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Diskussion kring de så kallade centralplatserna från järnåldern utifrån nyaste litteratur. Fokus på Uppåkra i Skåne.

350 näsor under 350 år

Lättsamt biografiskt översiktsverk med korta personbeskrivningar i ord och bild av dels de 190 personer som t o m 2017 införlivats i Akademiska Föreningens Nasotek, dels ytterligare 160 lundaanknutna historiska personer.

European Society of Anaesthesiology and European Board of Anaesthesiology guidelines for procedural sedation and analgesia in adults

Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) has become a widespread practice given the increasing demand to relieve anxiety, discomfort and pain during invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The role of, and credentialing required by, anaesthesiologists and practitioners performing PSA has been debated for years in different guidelines. For this reason, the European Society of Anaesthesiology

Surface development of a brazing alloy during heat treatment-a comparison between UHV and APXPS

In an attempt to bridge the pressure gap, APXPS was used to follow the surface development of an aluminum brazing sheet during heating in an ambient oxygen-pressure mimicking the environment of an industrial brazing furnace. The studied aluminum alloy brazing sheet is a composite material consisting of two aluminum alloy standards whose surface is covered with a native aluminum oxide film. To emph

One evidence base; three stories : do opioids relieve chronic breathlessness?

The efficacy of low-dose systemic opioids for chronic breathlessness was questioned by the recent Cochrane review by Barnes et al We examined the reasons for this conflicting finding and re-evaluated the efficacy of systemic opioids. Compared with previous meta-analyses, Barnes et al reported a smaller effect and lower precision, but did not account for matched data of crossover trials (11/12 incl

Enhanced predictive capability of a 1-hour oral glucose tolerance test : A prospective population-based cohort study

OBJECTIVE To examine whether the 1-h blood glucose measurement would be a more suitable screening tool for assessing the risk of diabetes and its complications than the 2-h measurement. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We conducted a prospective population-based cohort study of 4,867men, randomly selected fromprespecified birth cohorts between 1921 and 1949,who underwent an oral glucose tolerance test

Targeting NSG Mice Engrafting Cells with a Clinically Applicable Lentiviral Vector Corrects Osteoclasts in Infantile Malignant Osteopetrosis

Infantile malignant osteopetrosis (IMO) is a rare, lethal, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by nonfunctional osteoclasts. More than 50% of the patients have mutations in the TCIRG1 gene, encoding for a subunit of the osteoclast proton pump. The aim of this study was to develop a clinically applicable lentiviral vector expressing TCIRG1 to correct osteoclast function in IMO. Two mammalian

Identification of non-HLA genes associated with development of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in the prospective TEDDY cohort

Traditional linkage analysis and genome-wide association studies have identified HLA and a number of non-HLA genes as genetic factors for islet autoimmunity (IA) and type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, the relative risk associated with previously identified non-HLA genes is usually very small as measured in cases/controls from mixed populations. Genetic associations for IA and T1D may be more accurate

Fire frequency drives decadal changes in soil carbon and nitrogen and ecosystem productivity

Fire frequency is changing globally and is projected to affect the global carbon cycle and climate. However, uncertainty about how ecosystems respond to decadal changes in fire frequency makes it difficult to predict the effects of altered fire regimes on the carbon cycle; for instance, we do not fully understand the long-term effects of fire on soil carbon and nutrient storage, or whether fire-dr

Self-Seeded Axio-Radial InAs-InAs1-xPx Nanowire Heterostructures beyond "common" VLS Growth

Semiconductors are essential for modern electronic and optoelectronic devices. To further advance the functionality of such devices, the ability to fabricate increasingly complex semiconductor nanostructures is of utmost importance. Nanowires offer excellent opportunities for new device concepts; heterostructures have been grown in either the radial or axial direction of the core nanowire but neve

Interface resolving two-phase flow simulations in gas channels relevant for polymer electrolyte fuel cells using the volume of fluid approach

With the increased concern about energy security, air pollution and global warming, the possibility of using polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) in future sustainable and renewable energy systems has achieved considerable momentum. A computational fluid dynamic model describing a straight channel, relevant for water removal inside a PEFC, is devised. A volume of fluid (VOF) approach is employed

Cypriot hopes for unification are on life support, but not doomed

With elections on both sides of the border this year, the future of the island is up in the air. But there’s still hope for a different Cyprus, one free of the symbolic and physical violence expressed in the language of “motherlands”. A Cyprus whose citizens, treated as adults, will not need barricades and buffer zones to feel safe; one where crossing streets, forming friendships and falling in lo

B-type natriuretic peptide for prediction of incident clinically significant abdominal aortic aneurysm : A population-based prospective study

Pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate inflammatory and hemodynamic plasma biomarkers as predictors for AAA in the prospective longitudinal cohort of middle-aged individuals from the cardiovascular cohort of the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study ( n=5551; 1991-94). C-reactive protein, cystatin C, copeptin, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic pepti