsiveness and Military Spending in the Long 19th Century

What explains variation in military spending? Conventional wisdom suggests that states arm because of either foreign threats or domestic political institutions. The literature treats these factors as distinct and separate (Nordhaus et. al. 2012, Fordham and Walker 2005, Goldsmith 2003). Less attention is given to how states with different internal constraints respond to similar circumstances. This