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Your search for "*" yielded 530886 hits

A starch- and sucrose-reduced diet may lead to improvement of intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms in more conditions than irritable bowel syndrome and congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency

Objectives: A starch- and sucrose-reduced diet has been found to improve gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome, as well as reduce weight and improve psychological well-being. Our hypothesis was that a starch- and sucrose-reduced diet would also be beneficial in other conditions with similar symptoms. The aim of the present research letter was to describe the rol

Plasma neuropeptides in hyperthyroidism

Plasma levels of the neuropeptides, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP, neuropeptide Y (NPY), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P, and galanin were determined in 15 hyperthyroid patients before and at 3 occassions during 38 weeks of treatment. Treatment was performed with either 131I alone or with carbimazole, with combination of carbimazole and thyroxine, or with subtotal thyr

Template-free generation and integration of functional 1D magnetic nanostructures

The direct integration of 1D magnetic nanostructures into electronic circuits is crucial for realizing their great potential as components in magnetic storage, logical devices, and spintronic applications. Here, we present a novel template-free technique for producing magnetic nanochains and nanowires using directed self-assembly of gas-phase-generated metallic nanoparticles. The 1D nanostructures

Sin Stocks: An Analysis of the Sin Premium in the US, European, and Asia-Pacific Markets

This thesis aims to explain the return of so-called sin stocks, which include businesses operating in the alcohol, tobacco, gambling, weapon, and oil & gas industries. Due to their negative public perception, these stocks are anticipated to yield a sin premium. This study analyses the potential variation of sin premiums across three different markets, specifically the US, European, and Asia-Pa

Delivery of acute ischaemic stroke treatments in the European region in 2019 and 2020

Introduction: We assessed best available data on access and delivery of acute stroke unit (SU) care, intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and endovascular treatment (EVT) in the European region in 2019 and 2020. Patients and methods: We compared national data per number of inhabitants and per 100 annual incident first-ever ischaemic strokes (AIIS) in 46 countries. Population estimates and ischaemic stro

Serum selenium concentrations in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis and non-toxic nodular goiter

Selenium (Se) deficiency is said to contribute to the atrophy of the thyroid gland in certain endemic goiter areas in Africa. To test the hypothesis that, a low Se intake could protect against goiter development in autoimmune thyroiditis, we analysed the Se concentration in 20 patients with the atrophic variant of lymphocytic thyroiditis, 23 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 23 patients wi

Mitigating the effects of climate change in children’s outdoor play environments

Background: For many children, public playgrounds represent environments that are playful and important in developing good health. Without efforts to facilitate climate change adaptation of outdoor playgrounds there may be a negative impact on children's health and well-being.Aim: With a special focus on play value, to explore the reasoning and described strategies among professionals responsible

Position Paper No. 5: Empowerment and Participatory Health Research

Empowerment has been a key conceptual underpinning of participatory health research (PHR), both as a set of processes that inform how partners and diverse stakeholders engage with each other, as well as a set of outcomes that contribute to improved health and social equity. The concept of empowerment is present in a number of characteristics of PHR as described in Position Paper No. 1 of the ICPHR

Gästkrönika: 150 år med kvinnor vid akademin

Kort introduktion till om hur svenska kvinnor vann tillträde till högre studier genom ett riksdagsbeslut 1873 samt presentation av de sätt på vilka Lunds universitet högtidlighållit detta 150-årsjubileum.

Phylogeny, ecology and morphology of the two corticolous lichen species Rinodina colobina and R. pityrea in the Nordic countries

Rinodina pityrea and R. colobina are reported as two distinct species with differing ecology and morphological characters. Molecular analysis of their ITS and mrSSU genes show that R. pityrea and R. colobina are two clearly separated species. Furthermore, the two species are morphologically and geographically distinct in the Nordic countries and can usually be recognized with a hand lens rather th

Search for a new Z′ gauge boson in 4μ events with the ATLAS experiment

This paper presents a search for a new Z′ vector gauge boson with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using pp collision data collected at s = 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb −1. The new gauge boson Z′ is predicted by Lμ − Lτ models to address observed phenomena that can not be explained by the Standard Model. The search examines the four-muon (4μ) final s

Gaia Data Release 3: Exploring and mapping the diffuse interstellar band at 862 nm

Context. Diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are common interstellar absorption features in spectroscopic observations but their origins remain unclear. DIBs play an important role in the life cycle of the interstellar medium (ISM) and can also be used to trace Galactic structure. Aims. Here, we demonstrate the capacity of the Gaia-Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) in Gaia DR3 to reveal the spatial

Characterization of bone marrow laminins and identification of alpha5-containing laminins as adhesive proteins for multipotent hematopoietic FDCP-Mix cells

Laminins are extracellular matrix glycoproteins that influence the phenotype and functions of many types of cells. Laminins are heterotrimers composed of alpha, beta, and gamma polypeptides. So far five alpha, three beta, and two gamma polypeptide chains, and 11 variants of laminins have been proposed. Laminins interact in vitro with mature blood cells and malignant hematopoietic cells. Most studi

Coalescence and contraction of V-to-Vinf sequences in American English : Evidence from spoken language

This paper addresses the issue of coalescence of frequent collocations and its consequences for their realization and mental representation. The items examined are ‘semi-modal’ instantiations of the type V-to-Vinf, namely have to, used to, trying to and need to, in American English. We explore and compare their realization variants in speech, considering the effects of speech-internal and extra-liThis paper addresses the issue of coalescence of frequent collocations and its consequences for their realization and mental representation. The items examined are ‘semi-modal’ instantiations of the type V-to-Vinf, namely have to, used to, trying to and need to, in American English. We explore and compare their realization variants in speech, considering the effects of speech-internal and extra-li

Designing Optimal Frequency Offsets for Frequency Diverse Array MIMO Radar

Frequency diverse array (FDA) radars provide a potential solution to target localisation along the slant range and azimuth angle due to the range-angle-dependent transmit beampattern caused by the used frequency increments. However, the S -shaped beampattern resulting from the standard FDA leads to multiple candidate location estimates, introducing ambiguity in the target localization. To make ful