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Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Satisfaction With Daily Occupations and Occupational Balance in Spanish Stroke Survivors

IMPORTANCE: Stroke survivors experience changes in participation level, satisfaction with participation, and participation balance, making it necessary to have a validated tool for their assessment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Satisfaction With Daily Occupations and Occupational Balance (SDO-OB) in stroke survivors. DESIGN: Psychometric study. S

Long-term changes in eating-related problems and quality of life in children with overweight and obesity attending a 10-week lifestyle camp

Eating-related problems (e.g., binge eating (BE)) and impaired quality of life (QoL) is more prevalent in children with overweight and obesity. This study aimed to investigate changes in self-reported overeating (OE), BE, and QoL in children with overweight or obesity attending multicomponent 10-week lifestyle camps with a 52-weeks follow-up. Additionally, the study sought to investigate whether s

Rättsfall från EU-domstolarna

Syftet med denna översikt är att redogöra för rättspraxis från EU-domstolarna av central betydelse under perioden oktober till och med december 2023. Bland de avgjorda målen under denna tidsperiod återfinns ett svenskt mål. Denna gång rör det ett överträdelseärende (fördragsbrottstalan) mot Sverige med anledning av ett kraftigt försenat införlivande av vissa ändringar i EU:s vapendirektiv. Politis

Early detection of deep-seated smouldering fires in wood waste storage using ERT

Incidents of waste and biofuel fires are common at all stages of the waste recycling chain and have grave implications for business, employees, firefighters, society, and environment. An early detection of waste and biofuel fires in the smouldering stage could save precious lives, resources, and our environment. Existing fire detection methodologies e.g. handheld temperature sensors, IR cameras, g

Patients’ perioperative experiences of an opioid-free versus opioid-based care pathway for laparoscopic bariatric surgery : A qualitative study

Background: Despite recent evidence supporting the adoption of opioid-free anaesthetic and analgesic alternatives in the perioperative context, opioid-based regimens remain standard of care. There is limited knowledge about the patients’ perioperative experiences of bariatric surgery, with no study yet investigating their experiences within an opioid-free care pathway. Objective: We aimed to descr

Adventitial Stromal Cells Define Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Tissue Niches

Type 2 lymphocytes promote both physiologic tissue remodeling and allergic pathology, yet their physical tissue niches are poorly described. Here, we used quantitative imaging to define the tissue niches of group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s), which are critical instigators of type 2 immunity. We identified a dominant adventitial niche around lung bronchi and larger vessels in multiple tissues,

Interferon gamma constrains type 2 lymphocyte niche boundaries during mixed inflammation

Allergic immunity is orchestrated by group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) and type 2 helper T (Th2) cells prominently arrayed at epithelial- and microbial-rich barriers. However, ILC2s and Th2 cells are also present in fibroblast-rich niches within the adventitial layer of larger vessels and similar boundary structures in sterile deep tissues, and it remains unclear whether they undergo dynamic r

Evaluating the development of endometriosis and adenomyosis lesions over time: an ultrasound study of symptomatic women

IntroductionThere is a gap in knowledge regarding development of endometriosis and adenomyosis lesions visible at transvaginal ultrasound. The objectives were to evaluate if women with symptoms suggestive of endometriosis or adenomyosis but normal ultrasound examination develop endometriosis or adenomyosis lesions visible at ultrasound over time and if alterations of symptoms over time are associa

Large eddy simulations of turbulent pipe flows at moderate Reynolds numbers

Wall-bounded turbulence is relevant for many engineering and natural science applications, yet there are still aspects of its underlying physics that are not fully understood, particularly at high Reynolds numbers. In this study, we investigate fully developed turbulent pipe flows at moderate-to-high friction velocity Reynolds numbers ( 361 ≤ R e τ ≤ 2000 ), corresponding to bulk velocity-based Re

AI-assisted capsule endoscopy reading in suspected small bowel bleeding : a multicentre prospective study

Background: Capsule endoscopy reading is time consuming, and readers are required to maintain attention so as not to miss significant findings. Deep convolutional neural networks can recognise relevant findings, possibly exceeding human performances and reducing the reading time of capsule endoscopy. Our primary aim was to assess the non-inferiority of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted reading

Synchronizing the Western Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) and Lake Kälksjön (central Sweden) sediment records using common cosmogenic radionuclide production variations

Multi-archive studies of climate events and archive-specific response times require synchronous time scales. Aligning common variations in the cosmogenic radionuclide production rate via curve fitting methods provides a tool for the continuous synchronization of natural environmental archives down to decadal precision. Based on this approach, we synchronize 10Be records from Western Gotland Basin

Factors associated with development of retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at onset and within three years after diagnosis

Objective: To investigate the prevalence of diabetes retinopathy and evaluate the factors influencing its occurrence both at the onset of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and three years into its duration. Design: Retrospective population-based study. Setting: Data was retrieved from Regional Healthcare Information Platform in Region Halland 2016–2020. Subjects: Patients 35-75 years old in Region Halland rec

Burnout resistance based on the Duration of Heating Phase concept – Literature Review and Roadmap

This study focuses on the fire behavior of structural members considering their response until the end of the fire event. The study reviews and discusses a framework for determining the burnout resistance (B) of structural members through the Duration of the Heating Phase concept (DHP). This framework complements the fire resistance rating (FRR) system by providing a rating that captures the sensi

Reduction of fire spalling of concrete with small doses of polypropylene fibres

The addition of polypropylene (PP) fibres has been shown to reduce the fire spalling propensity of concrete. When including this type of fibres in the concrete, the concrete mix becomes less robust, and small deviations in the constitutes change the workability and properties of the concrete. So, from a manufacturing perspective as small dosages as possible of PP fibres are desirable. Very few lar

Speaking Beyond Earth : Perspectives on Messaging Across Deep Space and Cosmic Time

Since the dawn of the Space Age, small cohorts of humanity have broadcast signals towards other stars, fabricated “space-time capsules” to “speak for Earth” aboard interstellar probes, deposited collections of “space oddities” on other astronomical bodies, and permanently incised the memory of our species across the deep-time legacy of the Sol System. Many of these purposeful “messages” are the co

Dietary adherence is not dependent on the mode of diagnosis in children with coeliac disease

Aim: To compare the adherence to gluten-free diet between children with serology-based and biopsy-proven coeliac disease. Methods: Medical records were retrospectively reviewed in 257 Swedish children diagnosed with coeliac disease between 2012 and 2019 at a tertiary hospital. Adherence to a gluten-free diet was systematically assessed by trained dietitians at follow-up. Mixed models were used to

Turning further East : C.H.A. Bjerregaard and the esoteric enthusiasm for Daoism

The late nineteenth and early twentieth century saw a widespread interest in Asian religion within European and American esotericism. Whereas most of that interest was directed toward India, a number of representatives of the early twentieth-century esoteric environment turned toward East Asia in order to find what they hoped to be a spiritual solution to the problems of their time. One of these i