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Swedish chronobiological research
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Respiratory tract deposition of inhaled wood smoke particle in healthy volunteers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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Analysis and Synthesis of Speaker Age
Speaker age is an important speaker-specific quality, which was investigated in the two studies presented here. The first study automatically extracted 161 acoustic features from six words produced by 527 speakers, and used normalised mean values to compare the features. Segment duration and sound pressure level (SPL) range were identified as two important acoustic correlates of age. The second study
Phase of scattering electron waves in quantum systems
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The location decision in the informal venture capital investments
Mama Ludens Goes All-In : Gaming Mothers' Fun Lead the Ludic Revolution
This paper investigates gaming mothers' playing practices, trying to identify their ideas of fun and playfulness. It is a work in progress, the third in a series of empirical studies performed within the framework of the project "Gaming Moms: Juggling Time, Play and Family Life" (Enevold & Hagström, Lund University) undertaken with the aim to revise the usual constructions of gamer identities
Power consumption in digital filter architectures in 65 nm CMOS technology
A lower bound on the distance profile for convolutional codes
On Object-Oriented Modeling of Relays and Sliding Mode Behaviour
Cloud nucleating properties of the Amazonian dry season biomass burning aerosol - CCN Measurements and modelling
Simulation of indenter geometry effects in nanoindentation
The elastic-plastic behaviour as the response to indenter geometry, such as tip radius and angle, are simulated in the study. The hardness and the Young modulus of the material are determined combining both analytical and numerical methods and their dependence on the tip radius and angle is investigated.
A comparison of viscoplasticity formats and algorithms
Algorithmic issues for the two thermodynamically consistent viscoplastic formulations of Perzyna and Duvaut–Lions are discussed. It is shown that it is simple to avoid the numerical problems associated with a small relaxation time without resorting to elaborate perturbation techniques, as suggested in the literature. A systematic numerical investigation of the efficiency of Newton iterations, that
Thermal response testing of a multiple borehole ground heat exchanger
This paper presents the methodology, results and a discussion of thermal response tests (TRTs) performed on a multiple borehole ground heat exchanger. The ground heat exchanger consisted of nine 80-m deep boreholes. TRTs with durations between 48 and 260 h were performed on individual boreholes. Tests were analysed using common evaluation methods, and ground conductivity and borehole resistance va
Introduction to the mathematical methods of the solution to the direct and inverse problems of the optical waveguide design
In this paper we give an introduction to the mathematical foundations of the optical waveguide design. A survey of the main results of the spectral theory of the Schr¨odinger operator on the line having compactly supported potential, with particular emphasis on the case of piece-wise constant potential is presented. This theory is then applied to the optical waveguide design problem of a piece-wis